* The Song With No Name *
*(for it shall be known as the nameless one)*
* by Hotcakes of INTERACTIVE!!! *
Me 'gain! Here is a hardtrancey sorta repetative (really!) med for
ya... And a couple of dodgy samples. (Might sound better if you turn the
filter on) But nevertheless, it's my first module whereas I can actually say
that ALL the samples are 100% my own! Wooo. And to make things all that much
better, you even get a weird sorta weird second mod as well. It's a multiMED.
But you'll get bored of that pretty quickly. :) Aaanyway it's also my first
mod under the Interactive label, where I'll probably be releasing the majority
of my mods now, rather than Resistance... urrr... maybe. Probably. I talk
too much.
Tek speks:
Format : Multi-MED
#of songs: 2
Size : 245698 bytes
Length 1 : 5 minutes 20 seconds
Length 2 : 40 seconds
Greets to all in Resistance and Interactive and big BOOOOOOOOOs to those in
Deluded Design... Who, needless to say, still havn't done any better than
RST. Now I wish I made a bet with someone. :) I don't wanna say I told you
so, but, I told you so!
(And while I'm on the topic, to Anthrium's deluded announcement of Resistance
being dead (!), it's just sleeping you fool.)
Here are listed all my tunes. Only the ones I consider to be decent are in
Module Name Filename Module type Label
2 Da Core 2DaCore MEDule RESISTANCE
240BPM rompinstompin hardcore techno. Ow.
Adnauseum Adnauseam.MED MEDule RESISTANCE
Adnauseam 1/2.
Adnauseam 2 mod.beep MODule RESISTANCE
Adnauseam 2/2.
Agoraphobia Agoraphobia MEDule RESISTANCE
So good I got invited to join Interactive!
Be Happy BeHappy OctaMEDule RESISTANCE
My first released 8 channel medule.
Bondage And Whipped Cream BandWC.mod MODule RESISTANCE
My first really decent tune. As heard on radio ;)
Dance Alf Dance mod.DAD MODule RESISTANCE
A dancemix of the Alf theme. Luv-er-ly.
Flowers In The Forest Flowers.mod MEDule RESISTANCE
A remix of a Skid Row tro.
Old Angsomething _Old_Angsomething_ MEDule RESISTANCE
A short remix of that tune. What's it name?
Overdose OvErDøSe.mod MODule RESISTANCE
A remix of one of U4IA's tunes. Still a classic.
Spaced _S_p_a_c_e_d_ MEDule RESISTANCE
Weirdness Got The Boy mod.WeirdGOTBOY MEDule RESISTANCE
It even reminded a few people of Pacman. It's beyond me.
Yakked Yakked MEDule RESISTANCE
A version of that American theme... In 6/4 Hardcore style ;)
Young Young.med MEDule RESISTANCE
A remix of Slice's remix of Forever Young. The bass is a bit off :)
Module Name Filename Module type Label
Chuck Rock 2 Level 2 Theme mod.ChuckII-2 MEDule RESISTANCE
Just another channel of melody and echos and stuff. Even nicer.
*Muddish Thingy MudThing.mod MODule RESISTANCE
Yeh. Banjo at it's worst :)
Shits med.Shits MEDule RESISTANCE
Converted from 4 to 3 channels with only an 16k increase.
Sorrow Sorrow.mod MODule RESISTANCE
Another piano tune... Still quite nice...
Module Name Filename Original Module type Now
000BFABC 000BFABC Whittaker Multi-MEDule
Taken from the castle level on Shadow Of The Beast.
168 Let's Go 168Let'sGo Compact Disk MEDule
As found on Strictly Techno CD.
Character Generation CharGen.MD1 SMUS MEDule
As found on the character generation screen on Eye Of The Beholder.
Finale Finale.MD1 SMUS MEDule
As found on the extro to Eye Of The Beholder.
Here's Johnny HeresJonny! Tape MEDule
That goddamned popular hardcore (!) track. Good conversion tho.
*Hero HERO.MED Vectordean Multi-MEDule
As found on the intro to Sensible World Of Soccer 95-96.
Menu Music MMUS.MED Vectordean Multi-MEDule
As found on Sensible World Of Golf's menu screens.
New Intro NewIntro1.MD1 SMUS MEDule
As found on the intro to Eye Of The Beholder.
*Unnamed 1 Unnamed1.MED Tape MEDule
Unnamed 2 was too big so I killed it before release.
Unnamed 4 Unnamed4.MED Tape MEDule
Unnamed 3 was too big so I killed it before release.
Lots of others, too... Which I have lost over the time. If anybody has any
of my mods marked with a * before the name, or any of the Eye Of The Beholder
1 and 2 tunes and Shadow Of The Beast tunes I converted which are unmentioned
in the above lists, please, upload em somewhere!!!
Also if anybody on the Net wants to hear a tune I havn't previously given the
world (oh gee) then tell me and you'll see it there within, urr, a fourtnight
ANYWAY! If you want to get in contact with me, for any reason, yes, any,
no, really, I want to hear about how you brushed your teeth last night, true,
oh, ok, I was lying, urr... you can reach me at the email address at the top
of this doc file. Too lazy to go look up there again? OK, it's right here
And you should probably address it to Hotcakes or CAT, cuz it ain't my email
address :)
Anyway while I'm here I'll plug his web page too:
... It's the best page on SATech! :)
And if you want to hang around talking about modules, the weather, or how good
you are at biting off your toenails, then I've been told the majority of the
Interactive mob can be found on irc.funet.fi (#jungle and #interactive) most
of the time.
You probably won't ever bump into me there tho.
Unless you fluke it.
I dont have an INet account. Poor me. Oh yeh. If anyone wants to give me
$AUS200 for a decent account, well, I won't stop you :)
It's a little dissapointing how nobody ever answers to these offers <grin>
ANYWAY! Nuff of me.