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Short:Cruncher for 8bit computers w/ 6502 CPUs
Author:Magnus Lind (magli143 gmail com), AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / Up Rough
Uploader:spot triad se (Spot / Up Rough)
Version:2.0 beta 4
Download:misc/emu/exo20b4_aos4.lha - View contents

Exomizer 2.0 beta4 released


o  Totally rewitten handling of the sfx decruncher:
   1) Several different decrunch effects.
   2) Complete user control over memory and irq config.
   3) Can start basic programs properly with built in trampoline by using the
      command 'sfx basic'
   3) The decruncher code is assembled on the fly for maximum flexibility by an
      embedded assembler.
   4) Will adapt the decruncher to include only features used by the compressed
      stream to keep the size down.
   5) Supports the c128 and the vic20 (in several configurations).
   6) The Atari 400/800 XL/XE family is supported as sfx target 168.
   7) Can generate relocated sfx targets without basic line.
   8) The Apple ][+ (and //e) is supported as sfx target 162.

o  Reads Atari xex-files and autodetects the RUNAD vector if the sys keyword is
   given to the sfx command.

o  Can load plain files using the <filename>()<addr> syntax.

o  Has a literal sequence escape mechanism that detects and handles sequences
   of uncrunchable data properly.

o  The level mode of exomizer now crunches each infile separately and appends
   them to the outfile instead of merging them together like the -r mode did

o  New raw mode that features:
   1) Crunches plain files instead of .prg files.
   2) Crunches forward or backwards instead of just backwards.
   3) Also decrunches.
   4) Handles files larget than 64k. The Canterbury and Calgary corpora
      is now possible to crunch.
   5) Comes with two different C-source decrunchers, one thread safe forward
      pull decruncher and one low-level backwards push decruncher, perfect to
      base an assembler port on. (Any z80 programmers out there?)


o  Sfx decruncher in exomizer:
   1) Handle the vic20 target better with regards to memory holes.
   2) Handle Atari target better with regards to RAM under OS-ROM.

o  There is no 6502 assembler decruncher for streaming data crunched forward
   crunched using literal sequences.
   However the streaming (backwards) decrunchers will work if the -b and -c
   flags are used when crunching (with exomizer raw). Please see the examples.
   Please note that unlike 1.x, only exomizer raw can crunch data intended to
   be used by the streaming decrunchers.

o  The sfx command sometimes crunch better with the -c flag. The cruncher
   doesn't take the sfx decuncher size increase due to enabling the literal
   sequence escape mechanism.

o Update the usage descriptions properly.

The command line syntax differs from v1.x. Here's a quick translation guide:
old                                     new
------------------                      -----------------------------
exomizer -ssys <infile>                 exomizer sfx sys <infile>
exomizer -s$1234 <infile>               exomizer sfx $1234 <infile>
exomizer -r <infile>                    exomizer level <infile>
exomizer <infile>                       exomizer mem -lnone <infile>
exomizer -l$1234 <infile>               exomizer mem -l$1234 <infile>
exomizer -lauto  <infile>               exomizer mem <infile>

-- A beginning of something like documentation --------------------------------
A note about addresses:
An address in this context is a positive 16-bit value [0 - 65536]. It can be
given in decimal, hexadecimal (prefixed with $ or 0x) or octal (prefixed with
0) notation. Examples: 3, 54, $3456, 0x1111, 06543.

Exomizer has four sub commands: mem, level, sfx and raw. They all compress
data. They share the following option flags:
-c      This flag enables 1.x compatibility mode. It disables the use of the
        literal sequence escape mechanism. It will make the output files
        compatible with Exomizer v1.x.

-e <encoding parameters>
        Uses the given encoding parameters for crunching instead of trying to
        calculate an optimal set. The encoding must be in the following format:
        where each x must be a hexadecimal character, 0-9 or A-F.
        The Exomizer prints the encoding parameters used when writing the
        output file in this format in order to allow for easy cut and paste.

-m <offset>
        Limits the maximum offset ued cu the cruncher to <offset>. The default
        is an offseet of 65535 bytes. A smaller offsets increases the crunching
        speed and reduces the crunch result. If a circular buffer decruncher is
        used it is important that the maximum offset doesn't exceed the buffer

-o <outfile>
        Sets outfile name.

-p <passes>
        Limits the maximum number of optimization passes the cruncher uses when
        calculating the encoding parameters. default is 65535. However the
        cruncher will always stop when no further improvment to the crunch
        result is made.

-q      Enables quiet mode which will disable display output.

-v      Displays Exomizer version, email address for support and the usage

--      Will make all arguments that follow be treated as non-options, even if
        they begins with a - character.

-?      Displays a help screen that briefly decribes the command line syntax
        and the valid options. Also for the sub command if one is given.

-- Information relevant for the mem, sfx and level sub commands ---------------

The mem, level and sfx command all crunches files backwards. The files have to
belocated in a 16-bit address space and are also limited in size to that 16bit
address space. The file format of the input files are prg files, xex files or
located plain files (plain files that are given an address to load to.)

 The syntax for loading a prg or xex file is simply the filename:
$ exomizer mem <prg file> <xex file> -o <output prg file name>

 If you want to load a prg file to a different address than it contains you can
simply append a comma and the new load address:
$ exomizer mem <prg file>,<new address> -o <output prg file name>

 Relocation does not work for xex files. An relocated xex file will simply be
treated as if it was a relocated prg file.

 Plain located files are given using a similar syntax:
$ exomizer mem <plain file>()<address> -o <output prg file name>

 When given multiple input files The sfx and mem commands loads all files to
where they are located and then crunch the covered memory area. Any unused
space between files will be zero-filled. The level command loads each input
file separately, crunches it and then appends the crunched data to the output

-- The mem sub command --------------------------------------------------------
 The mem command generated files that are used for decrunching from memory.
Normally these files are linked into the progam images either by machine code
monitors or by assembler directives like incbin.

 The mem command writes its output in prg format. It has the following option:

-l <address>|none
        Sets the load address of the output prg file to <address> or if the
        string none is given make the output be a plain file. Defaults to
        the address that gives the crunched data as much overlap with the
        decrunched data as possible but still allow for in-place decrunching.
        However, the file doesn't need to be decrunched from that address. Any
        address that doesn't cause data being decrunched to overwrite data yet
        to be decrunched will work.

-- The level sub command ------------------------------------------------------

 The level command writes the files in its own format that is easy to read back
and decrunch on the fly. It has no options of its own.

-- The sfx sub command --------------------------------------------------------

 The sfx command generates a runnable stand alone, in memory decrunching file.
Its first argument must always be the run address. It may be given as an
address or the string sys or the string basic.

 If the run address is an actual address then it will be used as the target
address of a jmp instruction executed after the decrunching.

 If the run address is the string sys then the run address will be
autodetected. Either from the runad vector for the Atari target or by scanning
the area of the basic start for a sys basic command.

 If the run address is the string basic then the computer will run a basic
program after decrunch. (Not supported yet for the Atari target).

 The output of the sfx command is a runnable program file that decrunches
itself in memory when run. The output file format depends on the target
used. For all Commodore machines the output is a runnable prg-file that starts
with a basic line. For the Atari the target is a auto running xex-file. The
atari target doesn't support decrunching into extended memory. For the Apple
the target is a Applesoft basic file.

 The sfx command has the following options:

        Sets the decruncher target. The possible target are:
          4: Commodore c16/plus4.
         20: Commodore Vic20, unexpanded memory.
         23: Commodore Vic20, 3kB memory expansion.
         52: Commodore Vic20, 32kB memory expasion.
         55: Commodore Vic20  32+3kB memory expansion.
         64: Commodore c64. (The default target)
        128: Commodore c128.
        162: Apple ][+ and //e
        168: Atari 400/800 XL/XE.

 -X<custom slow effect assembler fragment>
 -x[1-3]|<custom fast effect assembler fragment>
        Sets the decrunch effect. If an assembler fragment is given, it must
        not change the X-register, Y-register or modify the carry flag.
        Separate instructions with a space. Please note that including spaces
        in the fragment requires quoting to work. An example of a slow C64
        x-scroll-register effect: -X "txa and #07 ora #$c8 sta $d016"
         Use a value of 1 - 3 to pick a preset effect:
        1:      Accumulator based fast border flash
        2:      X-register based fast border flash
        3:      Y-register based fast border flash
        Default effect is a slow character flash.

-n      No decrunch effect. This option can't be combined with -X or -x

        Defines symbols for the sfx assembler. More advanced features of the
        decruncher is ontrolled by defining symbole. More on this in the
        decruncher symbol reference section below.

-- The raw sub command --------------------------------------------------------

 Now let's go back to the command that handles plain files, raw.
The raw command can both crunch and decrunch both forward and backward. It also
handles generic files without any of the above mentioned restrictions. There's
no hardcoded limit in file size but it gets increasingly slow with larger files
so there's a practical limit of about 1MB. The output file format of this
command is a generic file.

It is possible to give an optional offset and length for the infile like this:
<infile>[,offset[,length]]. Negative offsets are allowed but will be calculated
from the end of the file.

To skip the first two bytes but read all the rest of a file do like this:
$ exomizer raw <infile>,2 -o <outfile>

To read 10 bytes at offset 13 from the end of the file do like this:
$ exomizer raw <infile>,-13,10 -o <outfile>

-- The included decruncher source code with examples --------------------------

There are two directories with source code in the distribution:

         This contains the source code of three 6502 assembler decrunchers. One
        backward deruncher that decrunches data crunched by the mem sub
        command. call this decruncher once to decrunch the data to its targeted
         Also contained in this directory are two streaming forward decrunchers
        for data crunched with the raw sub command. Both use a circular buffer
        and has a get_byte like interface that are called repeatedly to get one
        byte or a block of decrunched data until the end of data is signalled
        by the call returning with the carry flag set. However they are not
        capable of handling the literal sequence escape mechanism so data must
        be cruncher with the -c flag.
         Also included are a Makefile and some example code and data that use
        the three decrunchers. The assembler syntax is ca65, the assembler of
        the cc65 tool chain. This tool chain is needed to build the examples.

         This directory contains two decrunches written in C. One backwards
         decruncher with a call once and all data are decrunched interface.
         And one forward streaming decruncher with a get_decrunched_byte
         interface. Also incuded are example code using the decrunchers and
         a Makefile that can be used for building them. An ANSI-C compiler are
         necessary for this.

All of the included makefiles have only been tested with Gnu make.

-- Credits for Exomizer 2.x ---------------------------------------------------

Feature suggestions
Csabo / LOD
Ninja / The Dreams
Richard / TND
Jack Alien / Remember

Bug reports
iAN CooG / HokutoForce

Regression testing
Ninja / The Dreams
Csabo / LOD
iAN CooG / HokutoForce
Lasse Öörni

The Oneway crunchers, packers and linkers, Byte Boiler, AB, cruel etc.
The Final Super-Compressor by Meidinger & Borris
Timecruncher 3.1 by Matcham of Network

-- Credits for Exomizer 1.x ---------------------------------------------------
 The Oneway crunchers: Byteboiler, The Cruncher AB and CruelCrunch.
 Pasi Ojala's PuCrunch

Beta testing
 Lasse Öörni
 Csabo / LOD
 Overkiller / Hokuto Force / PoL
 iAN CooG / Hokuto Force
 Rafal Szyja
 bubis / Resource
 Ninja / The Dreams

Bug Reporting
 Csabo / LOD
 Soci / Singular
 6R6 / Nostalgia
 Ninja / The Dreams

 Count Zer0
 bubis / Resource
 Ninja / The Dreams

-- Contact information --------------------------------------------------------

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any feature/improvement
suggestions, bugs to report or perhaps just have something to say about the
exomizer program.

My name is Magnus Lind and my email address is magli143()

-- Reference for the sfx decruncher symbols -----------------------------------

The sfx decruncher is tweaked by defining optional symbols to the assembler on
the command line using the -D<symbol>=<value> flag:

The following symbol controls the sfx load address:

If it is unset then the sfx file will load to the default basic start address
of the target machine (For Atari the default load address is $2000)
If it is set then the sfx file will load to the given address and it will not
have any basic line. (The Atari target never has a basic line). The apple
target file format will change from an Applesoft basic file to an Apple binary

The following symbols control the memory config:
 i_ram_enter      (defaults to standard ROM config)
 i_ram_exit       (defaults to standard ROM config)

For the c64 and the c128 target the value of the above symbols will be stored
into $fff0 (c128) or $01 (c64) to set the mem config. For the c16/+4 target
0=ROM and 1=RAM. For the Atari the value will be stored in $d301.
Default is $37 for the c64, $00 for the c128, 0 for the c16/+4 and $fd for the

The following symbols control irqs. (0=disabled,sei, 1=enabled,cli)
 i_irq_enter      (defaults to 1)

To locate the decrunch table elsewhere than the default tape buffer or $0600
for The Atari target, use the symbol i_table_addr:

The apple target has an option to disconnect DOS. To do this, set the i_a2_disable_dos symbol to any value:

Effects are no longer selected by the use of symbols. They are now chosen by
the -x or -X flags or deactivated by -n.

-- Results for the Canterbury and Calgary corpae for exomizer raw -------------

Canterbury      in      out     b/B     ratio   gained
alice29.txt      152089   53060 2.79    34.89%  65.11%
asyoulik.txt     125179   48530 3.10    38.77%  61.23%
cp.html           24603    8352 2.72    33.95%  66.05%
fields.c          11150    3177 2.28    28.49%  71.51%
grammar.lsp        3721    1294 2.78    34.78%  65.22%
kennedy.xls     1029744  162282 1.26    15.76%  84.24%
lcet10.txt       426754  138443 2.60    32.44%  67.56%
plrabn12.txt     481861  190570 3.16    39.55%  60.45%
ptt5             513216   51904 0.81    10.11%  89.89%
sum               38240   12316 2.58    32.21%  67.79%
xargs.1            4227    1829 3.46    43.27%  56.73%
total           2810784  671757 1.91    23.90%  76.10%

Calgary         in      out     b/B     ratio   gained
bib              111261   34219 2.46    30.76%  69.24%
book1            768771  305695 3.18    39.76%  60.24%
book2            610856  198396 2.60    32.48%  67.52%
geo              102400   68268 5.33    66.67%  33.33%
news             377109  139442 2.96    36.98%  63.02%
obj1              21504   10137 3.77    47.14%  52.86%
obj2             246814   78902 2.56    31.97%  68.03%
paper1            53161   18659 2.81    35.10%  64.90%
paper2            82199   29546 2.88    35.94%  64.06%
paper3            46526   18309 3.15    39.35%  60.65%
paper4            13286    5722 3.45    43.07%  56.93%
paper5            11954    5165 3.46    43.21%  56.79%
paper6            38105   13536 2.84    35.52%  64.48%
pic              513216   51904 0.81    10.11%  89.89%
progc             39611   13591 2.74    34.31%  65.69%
progl             71646   16198 1.81    22.61%  77.39%
progp             49379   11129 1.80    22.54%  77.46%
trans             93695   18677 1.59    19.93%  80.07%
total           3251493 1037495 2.55    31.91%  68.09%

Contents of misc/emu/exo20b4_aos4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                35923   85544  42.0% -lh5- b3f0 Sep 20 06:30 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/amigaos4/exobasic
[generic]               100937  233852  43.2% -lh5- c80b Sep 20 06:30 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/amigaos4/exomizer
[generic]                  362     861  42.0% -lh5- 6918 Jul  8 00:04 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/rawdecrs/main2.c
[generic]                  454    1129  40.2% -lh5- 38be Jul  8 00:22 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/rawdecrs/Makefile
[generic]               202762  202762 100.0% -lh0- 9cc9 Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/rawdecrs/test1.bin
[generic]                  107  196608   0.1% -lh5- b9d9 Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/rawdecrs/test2.bin
[generic]                40702  111261  36.6% -lh5- 28be Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/rawdecrs/test3.bin
[generic]               144839  144839 100.0% -lh0- c7c1 Jul  8 00:23 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/
[generic]                12009   25600  46.9% -lh5- 4f6c Jul  8 00:27 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/win32/exobasic.exe
[generic]                55763  110080  50.7% -lh5- 4585 Jul  7 23:56 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/win32/exomizer.exe
[generic]                  734    2357  31.1% -lh5- b89e Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/exodecrs/main.s
[generic]                 1030    3087  33.4% -lh5- 2bbe Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/exodecrs/main1.s
[generic]                 1104    3304  33.4% -lh5- 271b Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/exodecrs/main2.s
[generic]                  286     768  37.2% -lh5- bd82 Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/exodecrs/Makefile
[generic]                   56      59  94.9% -lh5- e94c Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/exodecrs/streamdata.s
[generic]                 1155    3273  35.3% -lh5- 9f1e Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/rawdecrs/exodecr.c
[generic]                  643    1264  50.9% -lh5- fb6d Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/rawdecrs/exodecr.h
[generic]                 1675    5831  28.7% -lh5- a055 Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/rawdecrs/exodecrunch.c
[generic]                  749    1579  47.4% -lh5- ef08 Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/rawdecrs/exodecrunch.h
[generic]                  410     961  42.7% -lh5- 5fa7 Jul  8 00:04 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/rawdecrs/main.c
[generic]                 1157    2525  45.8% -lh5- dde1 Jul  8 00:23 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/changelog.txt
[generic]                40632   74752  54.4% -lh5- cf36 Jul  8 00:28 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/dos/exobasic.exe
[generic]                86016  159232  54.0% -lh5- 230c Jul  7 23:52 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/dos/exomizer.exe
[generic]                 6994   20759  33.7% -lh5- 1e99 Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/exo20info.txt
[generic]                 1052    2606  40.4% -lh5- 6e13 Jul  8 00:20 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/exobasic10b2.txt
[generic]                 3163    4264  74.2% -lh5- 50f3 Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/exodecrs/data.bin
[generic]                   51      53  96.2% -lh5- 02b1 Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/exodecrs/data.s
[generic]                 2550    8501  30.0% -lh5- c259 Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/exodecrs/exodecrunch.s
[generic]                 2621    9829  26.7% -lh5- 030f Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/exodecrs/exostreamdecr1.s
[generic]                 2742   10486  26.1% -lh5- f500 Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/exodecrs/exostreamdecr2.s
[generic]                  174     588  29.6% -lh5- cab5 Jul  7 23:51 Exomizer20b4-AmigaOS4/TODO.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        31 files  748852 1428614  52.4%            Sep  6 22:27
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