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Short:Berkeley Fast Filesystem 1.3 (Read-Write)
Author: cdh at
Uploader:cdh mtu edu
Download:misc/emu/bffs1.3.lha - View contents

Version 1.3 of BFFS  (Read-Write)      Distribution is 2-Feb-94

Berkeley Fast Filesystem AmigaDOS, Copyright 1991-1994 Chris Hooper

BFFSFilesystem allows you to mount (and use) Unix filesystems directly
under AmigaDOS.  Function in the operating system is similar in form to
MessyDos (©) by Olaf Seibert or a CD-ROM filesystem for the Amiga.

This is the first read-write version of the filesystem.  And, although
I have done a fair amount of testing, you should not consider this
package stable or otherwise bug-free.

The original package (1.0 release) was co-authored by Bill Moore and
Chris Hooper.  Bill Moore has since acquired other projects, so this
product will be maintained and supported entirely by Chris Hooper.

	This package has been tested (working) with:
	    hardware:  Amiga 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000
	    software:  OS 2.04 and softkicked OS 2.04

I see no reason why it should not work with any other Amiga hardware
or OS configuration.


	Please read this first.  By using this product you automatically
	agree to all terms and conditions stated in the above file.

BFFSFileSystem - Berkeley FFS implementation filesystem for AmigaDOS
	This is the first release of the Read-Write version of the
	filesystem.  Since it is the first release, the possibility
	of grave data corruption exists for filesystems with parameters
	which have not been tested.  Please see the program documentation
	for situations which have been tested.

MountList.BFFS  - Sample AmigaDOS mountlist for filesystem
	The information contained in this MountList is explained in
	detail in the user manual.

bin/BFFSTool - Amiga gadtools utility to monitor filesystem performance
	and modify current operating parameters.  See the user manual
	for operating instructions.

bin/dumpfs - Show various Berkeley Fast Filesystem parameters; this
	includes information in the disk label (if present) as well
	as the superblock and cylinder group summary information.
	This tool requires the filesystem already be mounted.

bin/dcp - Copy from files to devices and visa versa.  See the separate
	documentation included for this package for details.

bin/ln - Create hard and soft links (usage is similar to UNIX ln command)

bin/chown - Change file Ownership (per AmigaDOS 3.0 packet)

bin/mknod - Create Unix special device nodes

bin/rdb - Show/modify the RDB (Rigid Disk Block) area of an Amiga disk

bin/els - Quick and dirty directory lister showing extended AmigaDOS 3.0
	permissions and file owner/group.

bin/newfs - 4.3 BSD Tahoe source ported to the Amiga.
	This program will create a new BSD filesystem within the bounds of
	the specified partition.  This tool requires the filesystem already
	be mounted.  A diskchange should be done on the partition following
	the new filesystem creation.

bin/fsck - 4.3 BSD Tahoe source ported to the Amiga
	This program will check the consistency of the filesystem specified.
	It will also NOT work correctly with SunOS 4.1.2 newfs'ed partitions,
	as Sun has changed its cylinder summary information slightly.
	The filesystem MUST be quiescent before starting fsck.  If the
	filesystem is modified, you must perform a diskchange on the
	partition to ensure continued data consistency.

bin/diskpart - 4.3 BSD Tahoe source ported to the Amiga
	This program allows you to create and/or edit the disk boot
	label information stored in the first sector of the disk
	(Amiga disk partition).  When creating a new disk label, if
	you do not specify the partition type, one will automatically
	be created for you specifying parameters which fit inside the
	the AmigaDOS partition.

doc/user_manual - Documentation on how to get started and maintain
	your BSD filesystems under AmigaDOS.
doc/release_notes.BFFS - Filesystem operation (code) changes since
	previous releases of the BFFS package.

doc/BFFSTool.doc - documentation for BFFSTool

doc/dcp.doc - documentation for dcp

doc/legal_information.dcp - legal information pertaining to dcp

doc/dumpfs.doc - documentation for dumpfs

doc/ln.doc - documentation for ln

doc/chown.doc - documentation for chown

doc/mknod.doc - documentation for mknod

doc/rdb.doc - documentation for rdb

doc/els.doc - documentation for els

etc/disktab - predefined disktypes for disklabel (not absolutely needed)

etc/Raw_Sun_Floppy_label - if you want to put a Sun label on a floppy
			   so that a Sun can use it, you need to format
			   the floppy, newfs the floppy, then
			   dcp Raw_Sun_Floppy_label BF0:
			   If BF0: is the name of your BFFS floppy device.

etc/HD_Raw_Sun_Floppy_label - This is the 1.44MB version of the Sun floppy
			      label (for high density floppy drives)


This package was written by Chris Hooper (

Contents of misc/emu/bffs1.3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                23826   47040  50.7% -lh5- 7161 Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/BFFSFileSystem
[generic]                 8443   16912  49.9% -lh5- 178f Jan 30  1994 bffs1.3/bin/BFFSTool
[generic]                 5324    8792  60.6% -lh5- c2f0 Jan 30  1994 bffs1.3/bin/chown
[generic]                10028   18476  54.3% -lh5- 0f4c Nov 28  1993 bffs1.3/bin/dcp
[generic]                16187   29468  54.9% -lh5- c868 Jan 30  1994 bffs1.3/bin/diskpart
[generic]                 8647   15912  54.3% -lh5- 2f0f Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/bin/dumpfs
[generic]                 5340    8824  60.5% -lh5- eaab Jan 30  1994 bffs1.3/bin/els
[generic]                30555   56820  53.8% -lh5- 7392 Jan 30  1994 bffs1.3/bin/fsck
[generic]                 3693    5804  63.6% -lh5- b0bf Jan 30  1994 bffs1.3/bin/ln
[generic]                 4400    7312  60.2% -lh5- f3d0 Jan 30  1994 bffs1.3/bin/mknod
[generic]                21453   43128  49.7% -lh5- 39bf Jan 30  1994 bffs1.3/bin/newfs
[generic]                13666   26492  51.6% -lh5- ae4b Jan 30  1994 bffs1.3/bin/rdb
[generic]                 8026   22554  35.6% -lh5- 1fec Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/doc/BFFSTool.doc
[generic]                  336     884  38.0% -lh5- 74ba Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/doc/chown.doc
[generic]                 1106    2486  44.5% -lh5- 2d32 Dec 21  1993 bffs1.3/doc/dcp.doc
[generic]                  676    1661  40.7% -lh5- 13be Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/doc/dumpfs.doc
[generic]                  393     949  41.4% -lh5- 25e0 Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/doc/els.doc
[generic]                 1981    4144  47.8% -lh5- e169 Jan 30  1994 bffs1.3/doc/legal_information
[generic]                 1032    1971  52.4% -lh5- 5c9c Dec 21  1993 bffs1.3/doc/legal_information.dcp
[generic]                  349     908  38.4% -lh5- 2771 Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/doc/ln.doc
[generic]                  344     892  38.6% -lh5- 7ba2 Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/doc/mknod.doc
[generic]                 1254    2705  46.4% -lh5- 5ed1 Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/doc/rdb.doc
[generic]                 2665    5838  45.6% -lh5- 196e Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/doc/release_notes.BFFS
[generic]                13098   32819  39.9% -lh5- 07a3 Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/doc/user_manual
[generic]                 1851    6508  28.4% -lh5- 0dad Dec 11  1993 bffs1.3/etc/disktab
[generic]                   92     512  18.0% -lh5- 665c Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/etc/HD_Raw_Sun_Floppy_label
[generic]                   93     512  18.2% -lh5- ed24 Dec 15  1993 bffs1.3/etc/Raw_Sun_Floppy_label
[generic]                  697    2467  28.3% -lh5- 74c5 Jan 30  1994 bffs1.3/MountList.BFFS
[generic]                 2071    5071  40.8% -lh5- 12e7 Feb  2  1994 bffs1.3/Readme.distribution
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        29 files  187626  377861  49.7%            Feb  5  1994
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