84782 packages online
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Not much I can say really, just watch. A spacey type Anim.
Disk 1 of 2
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
23 23 0.0% 05-Jul-92 20:44:36 .info
59278 25410 57.1% 11-Sep-90 12:41:02 Anim0
14316 5718 60.0% 11-Sep-90 12:44:12 Anim1
15592 5883 62.2% 11-Sep-90 15:00:02 Anim10
13354 3820 71.3% 11-Sep-90 13:00:04 Anim11
44492 16398 63.1% 11-Sep-90 15:17:50 Anim12
11532 3436 70.2% 11-Sep-90 15:22:18 Anim13
27000 7978 70.4% 11-Sep-90 15:32:56 Anim14
12404 4859 60.8% 11-Sep-90 15:36:48 Anim15
13048 4783 63.3% 11-Sep-90 15:40:48 Anim16
16644 7669 53.9% 11-Sep-90 15:50:04 Anim17
11352 3927 65.4% 11-Sep-90 16:02:08 Anim17b
38488 14879 61.3% 11-Sep-90 12:36:56 Anim2
7960 7768 2.4% 05-Jul-92 20:46:54 +muchmore
17752 16797 5.3% 04-Jun-92 06:32:44 +noiseplayer
1604 950 40.7% 04-Jun-92 06:36:50 +picend
2016 1263 37.3% 04-Jun-92 06:36:12 +picshow
7556 7356 2.6% 05-Jul-92 20:50:34 +ppmore
27776 13803 50.3% 04-Jun-92 06:33:36 +showanim
1424 977 31.3% 05-Jul-92 20:42:32 +wait
232 122 47.4% 05-Jul-92 21:08:14 +system-configuration
567 184 67.5% 05-Jul-92 20:43:18 +startup-sequence
21606 11105 48.6% 11-Sep-90 13:03:36 Anim17c
14858 5153 65.3% 11-Sep-90 12:39:36 Anim2b
89962 36007 59.9% 11-Sep-90 12:57:28 Anim3,4
179988 61589 65.7% 11-Sep-90 12:49:00 Anim5,6,7,8,9
142718 86804 39.1% 05-Jul-92 20:02:08 mod.zynex1
3431 1579 53.9% 05-Jul-92 21:47:54 ReadMe
430 212 50.6% 05-Jul-92 20:44:04 ReadMe.info
4776 2426 49.2% 11-Sep-90 12:36:38 Text1
2248 284 87.3% 11-Sep-90 15:05:44 Text2
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
804427 359162 55.3% 13-Jun-95 22:05:10 31 files
Contents of pix/anim/Zynex3_A.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 23 23 100.0% -lh0- 000f Jul 5 1992 .info
[generic] 25410 59278 42.9% -lh5- c99d Sep 11 1990 Anim0
[generic] 5718 14316 39.9% -lh5- 47d8 Sep 11 1990 Anim1
[generic] 5883 15592 37.7% -lh5- 3c11 Sep 11 1990 Anim10
[generic] 3820 13354 28.6% -lh5- 73ba Sep 11 1990 Anim11
[generic] 16398 44492 36.9% -lh5- 02b2 Sep 11 1990 Anim12
[generic] 3436 11532 29.8% -lh5- a6a7 Sep 11 1990 Anim13
[generic] 7978 27000 29.5% -lh5- 75b4 Sep 11 1990 Anim14
[generic] 4859 12404 39.2% -lh5- d308 Sep 11 1990 Anim15
[generic] 4783 13048 36.7% -lh5- 36f5 Sep 11 1990 Anim16
[generic] 7669 16644 46.1% -lh5- 2ade Sep 11 1990 Anim17
[generic] 3927 11352 34.6% -lh5- aa9c Sep 11 1990 Anim17b
[generic] 14879 38488 38.7% -lh5- cb52 Sep 11 1990 Anim2
[generic] 7768 7960 97.6% -lh5- 11cd Jul 5 1992 c/muchmore
[generic] 16797 17752 94.6% -lh5- a77e Jun 4 1992 c/noiseplayer
[generic] 950 1604 59.2% -lh5- d4b2 Jun 4 1992 c/picend
[generic] 1263 2016 62.6% -lh5- e15e Jun 4 1992 c/picshow
[generic] 7356 7556 97.4% -lh5- 3b3c Jul 5 1992 c/ppmore
[generic] 13803 27776 49.7% -lh5- 3eff Jun 4 1992 c/showanim
[generic] 977 1424 68.6% -lh5- 8a25 Jul 5 1992 c/wait
[generic] 122 232 52.6% -lh5- 7aab Jul 5 1992 devs/system-configuration
[generic] 184 567 32.5% -lh5- 5078 Jul 5 1992 s/startup-sequence
[generic] 11105 21606 51.4% -lh5- ca3a Sep 11 1990 Anim17c
[generic] 5153 14858 34.7% -lh5- 0281 Sep 11 1990 Anim2b
[generic] 36007 89962 40.0% -lh5- dcab Sep 11 1990 Anim3,4
[generic] 61589 179988 34.2% -lh5- 3019 Sep 11 1990 Anim5,6,7,8,9
[generic] 86804 142718 60.8% -lh5- 7081 Jul 5 1992 mod.zynex1
[generic] 1579 3431 46.0% -lh5- 0794 Jul 5 1992 ReadMe
[generic] 212 430 49.3% -lh5- ed70 Jul 5 1992 ReadMe.info
[generic] 2426 4776 50.8% -lh5- 4e1c Sep 11 1990 Text1
[generic] 284 2248 12.6% -lh5- 8630 Sep 11 1990 Text2
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 31 files 359162 804427 44.6% Jun 16 1995
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