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be played on file systems that can support these large file names, such
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Contents of game/shoot/noiz2sa_68k.zip
Archive: /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//game/shoot/noiz2sa_68k.zip
Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ----
0 Stored 0 0% 2012-05-20 02:49 00000000 noiz2sa/
0 Stored 0 0% 2012-05-20 02:49 00000000 noiz2sa/boss/
474 Defl:N 263 45% 2003-02-07 04:44 346c48ed noiz2sa/boss/[Psyvariar]_X-A_boss_opening.xml
947 Defl:N 355 63% 2002-09-21 21:02 ef37fe93 noiz2sa/boss/[Progear]_round_5_middle_boss_rockets.xml
719 Defl:N 321 55% 2002-12-29 08:49 06983821 noiz2sa/boss/[Progear]_round_5_boss_last_round_wave.xml
978 Defl:N 340 65% 2003-02-07 04:43 a2b31feb noiz2sa/boss/[Progear]_round_3_boss_wave_bullets.xml
977 Defl:N 389 60% 2002-09-21 21:02 d0ddc258 noiz2sa/boss/[Progear]_round_3_boss_back_burst.xml
962 Defl:N 370 62% 2002-09-21 21:02 0964960f noiz2sa/boss/[Progear]_round_2_boss_struggling.xml
972 Defl:N 376 61% 2002-10-28 11:02 18033287 noiz2sa/boss/[Progear]_round_1_boss_grow_bullets.xml
724 Defl:N 317 56% 2003-02-09 05:46 fb1d7b5c noiz2sa/boss/[ketsui]_r5_middle_slow_spread.xml
2298 Defl:N 498 78% 2003-02-09 14:32 4f6e1feb noiz2sa/boss/[ketsui]_r5_accel_aim_13way.xml
1119 Defl:N 365 67% 2003-02-07 07:18 c6722f94 noiz2sa/boss/[ketsui]_r4_boss_rb_rockets.xml
825 Defl:N 343 58% 2003-02-09 06:06 c352231e noiz2sa/boss/[ketsui]_r3_boss_fastspread.xml
1016 Defl:N 361 65% 2002-12-29 09:19 b2909376 noiz2sa/boss/[ketsui]_r2_boss_rkt.xml
1744 Defl:N 445 75% 2003-02-07 04:42 cb1ac9fc noiz2sa/boss/[Ikaruga]_r1_mdl.xml
535 Defl:N 276 48% 2003-02-07 04:42 c4f03181 noiz2sa/boss/[Ikaruga]_drc2.xml
1158 Defl:N 396 66% 2003-02-07 04:41 9aa52a12 noiz2sa/boss/[Guwange]_round_4_boss_eye_ball.xml
1708 Defl:N 438 74% 2002-09-21 21:02 c26ca441 noiz2sa/boss/[Guwange]_round_3_boss_fast_3way.xml
914 Defl:N 384 58% 2002-09-21 21:02 f4a62ad3 noiz2sa/boss/[Guwange]_round_2_boss_circle_fire.xml
1775 Defl:N 467 74% 2003-08-08 07:16 cb286498 noiz2sa/boss/[daiouzyou]_r1_boss_l.xml
1020 Defl:N 338 67% 2002-09-21 21:02 cc846ca8 noiz2sa/boss/[daiouzyou]_r1_boss_5.xml
1580 Defl:N 423 73% 2002-09-21 21:02 ff44e49f noiz2sa/boss/[daiouzyou]_r1_boss_4.xml
1124 Defl:N 403 64% 2003-02-07 04:40 af492ab1 noiz2sa/boss/[daiouzyou]_r1_boss_1.xml
2503 Defl:N 471 81% 2003-02-07 04:41 7d68f6de noiz2sa/boss/[daiouzyou]_hibati_2_2_r.xml
1726 Defl:N 450 74% 2003-02-07 04:47 eae713f9 noiz2sa/boss/[daiouzyou]_hibati_2_2_b.xml
1024 Defl:N 367 64% 2003-02-07 04:46 cc997e98 noiz2sa/boss/side_cracker.xml
939 Defl:N 365 61% 2002-09-29 18:21 fc14126e noiz2sa/boss/rollbar.xml
1453 Defl:N 426 71% 2003-08-08 07:20 1b1dd748 noiz2sa/boss/roll3pos.xml
818 Defl:N 350 57% 2003-02-09 04:59 81bd348f noiz2sa/boss/forward_3way.xml
1516 Defl:N 450 70% 2003-02-08 14:52 d5edbefc noiz2sa/boss/double_roll_seeds.xml
1304 Defl:N 416 68% 2003-02-07 04:44 27bf6169 noiz2sa/boss/bit.xml
1023 Defl:N 353 66% 2003-02-07 04:44 4fc3ef69 noiz2sa/boss/beewinder.xml
817 Defl:N 339 59% 2003-02-07 04:44 39156b6f noiz2sa/boss/88way.xml
1164 Defl:N 355 70% 2003-02-07 04:44 db17ed9a noiz2sa/boss/57way.xml
0 Stored 0 0% 2012-05-20 03:09 00000000 noiz2sa/docs/
781 Defl:N 472 40% 2012-05-20 03:09 b509dc9f noiz2sa/docs/noiz2sa_68k.readme
487 Defl:N 229 53% 2012-05-19 08:36 a2fcb5a0 noiz2sa/docs/noiz2sa_68k.readme.info
4378 Defl:N 2284 48% 2003-08-11 14:25 27e08e87 noiz2sa/docs/readme.txt
468 Defl:N 210 55% 2012-05-19 08:36 b1fdf011 noiz2sa/docs/readme.txt.info
4366 Defl:N 2043 53% 2003-08-07 18:27 cfd4b0a2 noiz2sa/docs/readme_e.txt
487 Defl:N 231 53% 2012-05-19 08:36 1646679e noiz2sa/docs/readme_e.txt.info
1452 Defl:N 1072 26% 2011-11-09 23:03 31bd19b5 noiz2sa/IconX
0 Stored 0 0% 2012-05-20 02:49 00000000 noiz2sa/images/
920 Defl:N 274 70% 2002-10-31 11:49 b0c15e36 noiz2sa/images/title_2.bmp
920 Defl:N 334 64% 2002-10-31 11:50 4b27f52d noiz2sa/images/title_a.bmp
884 Defl:N 105 88% 2002-10-31 11:48 8c29a537 noiz2sa/images/title_i.bmp
916 Defl:N 214 77% 2002-10-31 11:37 3144ad86 noiz2sa/images/title_n.bmp
920 Defl:N 288 69% 2002-10-31 11:47 4f7693c9 noiz2sa/images/title_o.bmp
920 Defl:N 324 65% 2002-10-31 11:50 6203cbbe noiz2sa/images/title_s.bmp
900 Defl:N 201 78% 2002-10-31 11:48 b8c0277d noiz2sa/images/title_z.bmp
0 Stored 0 0% 2012-05-20 02:49 00000000 noiz2sa/middle/
1226 Defl:N 402 67% 2003-02-06 10:36 731b9153 noiz2sa/middle/1tonway.xml
1386 Defl:N 432 69% 2003-02-06 10:36 763fce9c noiz2sa/middle/22way.xml
1651 Defl:N 472 71% 2003-02-06 10:36 383a48eb noiz2sa/middle/23accel.xml
1298 Defl:N 415 68% 2003-02-06 10:36 bd021db4 noiz2sa/middle/2round.xml
2010 Defl:N 422 79% 2003-02-06 10:37 4ef41176 noiz2sa/middle/4waccel.xml
893 Defl:N 364 59% 2003-02-06 10:37 232528dc noiz2sa/middle/4way.xml
998 Defl:N 393 61% 2003-02-06 10:38 54487d41 noiz2sa/middle/accel16way.xml
700 Defl:N 322 54% 2003-02-06 10:38 610eb2a3 noiz2sa/middle/grow.xml
1425 Defl:N 425 70% 2003-02-06 10:38 df19f8f2 noiz2sa/middle/growround.xml
1288 Defl:N 413 68% 2003-02-06 10:38 48e62956 noiz2sa/middle/mnway.xml
1048 Defl:N 391 63% 2003-02-06 10:38 98cbd6b9 noiz2sa/middle/nwroll.xml
780 Defl:N 327 58% 2003-02-06 10:38 113c012e noiz2sa/middle/shotgun.xml
1057 Defl:N 386 64% 2003-02-06 10:39 b01dbed9 noiz2sa/middle/spread2blt.xml
1142 Defl:N 370 68% 2003-02-06 10:40 516dcda1 noiz2sa/middle/spreadnn.xml
1157 Defl:N 400 65% 2003-02-06 10:39 a481ae5d noiz2sa/middle/spread_bf.xml
1055 Defl:N 380 64% 2003-02-06 10:40 a8cba67d noiz2sa/middle/vrtlas.xml
1112 Defl:N 370 67% 2003-02-06 10:40 0550c740 noiz2sa/middle/xfire.xml
1072 Defl:N 362 66% 2002-10-29 22:35 22c5849a noiz2sa/middle/[daiouzyou]_r1_boss_2.xml
1253 Defl:N 425 66% 2003-02-06 10:35 d26ec6ff noiz2sa/middle/[daiouzyou]_r1_boss_3.xml
709 Defl:N 317 55% 2003-02-06 10:36 f5efeccd noiz2sa/middle/[Ikaruga]_r3_mdl_3.xml
865 Defl:N 348 60% 2003-02-06 10:36 db38ae21 noiz2sa/middle/[Ikaruga]_rf_l.xml
2017 Defl:N 511 75% 2003-02-06 13:06 f6617f6b noiz2sa/middle/[ketsui]_r2_5way_round.xml
1120 Defl:N 407 64% 2003-02-06 13:37 ff480cfd noiz2sa/middle/[ketsui]_r4_boss_last_red_aim.xml
64 Defl:N 63 2% 2012-05-17 19:29 32e70953 noiz2sa/noiz2sa
332344 Defl:N 329011 1% 2012-05-17 19:07 edd7e428 noiz2sa/noiz2sa.fpu
460 Defl:N 230 50% 2012-05-19 08:36 df7477bf noiz2sa/noiz2sa.info
707 Defl:N 43 94% 2012-05-20 02:50 40ebc7e0 noiz2sa/noiz2sa.prf
0 Stored 0 0% 2012-05-20 02:49 00000000 noiz2sa/sounds/
29868 Defl:N 28547 4% 2005-09-21 00:12 4f272c8d noiz2sa/sounds/bonus.wav
121644 Defl:N 119143 2% 2005-09-21 00:13 1e20c516 noiz2sa/sounds/bossdst.wav
141164 Defl:N 131016 7% 2005-09-21 00:13 58bfafc5 noiz2sa/sounds/extend.wav
28288 Defl:N 27121 4% 2002-10-31 01:02 83f574c0 noiz2sa/sounds/foedst.wav
11242 Defl:N 10594 6% 2005-09-21 00:14 b1823a03 noiz2sa/sounds/hit.wav
87698 Defl:N 86335 2% 2005-09-21 00:14 40824850 noiz2sa/sounds/shipdst.wav
19468 Defl:N 17756 9% 2005-09-21 00:15 298fb65c noiz2sa/sounds/shot.wav
121735 Defl:N 121775 0% 2012-05-17 19:16 45fc6796 noiz2sa/src.7z
0 Stored 0 0% 2012-05-20 02:49 00000000 noiz2sa/zako/
1351 Defl:N 421 69% 2003-02-06 10:41 5f9be923 noiz2sa/zako/248shot.xml
901 Defl:N 363 60% 2003-02-06 10:41 76ef0efb noiz2sa/zako/3waychase.xml
1933 Defl:N 463 76% 2003-02-06 10:41 f5919ef9 noiz2sa/zako/6gt.xml
1003 Defl:N 352 65% 2003-02-06 10:41 b09133b7 noiz2sa/zako/accel.xml
908 Defl:N 372 59% 2003-02-06 10:42 9ab27278 noiz2sa/zako/accum.xml
959 Defl:N 382 60% 2003-02-06 10:42 12989a88 noiz2sa/zako/bar.xml
814 Defl:N 350 57% 2003-02-06 10:42 300721b6 noiz2sa/zako/bee.xml
803 Defl:N 325 60% 2003-02-06 10:42 0445d9eb noiz2sa/zako/bit_move.xml
1202 Defl:N 363 70% 2003-02-06 10:42 92a7068f noiz2sa/zako/nway.xml
999 Defl:N 383 62% 2003-02-06 10:42 27de441d noiz2sa/zako/rndway.xml
1527 Defl:N 428 72% 2003-02-06 10:43 01e3aee6 noiz2sa/zako/slowdown.xml
975 Defl:N 330 66% 2003-02-06 10:43 e72dd465 noiz2sa/zako/spread.xml
691 Defl:N 308 55% 2003-02-06 10:43 2c445510 noiz2sa/zako/stay.xml
579 Defl:N 292 50% 2003-02-06 10:43 dc4dae85 noiz2sa/zako/thrust.xml
1291 Defl:N 419 68% 2003-02-06 10:43 f07cddcf noiz2sa/zako/twin.xml
1126 Defl:N 387 66% 2003-02-06 10:43 c03f90ab noiz2sa/zako/twin_extend.xml
683 Defl:N 326 52% 2003-02-06 10:40 f1078e44 noiz2sa/zako/[Ikaruga]_r5_vrp.xml
786 Defl:N 339 57% 2003-02-08 12:24 31c6281f noiz2sa/zako/[ketsui]_r1_boss_bit.xml
2802 Defl:N 1843 34% 2012-05-19 08:36 2fc8682a noiz2sa/docs.info
2802 Defl:N 1840 34% 2012-05-19 08:36 67aa72fa noiz2sa.info
-------- ------- --- -------
1002734 911465 9% 108 files
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