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Short:Ant and flee like simulation. Optimized.
Author:Joar Berntsen
Uploader:joar berntsen netcom no
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Download:misc/sci/LiFun4speed.lha - View contents

This is an optimized
and changed version of Lifun.

This release is for anyone
who liked -misc/sci/Lifun
but thought it was slow.

after uploading it
I will delete it from my HD
because if I wanna continue the consept,
I will do it from scratch,
as the included BB2 source
is not very well designed.

changes since v1.0:

Its ages since I modified Lifun,
but I'll try to remember...

+both ants and fleas are processed
 faster when they are many.
 Im not sure exactly how much faster,
 anything in 2-6x.

-I decided to remove lasers,
 because lasers are not that fun...

+...instead, the laser color register
 is used for an other effect,
 currently for nothing special,
 just a kind of forest/wegetation.

+you can move all your white ants
 with arrow keys.

+probably more.


-not a game.
-bad graphics.
-not any music.
-lame sounds.
-basic code.
-badly drawn iff maps by me.

is there any way this program
is good you ask? ;)

yes, if you:

*are interested in ants.
*find hopping flees, intriging.
*like simulators of any kind.
*enjoy to see a little pixel move about
 in a stupid and senseless pattern,
 through minefields, unluckily avoiding
 food, while watching his fellowers drown beside him,
 only to be killed by an enemy laser on
 the far side of the map. :)  (I do!)

docs inside.

note that there may be typos
or false information in the doc.

some maps are also outdated, but works.

all this is because the development has
gone slowly forward the last 6 years. ;)

Contents of misc/sci/LiFun4speed.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  539     993  54.3% -lh5- 1271 Feb 21  2002
[generic]                  541     993  54.5% -lh5- 2835 Jul 20  2001 Lifun/
[generic]                   39     524   7.4% -lh5- 3598 Jun 25  2001 Lifun/CopyToFonts/Small.font
[generic]                 1160    1920  60.4% -lh5- 6823 Jan 18  2001 Lifun/CopyToFonts/Small/6
[generic]                 1476    2380  62.0% -lh5- 17d8 Jan 18  2001 Lifun/CopyToFonts/Small/7
[generic]                 3081    3544  86.9% -lh5- 0bf8 Jul 23  1999 Lifun/LifeData/1.snd
[generic]                  630     690  91.3% -lh5- 62d0 Jul 23  1999 Lifun/LifeData/2.snd
[generic]                  713    1186  60.1% -lh5- 6fd6 Jul 23  1999 Lifun/LifeData/3.snd
[generic]                 3091    3584  86.2% -lh5- 5809 Jan 20  2000 Lifun/LifeData/4.snd
[generic]                 1686    1856  90.8% -lh5- d68c Jul 23  1999 Lifun/LifeData/5.snd
[generic]                 5796   11636  49.8% -lh5- 0306 Jul 23  1999 Lifun/LifeData/basebirth.snd
[generic]                 1219    2242  54.4% -lh5- 60b6 Jan 21  2000 Lifun/LifeData/basebirth2.snd
[generic]                14502   24832  58.4% -lh5- 94b9 Jul 23  1999 Lifun/LifeData/Boom.snd
[generic]                 1272    3112  40.9% -lh5- 03cb Jan 20  2000 Lifun/LifeData/eat.snd
[generic]                 1543    1720  89.7% -lh5- cc87 Jul 23  1999 Lifun/LifeData/energydie.snd
[generic]                  348     356  97.8% -lh5- 2220 Jul 27  2000 Lifun/LifeData/kill.snd
[generic]                  564     702  80.3% -lh5- fb9f Sep 22  2000 Lifun/LifeData/Splash.snd
[generic]                 1748    2112  82.8% -lh5- 4e92 Jan 21  2000 Lifun/LifeData/takebase.snd
[generic]                 4960   12318  40.3% -lh5- 1e58 Jul 14  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-achoice
[generic]                 2390   10664  22.4% -lh5- 4e1d Sep 22  2000 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-bigFight
[generic]                 4829   13716  35.2% -lh5- b145 Jul 12  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-classicTouch
[generic]                 3708   11146  33.3% -lh5- f3b1 Nov 12  2000 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-conquerAreas
[generic]                  999    8180  12.2% -lh5- be27 Jul 19  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-DieOfEnergyLoss
[generic]                 1701    9630  17.7% -lh5- 290c Jul 12  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-floatTestMap
[generic]                 3594   10542  34.1% -lh5- 30b9 Jun 27  2002 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-island
[generic]                 5242   13906  37.7% -lh5- bb5d Jul 12  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-longFight
[generic]                 6727   14848  45.3% -lh5- bac7 Oct  9  2000 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-longJourney
[generic]                 2775    7712  36.0% -lh5- 6c10 Jul 19  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-manybases
[generic]                 1945    7160  27.2% -lh5- 70a2 Jul 12  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-narrowFight
[generic]                 2743   11284  24.3% -lh5- 6781 Nov  8  2000 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-neverGiveup
[generic]                 2665    9784  27.2% -lh5- 526d Jul 12  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-openTheBattlefield
[generic]                 4707   13064  36.0% -lh5- 1106 Jul 19  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-ReachTheDough
[generic]                 7879   17336  45.4% -lh5- d7b7 Oct  9  2000 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-sporadicNothingness
[generic]                 2127    9944  21.4% -lh5- 8d06 Jul 12  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-squareFight
[generic]                 2461   11168  22.0% -lh5- 9673 Jul 12  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-takeTheBases
[generic]                 4066   13076  31.1% -lh5- 628c Jul 18  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-TheLuckyBreath
[generic]                 1045    5376  19.4% -lh5- 3633 Jul 12  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-TheLuckyBreath2
[generic]                  980   11872   8.3% -lh5- ba70 Jan 13  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-tunnels
[generic]                 2691   11492  23.4% -lh5- 2158 Nov 12  2000 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-UControlWhitesBaseBirth
[generic]                 1043    7144  14.6% -lh5- 72c3 Mar 14  2002 Lifun/LifeMaps/ants-yellow
[generic]                  851    8056  10.6% -lh5- 9bfe Mar 10  2002 Lifun/LifeMaps/fleas-4sides2battles
[generic]                 2189    8094  27.0% -lh5- 2a82 Mar 10  2002 Lifun/LifeMaps/fleas-findTheTreasure
[generic]                 1487    8078  18.4% -lh5- e45c Mar 10  2002 Lifun/LifeMaps/fleas-getDown
[generic]                 2259    8186  27.6% -lh5- 5a2b Mar 10  2002 Lifun/LifeMaps/fleas-ReachTheTop
[generic]                  835    7054  11.8% -lh5- 7231 Mar 10  2002 Lifun/LifeMaps/fleas-willHeEVERmakeIt?
[generic]                  804    6780  11.9% -lh5- 4d26 Mar 10  2002 Lifun/LifeMaps/fleas-yummyElevator
[generic]                  561    6318   8.9% -lh5- a691 Jul 11  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/fleas1
[generic]                  686    8270   8.3% -lh5- f243 Jul 12  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/fleas2
[generic]                 1545    8234  18.8% -lh5- e929 Jul 12  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/fleas3
[generic]                  893    8282  10.8% -lh5- 937a Jul 12  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/fleas4
[generic]                 2470    8556  28.9% -lh5- 288f Jul 12  2001 Lifun/LifeMaps/HELP
[generic]                  264    4750   5.6% -lh5- f107 Mar 14  2002 Lifun/LifeMaps/template
[generic]                 5061   15655  32.3% -lh5- d8f8 Jan 23  2003 Lifun/Lifun
[generic]                 5059   15651  32.3% -lh5- 1327 Aug 17  2002 Lifun/Lifun.bak
[generic]                 1507    3091  48.8% -lh5- 9678 Aug  6  2002 Lifun/Lifun.doc
[generic]                37522   85580  43.8% -lh5- 694f Jan 23  2003 Lifun/lifun.exe
[generic]                  256     383  66.8% -lh5- a211 Mar 14  2002 Lifun/
[generic]                  994    1847  53.8% -lh5- 0fc6 Jan 27  2003 Lifun/LiFun.readme
[generic]                  206    1278  16.1% -lh5- dd23 Jan 23  2003 Lifun/Lifun.xtra
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        59 files  176674  519887  34.0%            Feb  2  2003
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