This cellular automata is an experimental ant simulator.
The user can choose the number of ants, the size of the
playfield and the amount of pheromons every ant is
leaving on the playfield every generation. As every ant
is searching for pheromons, they are expected to follow
other ants path. If they don't find any pheromon, they
travel randomly. The amount of pheromon left on the
playfield is decreasing with time.
The ants behaviour is a bit strange, though. I expect to
find a better algorithm next time. Still, You can consider
it as a nice screensaver.
Versions for various processors provided, as well as a
french translation.
Ant.project is for Emperor.
Ant.¶ is for Stormc3.
This program was made with Emperor (dev/c). My other
programs are: Tiger-light (misc/sci) and automate8e
(included in the Emperor package).