Short:        Amiga Rulez! - traced anim by mADbART/aPPENDIx
Author:       MadBart of Appendix
Uploader:     madbart anadune p10 f22 n481 z2 fidonet org
Type:         pix/anim
Architecture: generic

    ___                             ________   _____
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 /                         _/__  /              ______   _____    ___/___|
/__________            _______/ /---------------\    /_______            \
 |        /-----/______\         T÷HE SEC÷T BBS             /_____________\
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 |      _____    ·an official Appendix World HeadQuarter·  .----'        |
 |_____|::   |       ·one of da best in whole Poland·      `---------.   |
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|         |                   node #2:   +48 091 PRI-VATE       .--'     |
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|_________|      yourz friendly sysop: Madbart                           |
 |                           co-sysop: Vip                      .        |
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 |      The Sect yz an `Appendix WHQ'`Venture PHQ'`Ozone Free PHQ'|::      |
 |             `Venus Art PHQ'`Anadune PHQ' official board.       |        |
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 |_ctp!/amf_______________________________________________________|    |:: |