Short:        A animation of StarTrekNG. By D.Bigazzi.
Author:       Davide Bigazzi
Uploader:     david rosenet it
Type:         pix/anim
Architecture: generic

These is the entire animation of the main title of StarTrekNG in mpeg format.
The original size of this work is 11 mbyte. I have make a conversion in mpeg
format  with ImageFX. The frame size is 320*200.
The scene is made with LightWave 4.

The hardware:  Amiga 4000/40-25Mhz - 18 Mbyte
               Monitor Acerview 17i
               Modem 28800
               HP 550C
               Oktagon 2008
               HD 1200 mbyte - Iomega Zip
               CD-Rom NEC Multispin 2X

The Software:  LightWave 5
               Imagine 5
               Real3d 3.1
               ImageFX 2.6
               ArtEffect 2
               Photogenics 2
               PersonalPaint 7
               I-Change Plus