84782 packages online
misc/emu/sna2tiff-mos.lha |
No screenshot available
by Conor McMenamin (C.S.McMenamin@sussex.ac.uk)
PROGRAM: sna2tiff is a simple C program which extracts the screen image
from a ZX Spectrum memory snapshot and converts it into a TIFF (Tagged
Image File Format) file. TIFF files can be read by most image viewing
programs (eg xv on Unix, GifConverter on Macintosh, Cshow on PC etc.),
and can also be used in some word processing/DTP packages. The images
produced conform to Baseline TIFF 6.0, and are uncompressed palette
colour (16 colours) images. Without a border, each output TIFF file
should be 25088 bytes in size.
USE: The program expects the name of a single snapshot file on the
command line, as the first non-option (i.e. not preceeded with a '-')
argument, and will use the second argument of this type (if one is
supplied) as the name of the output file, if one is supplied. If only
the name of the snapshot is passed to the program, a output filename
will be created by knocking the suffix(if any) off the snapshot
filename (eg .sna, .z80), and appending '.tif'.
WARNING: If you wish to get TIFFs from multiple snapshots, do each one
seperately or use a batch language file. Specifying multiple snapshots
on the command line will cause the second named file to be trashed and
replaced with a TIFF from the first!
OPTIONS: The program defaults to a conversion from the .sna format used
by JPP, but other formats may be specified by a command line option:
-z for Z80 format snapshots
-s for straight screen memory dump (I have never seen one of these, but
someone asked about converting them on comp.sys.sinclair once).
There is also support for including the border in the TIFF; the colour
can be read from .z80 and .sna files. To specify a border, use the
-b<n> option, where <n> is an optional single digit integer giving the
border width in characters (8 pixels). If no <n> is supplied, the
border will be two characters (16 pixels) wide.
sna2tiff jetpac.sna (produces jetpac.tif,
with no border)
sna2tiff -z -b6 elite128.z80 (produces elite128.tif,
with a 48 pixel border)
sna2tiff elite128.z80 image.out -b -z (produces TIFF in
image.out with a 16
pixel border)
N.B. Options should be grouped together either before or after the
filename arguments.
CREDITS: Many thanks to Fredrik Ekman, Filip Kujawski, Colin Meeks and
especially Russell Marks for helping with the devlopment, testing and
(in Russell's case) coding style of this program.
Thanks again to Russell for supplying the DOS executable.
Contents of misc/emu/sna2tiff-mos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 5288 13496 39.2% -lh5- ac65 May 8 20:17 sna2tiff/sna2tiff
[generic] 1458 3126 46.6% -lh5- c586 May 9 1999 sna2tiff/sna2tiff-mos.readme
[generic] 3719 10290 36.1% -lh5- df19 Mar 10 1995 sna2tiff/sna2tiff.c
[generic] 1331 2831 47.0% -lh5- cbe8 Mar 10 1995 sna2tiff/sna2tiff.doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 11796 29743 39.7% May 11 19:12
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