ActiveWinPic and Oberon-2 Sourcecode
© 1997 by Martin Tauchmann
Version 1.2
1. Copyright
No comercial use without permission of the Author
2. Address
Martin Tauchmann
Scheffelstr. 49
79102 Freiburg in Breisgau - Germany
3. Usage
FILE ((A)lways required) : FileName of the IFF-Picture.
x,y : Left & Top coordinates of the picture, start
display position.
VERBOSE : Prints the maximum possible dimensions.
Other products:
Aminet:disk/cache/fda.lha (cheapest, fastest and cleverest Cache-Program)
Aminet:mods/slow/BrainBird.lha (Shaman drums to meditate and 14 Ambient NewAge Songs)
Aminet:misc/math/TelekomTelefonrechnung.lha (calculater for WG´s)
Aminet:util/boot/IsInserted.lha (StartUp-Check if a Disk inserted then start BootUte)
Aminet:misc/unix/File2Partition.lha (spare memory if LinUX install, stores files direct to HD, Disks or any LogicalDevice)
beauty time!
--- Taucha