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Short:EmuTOS - Amiga version
Author:EmuTOS team
Uploader:polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Download:misc/emu/emutos.lha - View contents

EmuTOS - Amiga floppy version

This EmuTOS version is a boot floppy for Amiga.

emutos.adf - English Amiga boot floppy
emutos-vampire.adf - Same floppy, optimized for Vampire V2 accelerators

The following optional files are also supplied:
emuicon.rsc - contains additional icons for the desktop
emuicon.def - definition file for the above

Note that the emuicon.rsc file format differs from deskicon.rsc used by later
versions of the Atari TOS desktop.

EmuTOS runs on Amiga hardware, and behaves just like on Atari computers.
This is not an Atari emulator. It is a simple and clean
operating system, which allows running clean Atari programs.
No Atari hardware is emulated, and the full Amiga hardware is available.
The Atari OS calls have been implemented using the Amiga hardware.

To be clear:
- Atari programs using only the OS will work fine
- Atari programs using the hardware (games, demos...) will not work

AmigaOS is only used to load EmuTOS into RAM. Then EmuTOS completely takes
over the machine, and AmigaOS is no longer available until reboot.

These floppies are the easiest way to test EmuTOS on real hardware.
Floppy emulators such as HxC and Gotek are supported, and even recommended.

Supported Amiga hardware features:
- Any CPU from 68000 to 68060, including Apollo 68080
- Chip RAM
- All kinds of Fast RAM
- Monochrome video modes up to 640x512 interlaced
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- A600/A1200 IDE interface (including Vampire)
- Battery backed up clock (MSM6242B and RF5C01A)
- Floppy drives
- Vampire V2/V4 SD Card

Supported Atari features:
- ST-High video mode
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- IDE hard disk (with EmuTOS internal driver)
- XBIOS hardware clock
- Alt-RAM
- ST floppy disks (only 9 sectors, 720 KB, read-only)

Unsupported Atari features:
- Color video modes
- Sound

Special features of emutos-vampire.adf:
- Optimized for 68040 (best option for Apollo 68080)
- EmuTOS itself runs in FastRAM, for best performance

These floppy images have been built using:
make amigaflop
make amigaflopvampire

This release has been built on Linux Mint (a Ubuntu derivative), using
Vincent Rivière's GCC 4.6.4 cross-compiler.  The custom tools used in
the build process were built with native GCC 4.8.4.

The source package and other binary packages are available at:

An online manual is available at the following URL:

The extras directory (if provided) contains:
(1) one or more alternate desktop icon sets, which you can use to replace
    the builtin ones.  You can use a standard resource editor to see what
    the replacement icons look like.
    To use a replacement set, move or rename the existing emuicon.rsc &
    emuicon.def files in the root directory, then copy the files containing
    the desired icons to the root, and rename them to emuicon.rsc/emuicon.def.
(2) a sample mouse cursor set in a resource (emucurs.rsc/emucurs.def).  This
    set is the same as the builtin ones, but you can use it as a basis to
    create your own mouse cursors.
    To use a replacement set, copy the files containing the desired mouse
    cursors to the root, and rename them to emucurs.rsc/emucurs.def.
For further information on the above, see doc/emudesk.txt.

If you want to read more about EmuTOS, please take a look at these files:

doc/announce.txt      - Introduction and general description, including
                        a summary of changes since the previous version
doc/authors.txt       - A list of the authors of EmuTOS
doc/bugs.txt          - Currently known bugs
doc/changelog.txt     - A summarised list of changes after release 0.9.4
doc/emudesk.txt       - A brief guide to the newer features of the desktop
doc/incompatible.txt  - Programs incompatible with EmuTOS due to program bugs
doc/license.txt       - The FSF General Public License for EmuTOS
doc/status.txt        - What is implemented and running (or not yet)
doc/todo.txt          - What should be done in future versions
doc/xhdi.txt          - Current XHDI implementation status

Additional information for developers (just in the source archive):

doc/install.txt       - How to build EmuTOS from sources
doc/coding.txt        - EmuTOS coding standards (never used :-) )
doc/country.txt       - An overview of i18n issues in EmuTOS
doc/fat16.txt         - Notes on the FAT16 filesystem in EmuTOS
doc/memdetect.txt     - Memory bank detection during EmuTOS startup
doc/nls.txt           - How to add a native language or use one
doc/old_changelog.txt - A summarised list of changes up to & including
                        release 0.9.4
doc/osmemory.txt      - All about OS internal memory in EmuTOS
doc/reschange.txt     - How resolution change works in the desktop
doc/resource.txt      - Modifying resources in EmuTOS
doc/startup.txt       - Some notes on the EmuTOS startup sequence
doc/tos14fix.txt      - Lists bugs fixed by TOS 1.04 & their status in EmuTOS
doc/version.txt       - Determining the version of EmuTOS at run-time

The following documents are principally of historical interest only:

doc/old_code.txt      - A museum of bugs due to old C language
doc/vdibind.txt       - Old information on VDI bindings

The EmuTOS development team

Contents of misc/emu/emutos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                    0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2
[unknown]                    0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/doc
[unknown]                 2768    5984  46.3% -lh5- 5ac7 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/docannounce.txt
[unknown]                 4230    9005  47.0% -lh5- ca60 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/docauthors.txt
[unknown]                  936    1773  52.8% -lh5- 4248 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/docbugs.txt
[unknown]                 9437   26207  36.0% -lh5- 7c74 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/docchangelog.txt
[unknown]                 6896   19774  34.9% -lh5- 1fbd Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/docemudesk.txt
[unknown]                 7860   21115  37.2% -lh5- dcac Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/docincompatible.txt
[unknown]                 7111   18326  38.8% -lh5- c3da Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/doclicense.txt
[unknown]                 5749   16243  35.4% -lh5- f314 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/docstatus.txt
[unknown]                  337     524  64.3% -lh5- 45d1 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/doctodo.txt
[unknown]                  290    1192  24.3% -lh5- 241e Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/docxhdi.txt
[unknown]                   42      64  65.6% -lh5- e883 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2emuicon.def
[unknown]                 1445    4616  31.3% -lh5- 1718 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2emuicon.rsc
[unknown]               144135  901120  16.0% -lh5- b58d Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2emutos-vampire.adf
[unknown]               142986  901120  15.9% -lh5- ab97 Aug  7 12:15 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2emutos.adf
[unknown]                    0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extras
[unknown]                   76     128  59.4% -lh5- 405d Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasemucurs.def
[unknown]                  386     772  50.0% -lh5- 4fd9 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasemucurs.rsc
[unknown]                   75     144  52.1% -lh5- a32e Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasemucurs1.def
[unknown]                  339     772  43.9% -lh5- ca9d Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasemucurs1.rsc
[unknown]                   76     144  52.8% -lh5- b3ff Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasemucurs2.def
[unknown]                  387     772  50.1% -lh5- 1355 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasemucurs2.rsc
[unknown]                   50      64  78.1% -lh5- 12a0 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasemuicon0.def
[unknown]                 2900   13500  21.5% -lh5- 4429 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasemuicon0.rsc
[unknown]                   31      48  64.6% -lh5- f2e1 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasemuicon1.def
[unknown]                 1359    4618  29.4% -lh5- bc89 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasemuicon1.rsc
[unknown]                   30      48  62.5% -lh5- 0ee1 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasemuicon2.def
[unknown]                 1423    4918  28.9% -lh5- bfe7 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasemuicon2.rsc
[unknown]                  226     498  45.4% -lh5- c47d Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2/extrasreadme.txt
[unknown]                 2301    5421  42.4% -lh5- 7c45 Aug  7 12:16 emutos-amiga-floppy-1.2readme.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        31 files  343881 1958910  17.6%            Aug 10 01:23
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