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Found 86 matching package(s):
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name: ^version:path:dls:size:date:arch:desc:
AddFilenote10.lha comm/thor55304K1996-03-08m68k-amigaos Add filenote from THOR's filedatabase to downloaded files - (readme)
AddProcmail.lha1.2 comm/thor565612K1997-08-24m68k-amigaos Updates and uploads .procmailrc filter - (readme)
AminetParse.lha1.12comm/thor568721K2005-10-09m68k-amigaos FAST Aminet INDEX/RECENT parser for Thor - (readme)
antiSPAM.lha comm/thor55353K2003-08-16m68k-amigaos AntiSPAM script/config/HOWTO for THOR - (readme)
AutoNOHTML.lha2.2comm/thor55196K1998-07-25m68k-amigaos Strip HTML MAIL and autopost ANTI HTML - (readme)
AutoReply.lha1.3comm/thor567011K1998-03-29m68k-amigaos Auto mail responder for use with Thor - (readme)
AutoReplyThor.lha1.1comm/thor55165K1997-06-20m68k-amigaos Auto mail responder for use with Thor - (readme)
AutoSend.lha comm/thor561513K1997-06-20m68k-amigaos Autosend Thor Events via MIAMI (V2.1) - (readme)
Autoview.lha1.0comm/thor57364K1999-01-06m68k-amigaos Translate special message tags to dev info - (readme)
AWebMailTo.lha comm/thor55104K1996-07-31m68k-amigaos AWeb mailto script for Thor users. V1.33. - (readme)
bbsread_update.lha comm/thor554164K1997-12-01m68k-amigaos Small update to bbsread.library in THOR 2.5a - (readme)
bbssalvage.lha1.4comm/thor627613K2008-07-19generic Recover broken database BBS/conferences - (readme)
BounceSpam.lha1.5comm/thor55084K1997-08-10m68k-amigaos Add addrs to GetMail cfg in Thor (V1.5) - (readme)
calcdl10.lha comm/thor56431K1995-08-31m68k-amigaos CalcDl 1.0 for Thor 2.0 or higher - (readme)
CancelEventCED.lha comm/thor53181K1996-07-01m68k-amigaos CancelEvent.ced 1.1, Thor/CED arexx script. - (readme)
CfgBlue.lha comm/thor53596K1996-12-04m68k-amigaos CfgBlue for THOR 2.4 (BlueWave config editor) - (readme)
CleanSystem.lha1.0comm/thor47322K1998-10-08m68k-amigaos Cleans up old, unused files from THOR's system directory - (readme)
CMUrlAdd.lha1.0comm/thor46313K1999-08-28m68k-amigaos Contact Manager support for Thor (URL Grabber) - (readme)
CN.lha comm/thor46652K1997-08-19m68k-amigaos Changes email address for news postings - (readme)
DBatchFTP.lha1.0comm/thor45117K1997-08-09m68k-amigaos *ANARCHY* Use for Demon Internet Batch-FTP. - (readme)
deldupes10.lha comm/thor45541K1995-08-31m68k-amigaos DelDupes 1.0 for Thor 2.0 or higher - (readme)
DetagHTML_13.lha1.3comm/thor439017K1997-01-16m68k-amigaos Strip/conv HTML MAIL and autopost STOP! - (readme)
DLManager.lha comm/thor45367K1998-04-08m68k-amigaos DLManager v1.7 - Distribution List Manager - (readme)
DMThor.lha comm/thor45536K1997-05-13m68k-amigaos V1.52 Create Digests from Thor Conferences - (readme)
Event2Msg11.lha comm/thor45402K1996-07-01m68k-amigaos Event2Msg.Thor 1.1, Thor arexx script. - (readme)
FixMail.lha1.0comm/thor46251K1996-10-04m68k-amigaos Fix mail posting bug from Thor4Demon installer - (readme)
FixThorMail.lha1.1comm/thor45361K1997-06-11m68k-amigaos Fix the email read-only and linewrap problems in Thor 2.4 - (readme)
ftpget10.lha comm/thor46052K1995-08-31m68k-amigaos FTPGet 1.0 for Thor 2.0 or higher - (readme)
GetNET22.lha comm/thor449627K1996-11-29m68k-amigaos GetNET 2.2, URL grabber for Thor 2.4+ - (readme)
GMAutoWrite.lha4.2comm/thor44129K1999-10-30m68k-amigaos Automatically post messages with Thor, v4.2 - (readme)
GMSignature.lha0.2comm/thor44557K1999-10-30m68k-amigaos Enhances Signature system in Thor, v0.2 - (readme)
GMsuite.lha5.2comm/thor444534K2000-01-08m68k-amigaos Some really usefull scripts for Thor, v5.2 - (readme)
HeaderManager.lha1.16comm/thor43787K1999-01-01m68k-amigaos Add/edit/delete message headers in Thor - (readme)
HTMLThor.lha comm/thor45249K1997-04-15m68k-amigaos V1.48 Create HTML Pages from Thor Conferences! - (readme)
HTTP_Thor.lha0.9acomm/thor44784K1998-06-25m68k-amigaos Fixes problem with passing URL to the browser - (readme)
IBMailToThor.lha1.3comm/thor52644K1999-01-14m68k-amigaos IBrowse Arexx script for mail using Thor - (readme)
keepmsg13b.lha comm/thor45222K1996-04-09m68k-amigaos Keep important messages (Thor 2.05+) - (readme)
MDApprove.lha1.1comm/thor45305K1997-05-02m68k-amigaos Handles Majordomo approvals/bounces V1.1 - (readme)
MLManager12.lha comm/thor450421K1996-12-18m68k-amigaos Manage your mailinglists (requires THOR) - (readme)
ncFTPevents.lha comm/thor442911K1996-06-29m68k-amigaos NcFTP Aminet download with Thor. v1.32. - (readme)
Odin.lha comm/thor460440K1998-05-25m68k-amigaos Show pictures of e-mail authors in Thor - (readme)
PEInstaller.lha comm/thor44075K1996-11-21m68k-amigaos ProcessEvents Installer (BUGFIX) - (readme)
ProcessEvents2.lha1.4comm/thor444624K1998-09-22m68k-amigaos Process Thor Events II V1.4 - (readme)
ResetNews.lha1.1comm/thor44881K1998-10-08m68k-amigaos Resets the news article counters in THOR when you change news servers - (readme)
ReturnReceipt.lha1.2comm/thor44156K1998-04-21m68k-amigaos Automagically creates receipt messages V1.2 - (readme)
SafeEdit.lha1.5comm/thor44753K1999-04-26m68k-amigaos Prevents posting unedited messages with THOR - (readme)
SaveMsg.lha1.5comm/thor44623K1998-05-16m68k-amigaos Save/print Thor msgs with/without headers - (readme)
SaveUserlist.lha comm/thor44651K1998-06-24m68k-amigaos Bugfixed version of SaveUserlist.thor - (readme)
SearchTHOR.lha0.1 comm/thor44853K1997-06-11m68k-amigaos Search for text in a single msg in Thor - (readme)
SendEvents.lha comm/thor452415K1996-08-13m68k-amigaos Send Thor Events/Get News/FTP V1.7 - (readme)
Found 86 matching package(s):
>1< 2

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