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Short:OpalAnimMate anim by Carmen Rizzolo. Ad for OpalPaint Arexx Script
Download:pix/anim/PanelOAnim.lha - View contents

You have just downloaded either one of the following:

PanelCPU.LHA - A JPEG image showing one of the features of the Video
  Panel Machine: A new Arexx script for OpalPaint 2.x.

PanelAnim.LHA- A 12-bit dithered OpalAnimMate animation showing many
of the features of The Video Panel Machine.

                 **   ANNOUNCING: The Video Panel Machine **

          An image/animation utility Arexx script for OpalPaint v2.x

                              By Carmen Rizzolo

    The animation in this archive was rendered in Imagine, and processed
in OpalPaint v2.1 using THE VIDEO PANEL MACHINE.

    The Video Panel Machine takes your images and animations [series of
images] and adds "panels" to them.  The panels give a zoomed in or zoomed
out representation on the image information behind it.  This effect is
frequently used lately in commercials and music videos.  As you can see by
the animation, it's a very nifty effect when the subject is moving.

----  Features:

* Rectangular panels that 'zoom' the image information behind it

* Spheres that 'refract' the image information behind it

* Custom shapes [defined by 2-colour or OpalPaint brushes] such as logos

* Chroma distortion at definable intensities

* Brightness and/or Darkness distortion at definable intensities

* Greyscale effect on panels and/or on the background
  (Colour panels on a black and white background is a very classy effect)

* Mosaic distortion on panels and/or the background

* Animation "staggering" effect for the panels or the background
  (as shown in the greyscale panel in the animation) at definable frame
  step rates.

* Draw your panels directly on a frame to place them

* Saves project files in ASCII text format.  Different animations (at the
  same resolution) can share the same project file.  Project files can be

* The option of using an alternate image or animation for the background


    Notice: Just so you don't get the wrong idea, this animation was not
made all at once.  This animation was created in 5 passes through the
Video Panel Machine.  Currently, you can't say, have a mosaic rectangle
and refracting sphere all in one project.  So I did it once, then did it
again using the first project's output as an alternate background.  Worked
out rather slick, I thougt. :)



    I think that $15 is quite a bargain for this utility.  I was
planning on charging $15 for it back when all it did was rectangular
panels.  After adding all the new features and animation effects, the
price did not go up, but I feel the value has at least doubled.

    Here's how it works, folks:

    The cost of the registration is $15.  Payment must be made in the
form of a United States money order.  If you are fortunate enough to
have Internet mail access, I can UUENCODE the file and E-Mail it to
you upon recieving the money order.  If you want, you can call me
after you think your money order has arrived here and I can upload
the file to you directly.  My telephone number is (619) 573-0285.

    If I need to mail the program to you, it gets a bit more
expensive.  If you live within the United States, add $5 for the cost
of a floppy disk and shipping.  If you live outside the United
States, then add $10 for the cost of a floppy disk and shipping.

    If you do not have access to internet E-mail, I strongly suggest
asking a friend to handle the E-Mail for you or something.  Of course
it is important that you know how to UUDECODE files.  It's quicker
and cheaper this way.


Registration via modem or E-Mail: $15

Registration via postal mail in US: $20

Registration via postal mail outside the US: $25

Use the following address:

The Video Panel Machine
c/o Carmen Rizzolo
4820 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. #5
San Diego, California.  92117


    Be sure to include your full name, address and telephone number
in your letter.  Thank you!

Contents of pix/anim/PanelOAnim.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1806    3952  45.7% -lh5- f3d9 Aug  8  1993 PanelMachine.ReadMe
[generic]              2290919 3760964  60.9% -lh5- fb9c Aug  8  1993 RaceCar.OpalAnim
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         2 files 2292725 3764916  60.9%            Aug  9  1993
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