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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
pokeit-os4.lha 1.0 misc/emu 1001 4K 2008-03-05 ppc-amigaos icon Inserts POKEs permanently into SNA files - (readme)
pom1-mos.lha 1.0.0 misc/emu 2200 80K 2012-06-01 ppc-morphos icon Apple I emulator - (readme) 10/2024 misc/emu 390 25M 2024-10-16 WinUAE-Launcher and more - (readme)
Potator.lha 1.1 misc/emu 558 691K 2021-05-20 ppc-morphos icon Watara Supervision emulator w/ demo - (readme)
PPF2Tools.lha 2.0 misc/emu 888 32K 2002-11-06 m68k-amigaos icon ApplyPPF&MakePPF V2.0 for Amiga Official - (readme)
prg2sid-mos.lha 0.64 misc/emu 1008 23K 2012-08-14 ppc-morphos icon Attach PSID header to a ripped (prg) tune - (readme)
prlink-095b.lha misc/emu 1046 215K 1996-07-10 m68k-amigaos icon Data transfer between C64/PET/VIC/C16 and Amiga/PC-Linux - (readme)
psfpoint-os4.lha 1.03 misc/emu 1034 37K 2008-02-06 ppc-amigaos icon Edit tags of PSF music files - (readme)
PSID64.lha 0.7 misc/emu 1199 689K 2006-11-15 ppc-amigaos icon Make a C64 exe from a PSID file - (readme)
psptools-os4.lha misc/emu 972 210K 2008-02-15 ppc-amigaos icon Make PSX games playable on PSP - (readme)
pspzx81.lha 1.2.0a misc/emu 1384 1.1M 2008-04-05 ppc-amigaos icon ZX80/ZX81/TS1000 emulator based on xz81 - (readme)
PSST.lha 1.3.0 misc/emu 1247 113K 1997-09-11 Obtain real speed in PC emulators. (PcTASK,PCX,SoftWIN) - (readme)
QDOS4amiga1.lha 3.24 misc/emu 2130 186K 1998-03-04 m68k-amigaos icon QL clone (binaries and documentation) - (readme)
QDOS4amiga2.lha 3.24 misc/emu 1059 244K 1998-03-04 m68k-amigaos icon QL clone v3.24 (assembly source) - (readme)
QDOS4amiga3.lha 3.24 misc/emu 1870 315K 1998-03-04 m68k-amigaos icon QL clone v3.24 (QDOS support disk) - (readme)
RaMithlon.lha 1.1 misc/emu 1169 5K 2002-01-07 i386-amithlon icon Amithlon x86 Native Copy Routines (K7/P3) - (readme)
raw2chr_aos4.lha misc/emu 1310 6K 2006-09-21 ppc-amigaos icon NES CHR-ROM Creator - (readme)
realspectools-mos.lha 1.2 misc/emu 1181 34K 2008-10-06 ppc-morphos icon ZX Spectrum TAP utilities - (readme)
removeffs-os4.lha 1.1 misc/emu 937 20K 2008-02-13 ppc-amigaos icon Strips dummy data off GBA roms - (readme)
ResGrep03b.lha misc/emu 1013 148K 1992-08-15 m68k-amigaos icon Convert Mac resources to IFF - (readme)
retgindx.lha misc/emu 881 303K 1997-01-17 m68k-amigaos icon Index to Retro Gold Speccy CD - Loads directly to ZXAM/HA3! - (readme)
RetinaSTF.lha misc/emu 919 4K 1994-02-10 m68k-amigaos icon For Emplant/Retina, brings Mac screen to front - (readme)
RGBAevd.lha misc/emu 955 7K 1996-07-07 m68k-amigaos icon ShapeShifter EVDs for PiccoSD64 & Co. - (readme)
rhLaunch-amigaos3.lha 0.6 misc/emu 1134 66K 2012-03-07 m68k-amigaos icon rhLaunch - GUI for E-UAE - (readme)
rhLaunch-morphos.lha 0.8 misc/emu 1982 108K 2014-06-22 ppc-morphos icon rhLaunch - GUI for E-UAE - (readme)
rhLaunch-source.lha 0.8 misc/emu 1341 72K 2014-06-22 generic icon rhLaunch - GUI for E-UAE (source) - (readme)
rhLaunch.lha 0.5 misc/emu 2226 55K 2011-10-15 ppc-morphos icon rhLaunch - E-UAE GUI - (readme)
rom2gsf-mos.lha misc/emu 902 26K 2008-02-06 ppc-morphos icon Convert GBA music RIP into a GSF file - (readme)
rom2gsf-os4.lha misc/emu 969 32K 2008-02-04 ppc-amigaos icon Convert GBA music RIP into a GSF file - (readme)
ROMInfo.lha 0.2b misc/emu 1296 2K 2007-06-16 m68k-amigaos icon View info about GB/GBA/NDS-ROMs - (readme)
ROMSearcher.lha misc/emu 860 53K 1998-12-31 m68k-amigaos icon Finds hidden/encoded text in videogame ROMs (NES,GB,PCE...) - (readme)
RomSearcher_AOS4.lha misc/emu 1051 227K 2005-11-07 ppc-amigaos icon RomSearcher - (readme)
rotate.lha 1 misc/emu 964 9K 2004-05-22 m68k-amigaos icon Set the ROTATION flag of any Atari Lynx .LNX cartridge image - (readme)
rtz2dv11.lha misc/emu 892 80K 1995-11-10 m68k-amigaos icon RetinaZ2-driver >V1.1< for ShapeShifter - (readme)
RunC64_v121.lha misc/emu 918 21K 1996-02-04 m68k-amigaos icon Send file to C64 VERY fast. VERY GOOD! - (readme)
rundos.lha 1.2.5 misc/emu 1637 55K 2006-02-22 ppc-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon run MS-DOS soft by clicking on the icon - (readme)
RunDOS_1.2_MOS.lha 1.2 misc/emu 1575 32K 2006-02-05 ppc-morphos icon RunDOS - a GUI for DOSBox - (readme)
RunInDOSBox.lha r1 misc/emu 1575 639K 2013-02-06 ppc-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon i386-aros icon Double-clicked MS-DOS games run using DOSBox - (readme)
RunInDOSBoxSP.lha r1 misc/emu 1157 6K 2015-11-24 generic icon Spanish Guide for RunInDOSBox - (readme)
RunInUAE.lha r7-c misc/emu 2714 3.9M 2013-01-31 ppc-amigaos icon Double-clicked 68k games run using E-UAE - (readme)
salto_simulator.lha misc/emu 1049 12M 2016-06-26 ppc-morphos icon SALTO - Xerox Alto I/II Simulator - (readme)
sam_player.lha misc/emu 1722 223K 2006-10-13 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon Sam Synthesizer program - (readme)
Savage030Demo.lha 1.3 misc/emu 1069 30K 1996-11-22 m68k-amigaos icon FAST 4/8/15bit driver for ShapeShifter (030/MMU req.) - (readme)
Savage040-060.lha 2.41 misc/emu 1251 21K 1997-05-07 m68k-amigaos icon The 040/060 VideoDriver for ShapeShifter (4/8/15bit) - (readme)
Savage060Demo.lha misc/emu 975 23K 1996-09-05 m68k-amigaos icon VERY FAST 4/8/15bit driver for ShapeShifter-Demo(060 requires) - (readme)
SavagePPC.lha 1.0 misc/emu 1037 10K 1999-12-22 ppc-warpup icon The PPC VideoDriver for ShapeShifter (4/8/15bit) - (readme)
save.lha 1.0 misc/emu 975 1K 2003-09-27 m68k-amigaos icon Save Apple II tape via audio cable - (readme)
SaveNames1.3.lha misc/emu 871 29K 1995-10-03 m68k-amigaos icon Helps transfer files via PC disks - (readme)
scl04.lha misc/emu 874 5K 2003-09-27 m68k-amigaos icon Work with SCL-archives v0.4 - (readme)
SD64evd.lha misc/emu 926 12K 1996-06-05 m68k-amigaos icon PiccoloSD64 ext. driver for ShapeShifter - (readme)
Found 846 matching packages
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