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This is simple scroller for terminals supporting ansi sequences written
in ansi C under Unix (SunOS) but should work on all systems (even Amiga).
To install type "gzip -d Scroller" and then "sh Scroller"
(or "chmod 700 Scroller" and "Scroller"). Installer automaticaly writes
doc, source in current directory and compiles it.
On Amiga you have to manually cut out source and simply type
"execute scroller.c" for compiling with SAS C.
scroll [-x<xn>][-y<yn>][-w<wd>][-l<lp>][-d<del>] textfile
x,y - upper left corner of scroller (1,1)
w - scroller width (77)
l - loop counter (1)
d - delay (0)
Type for example:
scroll -y18 -w80 -l2 text
Minimal value for x,y,w is 1. Maximal value for width is 200 (if you have
such wide terminal or use window under XWindows). Height of scroller is
constant (6 chars). If your terminal is too fast use delay option.
Without any arguments scroller displays all possible characters.
If you like and use it send to me a postcard or e-mail.
This program is of course FREEWARE :) but you still CAN send to me
1GB hard disk, 040 or 060 card for my A4030, digital multisync monitor, etc.
Pawel Hernik
Nowowiejska 24/3
25532 Kielce
E-mail: spi-ph@srv1.tu.kielce.pl
Contents of misc/unix/Scroller.Z
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