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Short:Oric-1/Atmos/Telestrat/Pravetz emulator
Author: pete at (Peter Gordon)
Uploader:polluks sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Download:misc/emu/oricutron.lha - View contents

Oricutron 1.2

(c)2009-2014 Peter Gordon (

This is a work in progress.

Current status

  6502:  100% done (apart from any unknown bugs :)
  VIA:   95% done.
  AY:    99% done.
  Video: 100% done
  Tape:  99% done (.TAP, .ORT and .WAV supported)
  Disk:  Reading/Writing sectors works. No track read/write.



  Peter Gordon

  Additional Programming

  Francois Revol
  Alexandre Devert
  Stefan Haubenthal
  Kamel Biskri
  Christian from defence-force forum

  Amiga & Windows ports

  Peter Gordon

  MacOS X port

  Francois Revol
  Kamel Biskri
  Patrice Torguet

  MorphOS & AROS ports

  Stefan Haubenthal

  Linux port

  Francois Revol
  Alexandre Devert

  Pandora port


  ACIA & Pravetz disk support



Thanks to DBug and Twilighte for letting me distribute their demos and
games with Oricutron.

Thanks to DBug, Twilighte, Chema, kamelito, Yicker, JamesD, Algarbi, ibisum,
jede, thrust26 and everyone else for their help and feedback!

AVI export notes

The AVI export uses the MRLE codec. Your favourite player might not support
it, but MPlayer plays it, ffmpeg converts it and you can upload it directly
to youtube.

Note that the MRLE codec shows up some endian-issues on the Amiga OS4 port
of MPlayer, so it will sound crappy and have wrong colours until those bugs
are fixed :-(

Command line

You can specify certain options on the command line. All options have
both short and long versions. For example:



  --machine blah

Is the same thing. Note that the short version doesn't have a space, but
the long version does.

Here are all the options:

  -m / --machine     = Specify machine type. Valid types are:

                       "atmos" or "a" for Oric atmos
                       "oric1" or "1" for Oric-1
                       "o16k" for Oric-1 16k
                       "telestrat" or "t" for Telestrat
                       "pravetz", "pravetz8d" or "p" for Pravetz 8D

  -d / --disk        = Specify a disk image to use in drive 0
  -t / --tape        = Specify a tape image to use
  -k / --drive       = Specify a disk drive controller. Valid types are:

                       "microdisc" or "m" for Microdisc
                       "jasmin" or "j" for Jasmin

  -s / --symbols     = Load symbols from a file
  -f / --fullscreen  = Run oricutron fullscreen
  -w / --window      = Run oricutron in a window
  -R / --rendermode  = Render mode. Valid modes are:

                       "soft" for software rendering
                       "opengl" for OpenGL

  -b / --debug       = Start oricutron in the debugger
  -r / --breakpoint  = Set a breakpoint
  -h / --help        = Print command line help and quit

  --turbotape on|off = Enable or disable turbotape
  --lightpen on|off  = Enable or disable lightpen
  --vsynchack on|off = Enable or disable VSync hack
  --scanlines on|off = Enable or disable scanline simulation

NOTE: If you are not sure what machine or drive type is required for a disk or
tape image, just pass the filename without any options and Oricutron will
try and autodetect for you.


oricutron tapes/tape_image.tap
oricutron disks/disk_image.dsk
oricutron --machine atmos --tape "tape files/foo.tap" --symbols "my files/symbols"
oricutron -m1 -tBUILD/foo.tap -sBUILD/symbols -b
oricutron --drive microdisc --disk demos/barbitoric.dsk --fullscreen
oricutron -ddemos/barbitoric.dsk -f
oricutron --turbotape off tapes/hobbit.tap


  In emulator

  F1       - Bring up the menu
  F2       - Go to debugger/monitor
  F3       - Reset button (NMI)
  F4       - Hard reset
  Shift+F4 - Jasmin reset
  F5       - Toggle FPS
  F6       - Toggle warp speed
  F7       - Save all modified disks
  Shift+F7 - Save all modified disks to new disk images
  F9       - Save tape output
  F10      - Start/Stop AVI capture
  F11      - Copy text screen to clipboard (BeOS, Linux & Windows)
  F12      - Paste (BeOS, Linux & Windows)
  Help     - Show guide (Amiga, MorphOS and AROS)
  AltGr    - Additional modifier

  In menus

  Cursors   - Navigate
  Enter     - Perform option
  Backspace - Go back
  Escape    - Exit menus
  (or use the mouse)

  In Debugger/Monitor

  F1      - Go to the menu
  F2      - Return to the emulator
  F3      - Toggle console/debug output/memwatch
  F4      - Toggle VIA/AY/disk information
  F9      - Reset cycle count
  F10     - Step over code
  F11     - Step over code without tracing into
  F12     - Skip instruction

  In the console:

  Up/Down - Command history

  In memwatch:

  Up/Down           - Scroll (+shift for page up/down)
  Page Up/Page Down - Page up/down
  Hex digits        - Enter address
  S                 - Toggle split mode
  Tab               - Switch windows in split mode

Monitor instructions

In the monitor, number arguments are decimal by default, or prefixed with $ for
hex or % for binary. Pretty much everything is output in hex.

In most places where you can enter a number or address, you can pass a CPU or
VIA register. (VIA registers are prefixed with V, e.g. VDDRA). Anywhere you can
pass an address, you can also use a symbol.


  ?                     - Help
  a <addr>              - Assemble
  bc <bp id>            - Clear breakpoint
  bcm <bp id>           - Clear mem breakpoint
  bl                    - List breakpoints
  blm                   - List mem breakpoints
  bs <addr>             - Set breakpoint
  bsm <addr> [rwc]      - Set mem breakpoint
  bz                    - Zap breakpoints
  bzm                   - Zap mem breakpoints
  d <addr>              - Disassemble
  df <addr> <end> <file>- Disassemble to file
  m <addr>              - Dump memory
  mm <addr> <value>     - Modify memory
  mw <addr>             - Memory watch at addr
  nl <file>             - Load snapshot
  ns <file>             - Save snapshot
  r <reg> <val>         - Set <reg> to <val>
  q, x or qm            - Quit monitor
  qe                    - Quit emulator
  sa <name> <addr>      - Add or move user symbol
  sk <name>             - Kill user symbol
  sc                    - Symbols not case-sensitive
  sC                    - Symbols case-sensitive
  sl <file>             - Load user symbols
  sx <file>             - Export user symbols
  sz                    - Zap user symbols
  wm <addr> <len> <file>- Write mem to disk


There are two types of breakpoints. "Normal" breakpoints trigger when the CPU
is about to execute an instruction at the breakpoint address. "Memory" breakpoints
trigger when the breakpoint address is accessed or modified.

There are three ways a memory breakpoint can be triggered; when the CPU is about
to read the address (r), and the CPU is about to write the address (w), or after the
value at the address changes for any reason (c).

You specify which ways you'd like the breakpoint to trigger when you set the memory

bsm $0c00 r        <-- Break when the CPU is about to read from $0c00
bsm $0c00 rw       <-- Break when the CPU is about to access $0c00
bsm $0c00 c        <-- Break after then contents of $0c00 change
bsm $0c00 rwc      <-- Break just before the CPU accesses $0c00, or just after it
                       changes for any reason.

International Keyboards under Linux and Mac OS X

There are lots of problems with some international keyboards under Linux and Mac OS X.
The best way to cope with them is to install an UK or US keyboard definition and to
switch to it *before* starting oricutron.

Under Mac OS X you can do that in the "System Preferences", "Keyboard", "Input sources".
Click on the + and search for the UK or US keyboard.

Under Ubuntu you can do that in the System menu, select Preferences, and then select
Keyboard. In the Keyboard Preferences dialog, select the Layouts tab, and click Add.

For a better solution look under "Visual Keyboard" down here.

Visual Keyboard

Oricutron can display a visual keyboard which also adds a keyboard mapping redefinition feature.

It's accessible through a submenu called "Keyboard options".

In the submenu you can find:
- a toggle that shows/hides the visual keyboard (you can click on the keyboard keys to enter key presses/releases) ;
- a toggle that gets you in the key mapping definition mode (you can then click on a visual keyboard key ; press a real key on your keyboard and the mapping will work) ;
- a toggle that allows mod keys (ctrl, shift, funct) to be sticky (ie you first click on a key to press it and then either re-click it to release it or click on another key and it will generate a modded key press - e.g. a Ctrl-T instead of T - and then auto release the key) ;
- an option to save a keyboard mapping (.kma file) ;
- an option to load a keyboard mapping ;
- an option that resets the keyboard mapping to the default one.

You can also add the following in your oricutron.cfg to autoload a keyboard
mapping (here Test.kma in the keymap directory found in Oricutron's directory):

; automatically load a keyboard mapping file
autoload_keyboard_mapping = 'keymap/Test.kma'

Other options let you display the keyboard and activate sticky mod keys automatically:
show_keyboard = yes
sticky_mod_keys = yes

Serial card (ACIA) emulation

Oricutron can emulate ACIA at address #31C (standard address for Telestrat).
The emulation works for Oric, Atmos, Telestrat and Pravetz and can be used
together with any disk type.

The emulated ACIA communicates with the out-side world trough back-ends.
Back-ends can be configured from 'oricutron.cfg' or from command line
(see default 'oricutron.cfg' for usage).

Back-ends are:
- none      - disables ACIA support
- loopback  - every transmitted byte is returned to receive buffer (for testing purposes)
- com       - Oricutron uses any real or virtual COM port in the host machine and communicates with the hardware attached to this serial port
- modem     - unites ACIA with attached modem linked to internet with server and client sockets

In 'modem' mode are available folowing 'AT' commands:
AT          - returns 'OK'
ATZ         - initialize the modem
AT&F        - initialize the modem
ATS0=0      - disable auto answering (close sever socket)
ATS0=1      - enable auto answering (open sever socket and start listening on selected port (default is telnet port 23))
ATA         - same as 'ATS0=1'
ATS0?       - returns 'AUTOANSWER OFF' or 'AUTOANSWER ON' depend on current sever socket state
ATH0        - disconnect currently connected sockets
+++         - if connected switches to command mode
ATO         - returns from command mode to online
ATD ip:port - connects as client to ip:port. 'ip' can be any host name (ex.:localhost) or the real IP (ex.: on LAN or in Internet. ADTP and ATDT are alternative for compatibility.

ROM patch files

For detailed usage see included '.pch' files in roms subdirectory.

Additionaly unlimited number of binary patches can be added:


where XXXX,YYYY,ZZZZ - are hex addresses relative to ROM start address
(i.e. to set byte at C000 to 00 use: $0000:00)

Contents of misc/emu/oricutron.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                 4524    4648  97.3% -lh5- 100c Nov  5 00:17
[generic]                 5346   12646  42.3% -lh5- df92 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/ChangeLog.txt
[generic]                 7157    7290  98.2% -lh5- 1d22 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/
[generic]               179291  537856  33.3% -lh5- 3c4f Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/disks/barbitoric.dsk
[generic]                 1768    4126  42.9% -lh5- 907b Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/disks/barbitoric.txt
[generic]               214790  537856  39.9% -lh5- 672d Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/disks/BuggyBoy.dsk
[generic]                 1797    4249  42.3% -lh5- 0055 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/disks/BuggyBoy.txt
[generic]                80251 1049856   7.6% -lh5- b0d7 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/disks/Pulsoids.dsk
[generic]               166358  537856  30.9% -lh5- 8f94 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/disks/Quintessential.dsk
[generic]                 1487    3173  46.9% -lh5- 154e Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/disks/Quintessential.txt
[generic]                99211  512256  19.4% -lh5- 64a8 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/disks/ZipNZapE.dsk
[generic]                  565     824  68.6% -lh5- d8e4 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/avirec.bmp
[generic]                  207     952  21.7% -lh5- 19c7 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/disk_active.bmp
[generic]                  359     952  37.7% -lh5- f18b Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/disk_ejected.bmp
[generic]                  207     952  21.7% -lh5- d98a Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/disk_idle.bmp
[generic]                  264     952  27.7% -lh5- c981 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/disk_modactive.bmp
[generic]                  263     952  27.6% -lh5- 09cc Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/disk_modified.bmp
[generic]                53379  460856  11.6% -lh5- 133c Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/gfx_atmoskbd.bmp
[generic]                20180  460854   4.4% -lh5- 66de Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/gfx_oric1kbd.bmp
[generic]               354513  460854  76.9% -lh5- 079d Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/gfx_pravetzkbd.bmp
[generic]                  272   30776   0.9% -lh5- f3bb Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/statusbar.bmp
[generic]                  344    1016  33.9% -lh5- 2e01 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/tape_ejected.bmp
[generic]                  305    1016  30.0% -lh5- 32c4 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/tape_pause.bmp
[generic]                  349    1016  34.4% -lh5- 3caa Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/tape_play.bmp
[generic]                  337    1016  33.2% -lh5- c8f4 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/tape_record.bmp
[generic]                  272    1016  26.8% -lh5- 9e31 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/tape_stop.bmp
[generic]                  664    1078  61.6% -lh5- 946d Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/images/winicon.bmp
[generic]               165175  470844  35.1% -lh5- 902f Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/oricutron
[generic]                 1910    4862  39.3% -lh5- c137 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/oricutron.cfg
[generic]                 4959   13029  38.1% -lh5- 1074 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/
[generic]                 7157    7290  98.2% -lh5- 1d22 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/
[generic]                 1551    1551 100.0% -lh0- c640 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/pravdisks/
[generic]                 4620   11674  39.6% -lh5- 5cc2 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/ReadMe.txt
[generic]                 7157    7290  98.2% -lh5- 1d22 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/
[generic]                  353     512  68.9% -lh5- 48c7 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/8dos.rom
[generic]                  117     203  57.6% -lh5- fc2d Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/8dos.sym
[generic]                  845    2037  41.5% -lh5- 624c Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/Bas122de.pch
[generic]                  844    2037  41.4% -lh5- d44b Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/Bas122fr.pch
[generic]                  845    2037  41.5% -lh5- cb64 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/Bas122uk.pch
[generic]                  838    2016  41.6% -lh5- fc26 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/basic10.pch
[generic]                12760   16384  77.9% -lh5- 606a Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/basic10.rom
[generic]                  845    2037  41.5% -lh5- cb64 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/basic11b.pch
[generic]                12830   16384  78.3% -lh5- 7c1e Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/basic11b.rom
[generic]                 1603    2863  56.0% -lh5- 0d17 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/basic11b.sym
[generic]                  199     313  63.6% -lh5- 16b9 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/cumana.sym
[generic]                12608   16384  77.0% -lh5- db79 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/hyperbas.rom
[generic]                  331    2048  16.2% -lh5- 6b40 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/jasmin.rom
[generic]                  182     315  57.8% -lh5- d982 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/jasmin.sym
[generic]                 3113    8192  38.0% -lh5- 8ecd Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/MICRODIS.ROM
[generic]                  112     157  71.3% -lh5- 2f29 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/microdis.sym
[generic]                 1069    2390  44.7% -lh5- de8a Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/pravetzt.pch
[generic]                12767   16384  77.9% -lh5- 8a5b Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/pravetzt.rom
[generic]                 1603    2863  56.0% -lh5- 0d17 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/pravetzt.sym
[generic]                 1034    2141  48.3% -lh5- 8459 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/sedoric.sym
[generic]                11377   16384  69.4% -lh5- c937 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/teleass.rom
[generic]                 6157    8192  75.2% -lh5- a438 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/telmatic.rom
[generic]                  154     218  70.6% -lh5- 2214 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/telmon24.pch
[generic]                12928   16384  78.9% -lh5- f088 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/telmon24.rom
[generic]                  145     194  74.7% -lh5- 11d1 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/roms/telmon24.sym
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/snapshots/
[generic]                 3762    4069  92.5% -lh5- a716 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/tapes/Cyclotron.tap
[generic]                 3780    8265  45.7% -lh5- dfa3 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/tapes/Cyclotron.txt
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Nov  5 00:17 Oricutron/teledisks/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        64 files 1490190 5304837  28.1%            Nov  4 21:40
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