Yes, this is a VERY, VERY quick fix for a couple of the AREXX scripts
for ZXAM.
You see, a few of them had 2 missing quotes, and so in most of them
you got something like "CanT FIND EMULATORs port!" if ZXAM wasn't
This looks bad enough, but the main one for DOpus/Disk Master/Whatever
users was the ZXAMRUN.dopus, had 3 missing quotes, so it just refused
to run.
It's all because AREXX is a bit picky when it come's to quotes, so if you
want to use an apostrophe, you have to do something like What''s that?
But if you don't, it gets all stroppy, and that was what was happening
here... Anyway, a quick fix with my favourite text editor, and you should
be laughing.....
I've tried all of these, and they seem to be working, so give it a go!
To install them, just copy them into the ZXAM_REXX/ENGLISH directory
over your old copies (or rename your old copies, if you don't trust
me heheheheh)..... Note it's only the ENGLISH version which has this
problem, as the Spanish version doesn't have any apostrophes....
Major hello's and thanks fly out to the man who helped shape my life into
the way it is today (no sarcastic comments, thank you!), the one and only
Sir Clive Sinclair.
Also to the second major contributor to my years of happiness as a Speccy
owner, all the crew of YS. You guys (and gals) helped make those years
fly past, and shaped the way I write any text today (oo-er, fnar. Ed)..
Also hello to the dudes on the Sinclair newsgroup. I'm still new at this
part, so bear with me. A free internet account is a wonderful thing :)
If anyone out there want to mail me, then feel free (up until April 97
anyway.. Don't know if I'll still have my post of Trainee Technician
after that)........ Eh? Oh yeah, in case you can't read that bit up at
the top, it's
Gerard Sweeney,
Hackers Anonymous.
The Speccy & The Amiga. My favourite team!