Features: 3D simulation, realtime preview, easy species manipulation,
POV-Ray export, OpenGL display
All additional files required by Framsticks are available on aminet
+ MUI system v3.8 (C) Stefan Stuntz dev/mui/mui38usr.lha
+ Textfield.gadget v3 (C) Mark Thomas dev/gui/textfield.lha
+ NList.mcc v19 (C) Gilles Masson dev/mui/MCC_NList0.84.lha
Optional files for OpenGL display: (registered users only, FPU required)
+ AmigaMesaRTL v2.0 by Jarno van der Linden
+ Mesa.mcc by Szymon Ulatowski
Changes since version 1.0
* OpenGL support!
* contains simulator module v0.938
+ full energy calculation
+ different neuron types
+ more realistic muscles simulation
+ new evolution options (species similarity)
+ new physical simulation model
* user interface improvements
* many bugfixes
The objective of this project is to study evolution process in a
computer-simulated artificial world. We hope that, like in the real world,
despite randomness and aimlessness of basic evolution mechanisms, it will
lead to creation of more and more efficient "artificial organisms", still
better and better adapted to the "artificial world" conditions.
WWW support: http://www.frams.poznan.pl/
e-mail: support@frams.poznan.pl
On-line registration: http://order.kagi.com/?ONM
Archive contains optimized versions for 020,020+FPU,040
Tested on Kickstart 3.0 only.