Gerard Sweeney (Hackers Anonymous) presents:
A 99% complete index of the Limited Edition
Gold CD RETRO GOLD, listing all games
alphabetically, and which snaps to load!
Also features a Guide version which will
load the game to ZXAM, and run it. Also a
special version which links to (and also
modifies) Rastan's cool HACK ATTACK III)...
Umm, that's about it there. Oh, I will shortly be bringing out an
update guide to Hack Attack III with another 100 games hacked. I
had originally meant to bring this out a year ago, but got utterly
So, if anyone wants games hacked, or wants help on making up their
own POKE guide updates, get in touch and I'll see what I can do.
Or, if you just want to chat about old Speccy times (any YS Staff
reading this are most DEFINITELY invited to mail me!), then get
in touch at the email address above (or even the one below hehe)..
Oh, I had originally written this guide a while back, but I didn't
want to release it because of the bug (see below), but I eventually
decided to go with it in the hope that someone would help me out :-)
I'm sorry, but I had already archived all of the main program, and to
change it all to add a simple couple of lines would have caused FAR
too much work. Anyway, if big companies like Microsoft can get away
with it, why can't I? (mind you, their error was called Windows heheh).
A couple of things to start with:-
(1). Dalmation BBS has closed down, so don't call it unless you have heard
(2). This CD index is based upon the original "Gold" release CD which
Weird Science brought out... I notice now that they have brought it
out as a "official" CD, but I don't know if there's been any changes
made. If so, sorry!
(3). Well, just to prove I'm only human, here's a bug.....
The only bug I have found so far is that the "RELOAD" option doesn't
work. You either have to re-select the snapshot by clicking LOAD and then
OK, or by pressing the game name in the Guide file again.
I don't know why this is the case.. I've completely re-written the AREXX
script over and over again, and got in touch with Toni Pomar as well. So
far to no avail. If anyone comes up with some ingenious way of doing this,
please let me know in one of these ways:-
Snail Mail: Gerard Sweeney
34 Garngour Road
ML11 0EU
BBS: Dalmation BBS (12pm -> 12am Saturday only)
User ID: Gerard Sweeney
(This is about the only BBS I call now, since I now have a freebie Internet
account at work heheheh)...