======== PLEASE READ ========
Distance2 computes the distance, when latitudes and longitudes of two places are given.
Just load Distance2.amos to your Amos or STOS, or Distance2.bas to some other Basic,
and run it. Amos should not give any error messages, other may, I have not tested.
Program asks latitudes and longitudes of the places (totally four floating point numbers)
and gives then the result in km. If you want to compute an other distance, give Y
at the Again-prompt. Latitudes may range from -90.0 to 90 (- is south,+ north)
and longitudes from -180 to 180 (now - means east ,+ west). No range checking
is performed, it is in your own respondibility.
Due to the bugs of the Amos compiler,the compiled version I have let away from this archive.
If you anyway want use the compiled version, it can be found in misc/sci/distance.lha,
but it makes noticeable error when the range crosses equator, 0-meridian, or international
Distance2 makes still error upto 20 km, but I have not found why.
New in version 2:You can enter angles using minutes, too.
So if you wish enter 61 degrees 20 minutes south latitude, just enter -61.30.
Tapani Hoyssa:phone: 00-358-3-3411603
=====Last minute bonus==============
I have included a TurboCalc-sheet "Etaisyys.TCD" to the archive. It shows distances to
several famous places from Nokia, Finland (my hometown).
You Can enter your own places to the sheet and the dist. is shown in column I.
Placename A |
Latitude,degrees B |
Latitude,minutes C ---- You can enter here your own values
Longitude,degrees D |
Longitude,minutes E |
Latitude,absolute F \
Longitude,absolute G ---- These you can not alter
Intermediate result H /
Place, where the distance is computed from:cells A17-E17.This you can alter too
Earth radius :cell B18. You can change this to miles, so you will
get the results in miles, if you change it to light-years, you get results
in light-years, if you change it to nautical miles you get the results in nautical miles,
The sheet is in Finnish only, sorry.