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Requires: Any Amiga with 1.5 Meg of RAM
This is a zany animation by Hugh Groves where a maniac driver races the
countryside causing terror to animals crossing the road, they include a
worm and a hedgehog. The worm is not so fortunate but the hedgehog is more
cunning, watch and see.
Read the readme file included in the archive for more details.
Listing of archive 'Roadhog.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
628 265 57.8% 14-Jan-96 10:44:46 Roadhog.info
204 151 25.9% 18-Nov-92 13:17:38 RoadHog/C/CLS
40 34 15.0% 28-Sep-90 13:51:24 RoadHog/C/lab
3220 3109 3.4% 01-Jan-80 00:00:00 RoadHog/C/MemClear
1204 829 31.1% 28-Sep-90 13:51:28 RoadHog/C/skip
368 259 29.6% 10-Jan-80 03:35:14 RoadHog/C/Tbar
536356 207136 61.3% 13-Sep-91 18:38:02 RoadHog/Part.1
398 163 59.0% 29-Jan-96 08:46:32 RoadHog/Part.1.Audio
697670 312360 55.2% 13-Sep-91 18:38:02 RoadHog/Part.2
331 155 53.1% 29-Jan-96 08:46:58 RoadHog/Part.2.Audio
934 507 45.7% 18-Nov-92 14:04:14 RoadHog/ReadMe
1188 541 54.4% 01-Feb-96 08:43:20 RoadHog/ReadMe.info
141 112 20.5% 01-Feb-96 08:52:58 RoadHog/RoadHog
772 157 79.6% 01-Feb-96 08:43:20 RoadHog/RoadHog.info
7962 3711 53.3% 13-Sep-91 19:18:12 RoadHog/SND/BOING
42698 13029 69.4% 13-Sep-91 19:17:38 RoadHog/SND/CAR.COME
13056 9877 24.3% 13-Sep-91 19:17:04 RoadHog/SND/CAR.GO
80792 35639 55.8% 13-Sep-91 18:54:26 RoadHog/SND/CRASH
8482 6756 20.3% 13-Sep-91 18:53:46 RoadHog/SND/CREAK
6488 5189 20.0% 13-Sep-91 18:53:52 RoadHog/SND/DASH
40946 761 98.1% 13-Sep-91 19:17:20 RoadHog/SND/ENGINE
6434 2420 62.3% 13-Sep-91 18:53:56 RoadHog/SND/HORN
76806 19130 75.0% 13-Sep-91 19:18:06 RoadHog/SND/LAUGH
19694 7718 60.8% 13-Sep-91 18:53:42 RoadHog/SND/LAUGH2
1286 715 44.4% 13-Sep-91 19:17:40 RoadHog/SND/RADAR
3878 1892 51.2% 13-Sep-91 19:18:18 RoadHog/SND/SPLAT
37058 8809 76.2% 13-Sep-91 19:18:34 RoadHog/SND/WIND
99132 45410 54.1% 01-Feb-96 08:51:18 RoadHog/View
2936 2936 0.0% 13-Sep-91 18:59:32 RoadHog/View.Doc
1188 541 54.4% 01-Feb-96 08:43:20 RoadHog/View.Doc.info
262 177 32.4% 01-Feb-96 08:43:20 RoadHog/View.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1692552 690488 59.2% 01-Feb-96 08:54:22 31 files
Contents of pix/anim/Roadhog.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 265 628 42.2% -lh5- 807a Jan 14 1996 Roadhog.info
[generic] 151 204 74.0% -lh5- 6dcc Nov 18 1992 RoadHog/C/CLS
[generic] 34 40 85.0% -lh5- 6bd7 Sep 28 1990 RoadHog/C/lab
[generic] 3109 3220 96.6% -lh5- 1ee4 Jan 1 1980 RoadHog/C/MemClear
[generic] 829 1204 68.9% -lh5- 44d6 Sep 28 1990 RoadHog/C/skip
[generic] 259 368 70.4% -lh5- 2626 Jan 10 1980 RoadHog/C/Tbar
[generic] 207136 536356 38.6% -lh5- 3eab Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/Part.1
[generic] 163 398 41.0% -lh5- c97b Jan 29 1996 RoadHog/Part.1.Audio
[generic] 312360 697670 44.8% -lh5- 4588 Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/Part.2
[generic] 155 331 46.8% -lh5- 9c40 Jan 29 1996 RoadHog/Part.2.Audio
[generic] 507 934 54.3% -lh5- 47fc Nov 18 1992 RoadHog/ReadMe
[generic] 541 1188 45.5% -lh5- a4a3 Feb 1 1996 RoadHog/ReadMe.info
[generic] 112 141 79.4% -lh5- e124 Feb 1 1996 RoadHog/RoadHog
[generic] 157 772 20.3% -lh5- 01c2 Feb 1 1996 RoadHog/RoadHog.info
[generic] 3711 7962 46.6% -lh5- 9d64 Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/BOING
[generic] 13029 42698 30.5% -lh5- 7d3e Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/CAR.COME
[generic] 9877 13056 75.7% -lh5- f1e5 Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/CAR.GO
[generic] 35639 80792 44.1% -lh5- 170a Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/CRASH
[generic] 6756 8482 79.7% -lh5- ede1 Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/CREAK
[generic] 5189 6488 80.0% -lh5- 8820 Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/DASH
[generic] 761 40946 1.9% -lh5- 3c7a Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/ENGINE
[generic] 2420 6434 37.6% -lh5- dc83 Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/HORN
[generic] 19130 76806 24.9% -lh5- e2fe Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/LAUGH
[generic] 7718 19694 39.2% -lh5- 6167 Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/LAUGH2
[generic] 715 1286 55.6% -lh5- c6e3 Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/RADAR
[generic] 1892 3878 48.8% -lh5- b7d3 Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/SPLAT
[generic] 8809 37058 23.8% -lh5- f438 Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/SND/WIND
[generic] 45410 99132 45.8% -lh5- b246 Feb 1 1996 RoadHog/View
[generic] 2936 2936 100.0% -lh0- 89aa Sep 13 1991 RoadHog/View.Doc
[generic] 541 1188 45.5% -lh5- 5d4f Feb 1 1996 RoadHog/View.Doc.info
[generic] 177 262 67.6% -lh5- 72b9 Feb 1 1996 RoadHog/View.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 31 files 690488 1692552 40.8% Feb 2 1996
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