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Short: | Electronic circuit simulator. V2.11 |
Author: | thrower zeus.polsl.gliwice.pl (Mariusz Cmok) |
Uploader: | thrower zeus polsl gliwice pl (Mariusz Cmok) |
Type: | misc/sci |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-03-22 |
Replaces: | misc/sci/amilab.* |
Download: | misc/sci/AmiLab2E.lha - View contents | Readme: | misc/sci/AmiLab2E.readme |
Downloads: | 6437 |
AmiLab is the program of simulation and project the electonic
systems. The program may be started on any Amiga with
2 Meg and minimum OS version V2.04 and procesor min. 68020.
Program's features
-- possibility of simulation the digital and analog systems.
-- digital and analog systems can be connected together freely.
-- the program simulates each schema, even it is nonsence.
-- the schema's edition one can realize on a started schema
(until any element is moving out, all changes won't be
influence on a simulation)
-- parameters of the majority of elements one can change during the
simulation with an immediate result. (it doesn't refer to
digital systems)
-- we can mark all elements, point modules and create
short discription by the elements.
-- the simple edition's functions was connected cutting,
introduction of blocks, change the style and colour of the
-- for majority of elements was elaborated short peaces of information.
-- for each schema one can elaborate his own description in a
system of references.
-- the possibility of state the size of the record for the schema.
-- the possibility of introducting the macroelements.
-- the possibility of state units bases. It allows to the precise
simulation of the different types of systems, both big frequences,
and the power systems etc.
-- the posibility of print the peace of schema or record it as
a picture.
-- configuration of the screen and the colours.
-- and more others.
LhA Freeware Version 1.94
Copyright © 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg.
Copyright © 1998 by Jim Cooper.
Listing of archive 'Reserved:AmiLab2E.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1720 901 47.6% 02-Oct-98 17:31:52 AmiLab/alb-pol.keymap
261256 138995 46.7% 20-Mar-99 17:15:26 AmiLab/amilab
3871 545 85.9% 02-Oct-98 16:57:16 AmiLab/AmiLab.info
462 241 47.8% 28-Dec-98 16:31:36 AmiLab/amilab.prefs
1702 786 53.8% 08-Feb-99 15:28:58 AmiLab/AmiLab2E.readme
15656 5680 63.7% 25-Dec-98 12:02:16 AmiLab/basic.ext
808 453 43.9% 03-Oct-98 17:26:58 AmiLab/cir/1.Basic motions/I Kirchoff's rule.alb
1068 626 41.3% 03-Oct-98 17:30:16 AmiLab/cir/1.Basic motions/II Kirchoff's rule.alb
436 280 35.7% 03-Oct-98 17:31:58 AmiLab/cir/1.Basic motions/Ohm's law.alb
4410 2102 52.3% 03-Oct-98 17:41:08 AmiLab/cir/1.Basic motions/Resonance.alb
750 380 49.3% 03-Oct-98 18:00:28 AmiLab/cir/2.Basic elements/Capacitor loading.alb
750 392 47.7% 03-Oct-98 17:51:14 AmiLab/cir/2.Basic elements/Diac.alb
968 414 57.2% 03-Oct-98 17:53:00 AmiLab/cir/2.Basic elements/Diode LED.alb
918 388 57.7% 03-Oct-98 17:55:12 AmiLab/cir/2.Basic elements/Diode.alb
956 432 54.8% 03-Oct-98 17:50:24 AmiLab/cir/2.Basic elements/Inductor - unstable state.alb
1452 516 64.4% 03-Oct-98 17:58:52 AmiLab/cir/2.Basic elements/Operational amplifier.alb
1356 489 63.9% 03-Oct-98 17:56:00 AmiLab/cir/2.Basic elements/Thyristor 1.alb
1666 633 62.0% 03-Oct-98 17:57:06 AmiLab/cir/2.Basic elements/Thyristor 2.alb
708 355 49.8% 03-Oct-98 17:42:34 AmiLab/cir/2.Basic elements/Transistor/Characterisics.alb
1650 752 54.4% 03-Oct-98 17:46:30 AmiLab/cir/2.Basic elements/Transistor/System OB.alb
1440 617 57.1% 03-Oct-98 17:47:50 AmiLab/cir/2.Basic elements/Transistor/System OE.alb
1068 443 58.5% 03-Oct-98 17:54:18 AmiLab/cir/2.Basic elements/Zener Diode.alb
1626 660 59.4% 10-Oct-98 17:00:20 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Converters/Voltage multiplication.alb
1206 559 53.6% 10-Oct-98 17:00:48 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Equalizers/With parallel transistor.alb
1480 795 46.2% 30-Jul-97 14:49:44 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Equalizers/With serial transistor.alb
1168 624 46.5% 10-Oct-98 17:05:28 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Equalizers/With Zener diode.alb
1138 527 53.6% 10-Oct-98 17:06:30 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Rectifiers/1-phase. 1.alb
1078 487 54.8% 10-Oct-98 17:06:46 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Rectifiers/1-phase. 2.alb
2702 787 70.8% 10-Oct-98 17:07:08 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Rectifiers/3-phase.alb
1648 785 52.3% 10-Oct-98 17:06:08 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Regulated/with transistor.alb
980 415 57.6% 10-Oct-98 17:07:36 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Ripple filter/one-half-wave.alb
1002 439 56.1% 10-Oct-98 17:07:46 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Ripple filter/two-half waves RC.alb
980 429 56.2% 10-Oct-98 17:08:06 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Ripple filter/two-half-waves 1C.alb
1506 631 58.1% 10-Oct-98 17:09:16 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Ripple filter/two-half-waves LC.alb
1598 652 59.1% 10-Oct-98 17:09:36 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Thyristor converters/By transistors.alb
1762 795 54.8% 10-Oct-98 17:11:14 AmiLab/cir/3.Power suppliers/Thyristor converters/With traic.alb
2230 869 61.0% 10-Oct-98 17:12:20 AmiLab/cir/4.Amplifiers/Balanced ampl.alb
1810 739 59.1% 10-Oct-98 17:12:38 AmiLab/cir/4.Amplifiers/Balanced power ampl.A-type.alb
1760 713 59.4% 10-Oct-98 17:13:32 AmiLab/cir/4.Amplifiers/Basic type OE.alb
1866 768 58.8% 10-Oct-98 17:14:08 AmiLab/cir/4.Amplifiers/Untransformate on output.al
1532 654 57.3% 10-Oct-98 17:14:44 AmiLab/cir/4.Amplifiers/Voltage follower.alb
1172 539 54.0% 10-Oct-98 17:15:26 AmiLab/cir/5.Generators/Colpitts.alb
2562 908 64.5% 09-Feb-99 11:25:10 AmiLab/cir/5.Generators/Flip-flop trigger.alb
1226 577 52.9% 10-Oct-98 17:17:04 AmiLab/cir/5.Generators/Generator RC.alb
1282 563 56.0% 10-Oct-98 17:17:28 AmiLab/cir/5.Generators/Hartley.alb
1098 490 55.3% 10-Oct-98 17:17:52 AmiLab/cir/5.Generators/Meissner.alb
1446 637 55.9% 28-Dec-98 16:51:58 AmiLab/cir/5.Generators/Monostable switch.alb
1148 517 54.9% 10-Oct-98 17:18:38 AmiLab/cir/5.Generators/speed Colpitts.alb
986 478 51.5% 10-Oct-98 17:19:06 AmiLab/cir/5.Generators/Unstable multivibrator.alb
1514 587 61.2% 10-Oct-98 17:21:14 AmiLab/cir/6.Other systems/filers with op.ampl/Differential.alb
1560 597 61.7% 10-Oct-98 17:22:14 AmiLab/cir/6.Other systems/filers with op.ampl/Integrator.alb
1982 753 62.0% 10-Oct-98 17:26:04 AmiLab/cir/6.Other systems/Impulses cutters/With diodes.alb
2328 703 69.8% 04-Aug-97 17:39:34 AmiLab/cir/7.Digital systems/Counter to 99.alb
1474 584 60.3% 04-Aug-97 17:39:36 AmiLab/cir/7.Digital systems/Counter with generator.alb
13720 1809 86.8% 28-Dec-98 16:33:56 AmiLab/cir/7.Digital systems/Decoder 7seg.alb
5286 1298 75.4% 10-Oct-98 17:28:58 AmiLab/cir/7.Digital systems/matrix.alb
4348 1370 68.4% 10-Oct-98 17:31:12 AmiLab/cir/Best-Demo/displayer.alb
3926 1181 69.9% 24-Dec-98 13:22:04 AmiLab/cir/Best-Demo/displayer_speed.alb
61462 33889 44.8% 10-Oct-98 17:33:46 AmiLab/cir/Best-Demo/High-freq amplifier.alb
1072 670 37.5% 08-Feb-99 15:17:44 AmiLab/Copyright.txt
1023 423 58.6% 29-Dec-98 14:17:04 AmiLab/Copyright.txt.info
316 181 42.7% 29-Dec-98 14:32:50 AmiLab/data/anymacro.iff
5632 2988 46.9% 28-Sep-98 16:46:20 AmiLab/data/bird.videoram
306 141 53.9% 29-Dec-98 14:29:46 AmiLab/data/chip.iff
306 190 37.9% 29-Dec-98 14:29:30 AmiLab/data/chips.iff
6004 1791 70.1% 20-Mar-99 17:13:44 AmiLab/demux.ext
175153 58448 66.6% 29-Dec-98 14:16:50 AmiLab/help/albhelpfile
1023 426 58.3% 29-Dec-98 13:55:12 AmiLab/help/albhelpfile.info
259 184 28.9% 20-Mar-99 17:20:56 AmiLab/history.txt
1023 422 58.7% 08-Feb-99 15:24:54 AmiLab/history.txt.info
3160 2261 28.4% 28-May-96 21:27:50 AmiLab/iff.library
1977 1083 45.2% 16-Sep-98 21:21:32 AmiLab/iff_lib.readme
13468 7113 47.1% 25-Dec-98 12:02:32 AmiLab/iodevs.ext
15228 5581 63.3% 28-Dec-98 16:48:34 AmiLab/logic.ext
42480 5198 87.7% 20-Mar-99 17:13:44 AmiLab/mem.ext
3052 1534 49.7% 20-Mar-99 17:13:44 AmiLab/misc.ext
21716 6606 69.5% 20-Mar-99 17:13:46 AmiLab/mux.ext
37332 19486 47.8% 25-Dec-98 12:08:50 AmiLab/probe.ext
26820 6997 73.9% 20-Mar-99 17:13:46 AmiLab/reg.ext
1771 614 65.3% 08-Feb-99 15:18:16 AmiLab/RegForm.txt
1015 416 59.0% 28-Dec-98 17:14:12 AmiLab/RegForm.txt.info
395 282 28.6% 08-Feb-99 15:10:02 AmiLab/registering.readme
1023 422 58.7% 08-Feb-99 15:10:02 AmiLab/registering.readme.info
11932 3593 69.8% 20-Mar-99 17:13:46 AmiLab/sum.ext
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
816149 343278 57.9% 21-Mar-99 12:44:46 84 files
Operation successful.
Contents of misc/sci/AmiLab2E.lha
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