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Short:Q2-Src: Pro-Ctf
Author:"Hyperion Entertainment" SteffenH at
Uploader:Golem <golem canoemail com>
Requires:C compiler
Download:game/shoot/ProCtfSrc.lha - View contents

The Quake 2 Amiga sources as released by Hyperion, original
readme included below. The archives have all been converted
from Hyperion's proprietary .hpa format to lha for this
upload. I have not been able to build a working executable
yet, but the sources are identical to what I got from the
Hyperion CD, so with a little more effort it should be
possible. Thanks goes to darklite (and Hyperion) for making
these sources available to the Amiga community.

=== Hyperion readme.first ===
Please note that not EVERYTHING on this CD is under the GPL.
The Quake 2 and qtools and the DLL System and the Mods D-Day, Star Wars, Q2Max
and Threewave CTF *are* under GPL. 

Please note that if you are interested in a different licence for the DLL-System 
than the GPL (for example to compile Mods which are not under GPL like ActionQuake) 
you should discuss this issue with me ( or Ben Hermans.
Such a licence could include something like "may be used for AmigaOS-based Projects free
of charge". For details contact me or Ben Hermans. For GPL-based-projects you can of course just use the GPL-version of
the DLL Library without any limitations other than the GPL, and you do not need
to ask for permission or anything like it, other than making sure that you do not
harm the regulations of the GPL.

Please note the stuff inside lib.hpa is only needed for StormC, not for
other compilers.

If you'd like to release a recompile for not-GPLed Quake 2 Mods
- for Example like ActionQuake or Fireteam - you need to have a different 
licence'd version for the DLL-System than the GPL-version included on this CD. 
(As Mods like ActionQuake are not under the GPL, but under a different OpenSource

Most Q2 Mods are not under GPL, so you cannot 
release Binaries linked with the GPL-version of the DLL-Code. If you find Source-Code
for an Amiga-Port of a Not-GPLed Quake 2 Mod on this CD or on other places which does
include a file dll.h, then please assume this file was given under a different
licence than the GPL ("can be used free of charge for AmigaOS-based projects" basically, contact me for details).
Please note that if you need a different licenced version of the DLL-Code that
we are quite open to sensible suggestions about it, so don't be afraid to ask!!!

Please also note that depending on which compilers you use you might
have to do small adaptions in the makefiles (calling elf2exe2 or not
for example). For some Mods there are also StormC 68k project files
included to compile a 68k (Beta) version of Quake 2. Never tried if
they still work with the most recent version. But they should, normally.
The StormC 68k version needed some optimizer-stuff disabled to work without
graphics bugs and that did "break" it on Amithlon (and made it extremely
slow on a real Amiga). A gcc 68k 2.95.3 version compiled had even more graphics bugs.
I think the issue is something with the linker libraries.

Steffen Haeuser
Hyperion Entertainment

Contents of game/shoot/ProCtfSrc.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 6389   24290  26.3% -lh5- 2077 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_ai.c
[generic]                 7153   16056  44.6% -lh5- 630b Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_ai.o
[generic]                 8511   38359  22.2% -lh5- 93de Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_ai.s
[generic]                 1013    2958  34.2% -lh5- 10a9 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_chase.c
[generic]                 1766    3296  53.6% -lh5- 7a15 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_chase.o
[generic]                 1964    6435  30.5% -lh5- 52b5 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_chase.s
[generic]                 3965   17269  23.0% -lh5- a739 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_cmds.c
[generic]                 7850   20228  38.8% -lh5- 8283 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_cmds.o
[generic]                 9173   42079  21.8% -lh5- ce63 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_cmds.s
[generic]                 4365   14422  30.3% -lh5- e361 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_combat.c
[generic]                 4942   10112  48.9% -lh5- dc9f Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_combat.o
[generic]                 5477   22065  24.8% -lh5- 21b5 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_combat.s
[generic]                18017   67155  26.8% -lh5- bfff Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_ctf.c
[generic]                 1507    4648  32.4% -lh5- 5921 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_ctf.h
[generic]                27018   61144  44.2% -lh5- fd1a Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_ctf.o
[generic]                30622  133499  22.9% -lh5- 72e4 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_ctf.s
[generic]                12500   50408  24.8% -lh5- 88b1 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_func.c
[generic]                15695   38764  40.5% -lh5- b0a0 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_func.o
[generic]                19681   97577  20.2% -lh5- e0bd Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_func.s
[generic]                 9670   48799  19.8% -lh5- 81d7 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_items.c
[generic]                15557   42528  36.6% -lh5- 75b7 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_items.o
[generic]                16422   86515  19.0% -lh5- c73f Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_items.s
[generic]                 9297   27843  33.4% -lh5- ffb7 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_local.h
[generic]                 2638    7513  35.1% -lh5- 1bd1 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_main.c
[generic]                 4104    9504  43.2% -lh5- 14a8 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_main.o
[generic]                 4224   16387  25.8% -lh5- ea41 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_main.s
[generic]                10489   45349  23.1% -lh5- 8a80 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_misc.c
[generic]                16193   40664  39.8% -lh5- a950 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_misc.o
[generic]                18860   99705  18.9% -lh5- 3416 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_misc.s
[generic]                 4032   16855  23.9% -lh5- 5cc2 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_monster.c
[generic]                 6392   15104  42.3% -lh5- 2229 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_monster.o
[generic]                 7370   34751  21.2% -lh5- 04e5 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_monster.s
[generic]                 6260   20640  30.3% -lh5- 7a1b Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_phys.c
[generic]                 7401   15068  49.1% -lh5- 68cc Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_phys.o
[generic]                 8727   35545  24.6% -lh5- 94ba Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_phys.s
[generic]                 4041   15916  25.4% -lh5- 405a Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_save.c
[generic]                 6632   17064  38.9% -lh5- 0c96 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_save.o
[generic]                 6305   31101  20.3% -lh5- d0a5 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_save.s
[generic]                 6251   22902  27.3% -lh5- 75b7 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_spawn.c
[generic]                 8072   21012  38.4% -lh5- 0513 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_spawn.o
[generic]                 6761   30336  22.3% -lh5- 3b33 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_spawn.s
[generic]                  283     504  56.2% -lh5- 33ca Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_svcmds.c
[generic]                  558    1256  44.4% -lh5- 7267 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_svcmds.o
[generic]                  473    1134  41.7% -lh5- 8834 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_svcmds.s
[generic]                 5665   19789  28.6% -lh5- 842b Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_target.c
[generic]                 7187   15948  45.1% -lh5- 0875 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_target.o
[generic]                 8041   35990  22.3% -lh5- 77c2 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_target.s
[generic]                 3785   13130  28.8% -lh5- 73bb Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_trigger.c
[generic]                 4904   11380  43.1% -lh5- 823b Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_trigger.o
[generic]                 5090   23196  21.9% -lh5- 6c6b Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_trigger.s
[generic]                 3627   10238  35.4% -lh5- 4e20 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_utils.c
[generic]                 4704    9564  49.2% -lh5- e0e6 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_utils.o
[generic]                 5294   19875  26.6% -lh5- bbb0 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_utils.s
[generic]                 5752   22852  25.2% -lh5- 31fe Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_weapon.c
[generic]                 9292   19960  46.6% -lh5- 1f10 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_weapon.o
[generic]                10830   44813  24.2% -lh5- 88f5 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/g_weapon.s
[generic]                 2518    6802  37.0% -lh5- 905c Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/game.h
[generic]               138140  332319  41.6% -lh5- 0205 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/
[generic]                 3263   10746  30.4% -lh5- 4c7d Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/m_move.c
[generic]                 3907    7864  49.7% -lh5- 449d Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/m_move.o
[generic]                 4599   18709  24.6% -lh5- 7e91 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/m_move.s
[generic]                 1163    6946  16.7% -lh5- dca7 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/m_player.h
[generic]                  624    1281  48.7% -lh5- 9a49 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/Makefile
[generic]                 4237    7948  53.3% -lh5- ca1d Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_ai.debug
[generic]                 4633   11716  39.5% -lh5- d284 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_ai.o
[generic]                 4311    7952  54.2% -lh5- b9b8 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_chase.debug
[generic]                 1252    2404  52.1% -lh5- ea13 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_chase.o
[generic]                 4260    7950  53.6% -lh5- 1ca7 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_cmds.debug
[generic]                 4489   10576  42.4% -lh5- 969a Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_cmds.o
[generic]                 4340    7952  54.6% -lh5- 1a57 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_combat.debug
[generic]                 3201    7752  41.3% -lh5- a9e2 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_combat.o
[generic]                 3802    7950  47.8% -lh5- b1f7 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_ctf.debug
[generic]                16313   39652  41.1% -lh5- 4867 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_ctf.o
[generic]                 3787    7950  47.6% -lh5- e665 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_func.debug
[generic]                 9583   27508  34.8% -lh5- 3942 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_func.o
[generic]                 3965    7952  49.9% -lh5- c423 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_items.debug
[generic]                 9632   26252  36.7% -lh5- 7206 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_items.o
[generic]                 3969    7950  49.9% -lh5- 9f26 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_main.debug
[generic]                 2194    5880  37.3% -lh5- b9c6 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_main.o
[generic]                 3950    7950  49.7% -lh5- d1dd Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_misc.debug
[generic]                10741   40532  26.5% -lh5- 4fd1 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_misc.o
[generic]                 3994    7954  50.2% -lh5- 33d5 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_monster.debug
[generic]                 3982   10092  39.5% -lh5- 363f Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_monster.o
[generic]                 4104    7950  51.6% -lh5- 12af Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_phys.debug
[generic]                 5526   14488  38.1% -lh5- 6319 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_phys.o
[generic]                 4103    7950  51.6% -lh5- b8cc Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_save.debug
[generic]                 3783    9340  40.5% -lh5- b76a Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_save.o
[generic]                 4066    7952  51.1% -lh5- 66f6 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_spawn.debug
[generic]                 5239   12740  41.1% -lh5- 5b21 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_spawn.o
[generic]                 4194    7952  52.7% -lh5- 1a8f Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_svcmds.debug
[generic]                  265     432  61.3% -lh5- 08db Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_svcmds.o
[generic]                 4138    7952  52.0% -lh5- dcfe Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_target.debug
[generic]                 4677   11844  39.5% -lh5- 92a3 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_target.o
[generic]                 3997    7954  50.3% -lh5- aab8 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_trigger.debug
[generic]                 2832    6572  43.1% -lh5- c4de Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_trigger.o
[generic]                 3881    7952  48.8% -lh5- 4e49 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_utils.debug
[generic]                 3132    7096  44.1% -lh5- 2ab9 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_utils.o
[generic]                 4057    7952  51.0% -lh5- 9ec0 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_weapon.debug
[generic]                 6301   17308  36.4% -lh5- 7dad Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/g_weapon.o
[generic]                 4000    7950  50.3% -lh5- 6d2e Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/m_move.debug
[generic]                 2785    6768  41.1% -lh5- 0c1e Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/m_move.o
[generic]                 3943    7952  49.6% -lh5- 8fb8 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/p_client.debug
[generic]                 9476   22436  42.2% -lh5- 7a53 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/p_client.o
[generic]                 3951    7950  49.7% -lh5- ca1a Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/p_hud.debug
[generic]                 3212    7360  43.6% -lh5- 5f4e Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/p_hud.o
[generic]                 4057    7950  51.0% -lh5- 5839 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/p_menu.debug
[generic]                 1003    1696  59.1% -lh5- 0b71 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/p_menu.o
[generic]                 4101    7952  51.6% -lh5- e131 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/p_trail.debug
[generic]                  833    1844  45.2% -lh5- 6f77 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/p_trail.o
[generic]                 4049    7950  50.9% -lh5- 4d34 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/p_view.debug
[generic]                 6803   18840  36.1% -lh5- d1f2 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/p_view.o
[generic]                 4112    7952  51.7% -lh5- 46c4 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/p_weapon.debug
[generic]                 6960   19176  36.3% -lh5- bb40 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/p_weapon.o
[generic]                 9435   19026  49.6% -lh5- 9fad Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/q_shared.debug
[generic]                 5677   15512  36.6% -lh5- 881f Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/objects_debug/q_shared.o
[generic]                11136   36976  30.1% -lh5- 561d Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_client.c
[generic]                14953   31780  47.1% -lh5- b416 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_client.o
[generic]                16732   68782  24.3% -lh5- c3f3 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_client.s
[generic]                 3282   11799  27.8% -lh5- 4115 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_hud.c
[generic]                 4784   10012  47.8% -lh5- cbbc Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_hud.o
[generic]                 5018   19892  25.2% -lh5- e48f Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_hud.s
[generic]                  944    3187  29.6% -lh5- 9429 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_menu.c
[generic]                  221     519  42.6% -lh5- d5c4 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_menu.h
[generic]                 1548    3300  46.9% -lh5- 31bd Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_menu.o
[generic]                 1628    5977  27.2% -lh5- 2bd5 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_menu.s
[generic]                  742    2122  35.0% -lh5- cc5b Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_trail.c
[generic]                 1214    2816  43.1% -lh5- 8143 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_trail.o
[generic]                 1212    4622  26.2% -lh5- 8a13 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_trail.s
[generic]                 7359   26724  27.5% -lh5- b08d Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_view.c
[generic]                10846   24048  45.1% -lh5- 09bb Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_view.o
[generic]                11424   50366  22.7% -lh5- 30e1 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_view.s
[generic]                 6302   33268  18.9% -lh5- 27a0 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_weapon.c
[generic]                11953   29940  39.9% -lh5- 6274 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_weapon.o
[generic]                13365   69530  19.2% -lh5- e11c Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/p_weapon.s
[generic]                 1170    6817  17.2% -lh5- be79 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/proctf_game_68k.ΒΆ
[generic]                 6417   24863  25.8% -lh5- 5e08 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/q_shared.c
[generic]                 9643   27662  34.9% -lh5- affd Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/q_shared.h
[generic]                 6927   14496  47.8% -lh5- 83fa Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/q_shared.o
[generic]                 8712   37243  23.4% -lh5- 18c3 Dec 13  2002 ProCtfSrc/q_shared.s
[generic]                 1155    2496  46.3% -lh5- 36f5 Dec 13  2002 readme.first
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       140 files 1007019 3129018  32.2%            Dec 15  2002
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