84782 packages online


Showing: generic icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
ACG_Venus.lha pix/anim 4914 2.7M 1997-12-26 generic icon The transformation of s.venus - (readme)
ACG_Trans.lha pix/anim 5070 1.3M 1997-08-10 generic icon An anime girl transforms. - (readme)
ACG_S_Ride.lha pix/anim 4402 136K 1997-05-18 generic icon Small anim of a girl driving a bicycle . - (readme)
ACG_Ranma.lha pix/anim 5025 3.4M 1999-05-17 generic icon A ranma anim. - (readme)
ACG_Mercury.lha pix/anim 4384 1.5M 1997-09-27 generic icon The Transformation Of Mercury. - (readme)
ACG_Mars.lha pix/anim 5082 2.3M 1997-07-12 generic icon The Transformation Of Mars. - (readme)
ACG_Magic.lha pix/anim 4475 331K 1997-06-29 generic icon An anim to celebrate the amiga returns. - (readme)
ACG_Macarena.lha pix/anim 5003 330K 1997-03-30 generic icon An anime girl does the macarena. - (readme)
ACG_Legacy-2.lha pix/anim 4502 3.8M 1998-03-10 generic icon The story of the amiga in a very special way. - (readme)
ACG_Legacy-1.lha pix/anim 5036 4.9M 1998-04-12 generic icon The story of the amiga in a very special way. - (readme)
ACG_Jupiter.lha pix/anim 5013 2.9M 1997-06-29 generic icon Jupiter Transforms. - (readme)
ACG_Delivery.lha pix/anim 4920 3.3M 1997-10-15 generic icon The 20 minutes or it\'s free question is answered. - (readme)
ACG_Dance.lha pix/anim 5087 143K 1997-04-25 generic icon A small hi-res laced anim. - (readme)
acafe.lha pix/anim 5277 152K 1996-06-25 generic icon Short ad for AmigaCafe - (readme)
aball_wir1b.lha pix/anim 5646 451K 1999-06-07 generic icon WFrame-anim of AMIGA-text rotating around a boingball - (readme)
aball_wir1.lha pix/anim 5715 104K 1999-06-07 generic icon WFrame-anim of AMIGA-text rotating around a boingball - (readme)
A4KPPC.mpg pix/anim 4336 879K 1998-12-19 generic icon (ALN) Amiga 4000 PowerPC Logo Anim. - (readme)
A2Kfl.mpg pix/anim 4304 879K 1998-12-19 generic icon (ALN) Amiga 2000 Space Anim. - (readme)
5under.lha pix/anim 5542 90K 1996-08-15 generic icon Loop Animation done by Abe using Dpaint. Good with dance music. - (readme)
54321.lha pix/anim 5753 3K 1996-05-01 generic icon Countdown anim 320x256x1x12 - (readme)
4strokengine.lha pix/anim 5676 117K 2002-02-25 generic icon Two separate anims of a 4 stroke engine - (readme)
4Eyesrotation.lha pix/anim 5971 762K 1996-05-01 generic icon Framegrab anim HAM 320x256x6x16 - (readme)
4Eyes.lha pix/anim 6145 722K 1996-05-01 generic icon Framegrab anim HAM 320x256x6x13 - (readme)
3GlobesSmall.lha pix/anim 6195 891K 2001-10-07 generic icon Anim of earth from Stargate SG-1 320x300x8x30 - (readme)
3Globes.lha pix/anim 5931 6.5M 2001-10-07 generic icon Anim of earth from Stargate SG-1 640x480x8x60 - (readme)
3ds_max.mpg pix/anim 4911 1.9M 1996-11-29 generic icon Really great MPEG you cannot afford to ignore! - (readme)
3Dee.lha pix/anim 6137 294K 1998-01-23 generic icon 3Dee Floor coming atcha!! Don your Glasses! - (readme)
3D-FIRE.lzh pix/anim 6113 386K 1994-10-07 generic icon 3D FIRE AT LAST ! IMAGINE 3.0 - (readme)
2001-PanAm.lha pix/anim 5440 119K 1995-10-27 generic icon Tobias Richter animation - (readme)
040anim.lha pix/anim 8872 207K 1997-08-30 generic icon A truthful (but funny) way of how the 040 works. - (readme)
Found 980 matching packages
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