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Short:Creativision/Funvision/Wizzard emulator
Author:Various, port by uploader
Uploader:polluks sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Version:V0.48 R1.0
Requires:CGX or powersdl.library
Download:misc/emu/FunnyMu-MOS.lha - View contents

This is V0.48 R1.0 for AmigaOS 3.

The original version by Paul Hayter was based on work by Marat
Fayzullin. Improvements to this were made by MADrigal. The Amiga
port was done by James Jacobs of Amigan Software.

Amiga Notes
This is a quick-and-dirty port of V0.48 to AmigaOS 3. It is SDL-based.
You need to run in a 32-bit screenmode to get correct graphics.

  1. FunnyMu
  2. What is it?
  3. License
  4. Usage
  5. Keys
  6. Changelog
  7. Known bugs
  8. Contact
  9. Thanks to...

  Version:  0.48 (unofficial) for Windows

  Author:   Luca "MADrigal" Antignano

  Release date: April 18th, 2008

  Based on: FunnyMu 0.44 by Paul Hayter
        ColEm 1.0 by Marat Fayzullin
        MAME source code  
        Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)


What is it?
FunnyMu is an emulator for VTech creatiVision, Dick Smith Wizzard, VTech
FunVision and Hanimex Rameses computers/game consoles, released in 1982
and partecipating the "console war" against Atari 2600, Mattel
Intellivision and CBS Coleco Vision.

Hardware for all models:
  CPU:      Rockwell 6502A 8-bit microprocessor at 2MHz
  Video CPU:    Texas Instruments TMS9928/9929 (PAL/NTSC versions)
  Colours:  15 + transparent
  Sprites:  up to 32 total; up to 4 per horizontal row
  RAM:      16 KBytes (static) + 1 KByte (dynamic)
  Audio CPU:    Texas Instruments SN76489 (3 sound channels+1 noise channel)
  I/O device:   6821 PIA
  BIOS:     2KBytes ROM
  TV mode:  PAL (European, South African and Australian versions)
        NTSC (Japanese version)

Available additional hardware:
  cassette tape player/recorder for use with che BASIC language
  16 KBytes RAM expansion module
  I/O interface to connect floppy disk drive and Centronics printers
  additional rubberkey keyboard

You are not allowed to sell or profit from FunnyMu. This also applies to any
code derived from FunnyMu.

From a DOS Console Box type

  FunnyMu [rom file] (CART.ROM is used in case rom file is not specified)

FunnyMu looks for configuration file "FunnyMu.ini" which contains settings
regarding paths where creatiVision/FunVision BIOSes, and game ROMs are stored.
These are usually:
BIOS/bios.rom   (Funvision/Rameses BIOS)
BIOS/bioscv.rom (creatiVision/Wizzard hacked BIOS, showing creatiVision logo)
ROMS/#?.bin     (store ROM files here with .bin extension)

FunnyMu both supports game ROMs and the BASIC program ROM. RESET button is
used to go into "game select" mode or to "stop" the execution of a BASIC

When in "game select" mode, choose game mode by pressing either joystick
buttons, then start game by pressing any "a" to "z" key.

When emulating any BASIC ROM, press F5 to save current listing into plain text
file in the same folder as the emulator executable. A file is generated with
the name of "save001.txt", next is "save002.txt", etc.

You can load BASIC listings in plain text file format into the emulated ROM,
by pressing F7. File must be in the same folder as the emulator executable,
and name must be "load.txt".


  FunnyMu -help

to display useful usage informations

Emulation Keys
  F3            RESET button (used to enter "game selection" mode)

  0 to 9        keyboard 0 to 9
  A to Z        keyboard A to Z
  return        RET'N
  space         SPACE
  <>.,'? etc...

  arrow keys        Player 1 - joystick
  left/right shift  Player 1 - fire button 1
  left/right ctrl   Player 1 - fire button 2

  home/end/del/pagedown Player 2 - joystick
  insert        Player 2 - fire button 1
  pageup        Player 2 - fire button 2

Interface Keys
  F5            Save BASIC listing to plain text file ("savexxx.txt")
  F7            Load BASIC listing from plain text file ("load.txt")
  F12           Save snapshot (.BMP format)
  ESC           Exit emulator

 0.48 unofficial
 * fixed bug in audio emulation, thanks to Paul Hayter's fix from the private
   unreleased FunnyMu 0.44
 * minor cleaning to source code

 0.47 unofficial
 * added cart loading routine to support 32 KBytes ROMs (new special format
   used on ROMs included in the creatiVision Multicart)
 * added option to save screenshots in BMP format (press F12)
 * fixed screen resolution to a true 256*192 pixels (removed black borders)
 * added option to load BASIC listings from plain text file, named "load.txt",
   into emulated BASIC program (press F7)
 * added option to save BASIC listings into plain text file from emulated
   BASIC program, named "savexxx.txt" (press F5) (Courtesy of Giovanni Ortu)

 0.46 unofficial
 * fixed problem with transparent colour in VDP palette. Tank Attack still
   has problems with it, but I suspect it's probably due to some problem in
   some other part of VDP emulation
 * fixed mathematics bug in 6502 emulation. Mouse Puzzle and Police Jump now
   work fine with correct "bonus score" counter

 0.45 unofficial
 * changed cart loading routine in order to have full compatibility with
   "creatiVision Basic 1982" (3*4=12 KBytes ROM)
 * changed cart loading routine in order to have full compatibility with
   "Werben ++++ Informieren" (8+2=10 KBytes ROM)
 * fixed bug in 10 KBytes cart loading routine

 0.44 unofficial
 * fixed cart loading routines in order to have full compatibility with 6, 10,
   12, 16 and 18 KBytes ROMs
 * changed most boot messages to match the new cart loading routines
 * fixed colours palette to match the (much more realistic) one in MAME
 * disabled debugger (F1 key no longer stops emulation)
 * changed keymapping to match MAME standard (F3=reset, ESC=exit, etc.)
 * added keymapping for right joystick
 * fixed error in keymapping of "-" key
 * added full colour icon
 * changed HELP option to match the new options and keymapping
 * now distributed with SDL 1.2.11, providing *great* sound playback!
 * added save/load settings to FunnyMu.ini config file (thanks to iAN_CooG)
 * BIOS file can be selected by editing the FunnyMu.ini file
 * cleaned up code a bit

Known bugs
 * there's a problem with background colour setting. It should depend on
   VDP register 7, but it doesn't work properly. I fixed it partially, but
   Tank Attack isn't fixed yet
 * text is uncorrectly rendered (misplaced) in Air/Sea Battle and Police
   Jump though this doesn't affect playability
 * all bugs listed above were already present in the official versions of
   FunnyMu, or at least I discovered them while testing version 0.44. My "to
   do" list includes a full debugging of the TMS9928 emulation routines
 * sound might not work properly on the Amiga port.

For MADrigal:         handhelds simulators      handhelds simulators (Italian site)     Game & Watch reviews and infos  creatiVision emulation central         Raine emulator magazine                      Nintendo consoles italian central

my email address:

For Amigan Software:

my email address:

Thanks to...
- Paul Hayter for providing the full source code of the great FunnyMu
- iAN_CooG for teaching me a little bit of C
- Giovanni Ortu for invaluable help and coding support!

--End Of Document--

Contents of misc/emu/FunnyMu-MOS.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1645    2048  80.3% -lh5- 69d0 Nov 11  2001 FunnyMu/bios/bios.rom
[generic]                 1656    2048  80.9% -lh5- 0f8d Aug 24  2000 FunnyMu/bios/bioscv.rom
[generic]                 4537   11518  39.4% -lh5- a9d1 Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/Docs/ColEm.doc
[generic]                  658    1219  54.0% -lh5- 57df Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/Docs/FAQ
[generic]                 3534    7934  44.5% -lh5- cdaf Jul 14 02:11 FunnyMu/Docs/FunnyMu.readme
[generic]                 1432    3105  46.1% -lh5- 85ae Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/Docs/funvision-tech.txt
[generic]               101747  243144  41.8% -lh5- aae6 Jul 14 02:22 FunnyMu/funnymu
[generic]                   73      98  74.5% -lh5- 2999 Jul 17 01:44 FunnyMu/FunnyMu.ini
[generic]                 6207    8192  75.8% -lh5- d6c2 Nov 11  2001 FunnyMu/ROMs/ASTRO.ROM
[generic]                 3227    4096  78.8% -lh5- 5f0e Nov 12  2001 FunnyMu/ROMs/CRAZYCHICKEN.ROM
[generic]                 3178    4096  77.6% -lh5- 7edc Nov 11  2001 FunnyMu/ROMs/HAPMON.ROM
[generic]                 3057    4096  74.6% -lh5- 5666 Oct 31  2001 FunnyMu/ROMs/SONICINV.ROM
[generic]                 1974   10887  18.1% -lh5- a2e5 Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/Codes.h
[generic]                 2284   10804  21.1% -lh5- d70f Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/Common.h
[generic]                 2725    9318  29.2% -lh5- b46b Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/Debug.c
[generic]                 6608   24545  26.9% -lh5- d35a Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/funny.c
[generic]                 1918    6307  30.4% -lh5- 7391 Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/funny.h
[generic]                 2086    6902  30.2% -lh5- 226a Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/funnymu.c
[generic]                  872    3513  24.8% -lh5- 83b0 Jul 14 02:22 FunnyMu/source/FunnyMu.¶
[generic]                 1511    2002  75.5% -lh5- 83e8 Jul 13 02:59 FunnyMu/source/FunnyMu.¶.info
[generic]                 5366   20906  25.7% -lh5- 824a Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/funnysdl.c.bak
[generic]                  450    1194  37.7% -lh5- 4454 Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/funnysdl.h.bak
[generic]                 1143    2973  38.4% -lh5- 3ee5 Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/Help.h
[generic]                 2121    8243  25.7% -lh5- 9a37 Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/INIFile.c
[generic]                  775    3451  22.5% -lh5- ea1a Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/INIFile.h
[generic]                 2710    9878  27.4% -lh5- 3a20 Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/M6502.c
[generic]                 1881    6280  30.0% -lh5- affa Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/M6502.h
[generic]                 1262    2687  47.0% -lh5- 6ca4 Jul 13 01:52 FunnyMu/source/Makefile.bak
[generic]                 1262    2685  47.0% -lh5- cf6a Jul 13 01:52 FunnyMu/source/Makefile.w32
[generic]                  831    1910  43.5% -lh5- c6ca Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/plh.c
[generic]                  124     229  54.1% -lh5- 6a17 Jul 14 02:23 FunnyMu/source/ship.stormc
[generic]                 3221    9711  33.2% -lh5- 89d6 Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/sn76496.c
[generic]                  588    1622  36.3% -lh5- c1c6 Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/sn76496.h
[generic]                  473    2742  17.3% -lh5- 02d2 Jul 14 02:05 FunnyMu/source/Tables.h
[generic]                51085  137080  37.3% -lh5- 325f Jul 17 02:33 FunnyMu/funnymu.elf
[generic]                 5325   20808  25.6% -lh5- 6c51 Jul 17 02:28 FunnyMu/source/funnysdl.c
[generic]                  430    1155  37.2% -lh5- 6947 Jul 17 02:30 FunnyMu/source/funnysdl.h
[generic]                 1301    2717  47.9% -lh5- 58c0 Jul 17 02:32 FunnyMu/source/Makefile
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        38 files  231277  602143  38.4%            Jul 18 07:15
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