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AUTOCAT is an AREXX-Script for the ** registered ** Version of Reinhard Haslbeck's
great catalog program 'ImageDesk'. It enables the user to move trough unlimited
numbers of catalogs just by clicking picture-thumbnails with special functions.
The user can move within collections of catalogs like he is used to do with
directories of files; he can enter grouped-together-catalogs, move forward or back,
and go back to parent entries. There is no need for entering file-names. The
system is designed to be able to manage complete picture-collections.
Since AutoCat requires version 1.6 or 2.03 of ImageDesk and does not run with
2.0 or 2.01, Reinhard Haslbeck has given his kind permission to include an updated
version 2.03 of the ImageDesk program file in this set. Simply copy this
file over your existing V2.0 or 2.01 version of ImageDesk. Please note, that AUTOCAT
cannot be used with the unregistered version of ImageDesk. Since AUTOCAT requires
a running ImageDesk, make sure that your hardware and os meets the requirements of
Legal State
AUTOCAT is freeware; do with it what you like to do. ImageDesk is shareware,
note the comments in the .readme-file of ImageDesk.
Ulrich Röcher
Am Tretenberg 6
57080 Siegen
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
16045 6229 61.1% 24-Oct-95 21:16:26 Anleitung.txt
3548 1411 60.2% 25-Oct-95 20:07:56 AUTOCAT1.IDesk
11248 2450 78.2% 24-Oct-95 21:03:34 AUTOCAT2.IDesk
16000 907 94.3% 21-Oct-95 16:04:16 Command.cat.10
27670 1229 95.5% 21-Oct-95 16:09:36 Command.cat.12
27670 1230 95.5% 21-Oct-95 16:10:32 Command.cat.15
7318 561 92.3% 21-Oct-95 16:06:04 Command.cat.6
16000 903 94.3% 12-Sep-95 21:43:22 Command.cat.8
156511 156511 0.0% 01-Nov-95 11:03:42 ImageDesk203_bin.lha
15440 5824 62.2% 24-Oct-95 21:22:16 Instructions.doc
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
297450 177255 40.4% 04-Nov-95 21:15:54 10 files
Contents of gfx/misc/autocat.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 6229 16045 38.8% -lh5- bbbb Oct 24 1995 Anleitung.txt
[generic] 1411 3548 39.8% -lh5- 87e5 Oct 25 1995 AUTOCAT1.IDesk
[generic] 2450 11248 21.8% -lh5- 81f5 Oct 24 1995 AUTOCAT2.IDesk
[generic] 907 16000 5.7% -lh5- c13f Oct 21 1995 Command.cat.10
[generic] 1229 27670 4.4% -lh5- 0fbb Oct 21 1995 Command.cat.12
[generic] 1230 27670 4.4% -lh5- 173f Oct 21 1995 Command.cat.15
[generic] 561 7318 7.7% -lh5- 4f2d Oct 21 1995 Command.cat.6
[generic] 903 16000 5.6% -lh5- 0de6 Sep 12 1995 Command.cat.8
[generic] 156511 156511 100.0% -lh0- df18 Nov 1 1995 ImageDesk203_bin.lha
[generic] 5824 15440 37.7% -lh5- 16b5 Oct 24 1995 Instructions.doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 177255 297450 59.6% Nov 9 1995
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