Short:        Funny animation edited using CartoonStudio.
Author: (Marco Vigelius)
Uploader:     vigi cybercomm nl (Marco Vigelius)
Type:         pix/anim
Architecture: generic

'Don't Jump' is an animation I did a few years back, but recently I
edited it using CartoonStudio.

CartoonStudio is a true WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get),
IFF-animation program for the Amiga. CartoonStudio allows you to add
all kind of different events to your animations. With just a few
clicks of the mouse you will, for example, be able to assign a
soundsample to a particular frame in your animation or make a frame
fade smoothly in. You can use your favourite drawingpackage, which
uses the IFF-Anim5 standard, to draw your animation and when finished
use CartoonStudio to make your animation really stand out from the
rest. Your finished productions can be easily played back in realtime
using the freely distributable CartoonPlayer program.

To use CartoonStudio you'll need an Amiga with at least Kickstart 2.04
and 1Mb of memory, But if you really want to benefit from all
CartoonStudios features, more memory is recommended. It also seems a
bit unstable on Amigas with a 68000 processor, therefore a 68020 or
better is highly recommended. CartoonPlayer is quite stable on all

CartoonStudio can be downloaded from Aminet:


or from the CartoonStudio homepage:

Thankyou for watching my animation!

Marco Vigelius,