FunnyMu is an emulator of the Whizzard, Funvision and Creativision
computer/games consoles that were sold in the early 1980s. I happened to have
bought a Funvision. As far as I know the Whizzard and Funvision have identical
hardware, just the casing differs. The fundamental hardware is:
2MHz 6502A CPU
9929 Video chip with 16kbytes of RAM
76489 Sound chip
1Kbyte system RAM
6821 PIA keyboard/sound/other interface chip
The fact that it has a 9929 and a 76489 makes it very very similar to a
Colecovision. The major difference is the CPU.
What I've done is to take Marat Fayzullin's ColEm Colecovision emulator, swap
in his 6502 emulation core and voila almost a Funvision. My major effort has
been to get the keyboard/joysticks and sound to work.
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| A M I G A O S 4 . 0 C O M P I L E B Y |
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| A B O U T T H I S P O R T |
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| The readme states that the sound sounds crappy under |
| Windows, this is also true under AmigaOS 4.0, The source |
| is included though, so feel free to try to fix it. |
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| I am in a shitty economical situation, so if you feel |
| that what I do is worth anything, use paypal to donate |
| to my email addy, spotATtriadDOTse, thanx! |
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| Spot / Up Rough 2006 |
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