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Short:A Very stylish Shoot Em up
Author:Walter Haslbeck / ToAks
Uploader:tony aksnes broadpark no (Tony Aksnes)
Requires:OS4 PRE 3 or better
Download:game/shoot/KETM_os4.lha - View contents

Kill Everything That Moves OS4:

First of all , this game seems to be discontinued before they added sound so
there is NO SOUND in this release (which is very sad!).

Secondly , I had to disable FullScreen modes due to various buggy code but one
of them was that it insisted on looking for unknown registers and changing them
didnt help much (someone else might , if so contact me)  (sorry for releasing
like this)

Finally , i Released this port because i found this project to be really good
even in such unfinished conditions and i wouldnt mind continue developing this
project but i have tried reaching the author and its proven to be hard (the
website is down and the email service just fails)

Have fun with this little gem that could have been something really good.

Some Features:

Big End Of Level Bosses
Particle Engine (albeit abit slow at times)
Lots and Lots of Weapon Upgrades
Ship upgrades like speed and thrust.
Slick Gfx (which aims to look alot like an old CoinOp Classic) Parallax
Scrolling And so on.

The orginal Changelog is attached (keep in mind that some stuff has been
disabled / on and off.)

20010518: v0.0.1
 * first (in-?) official release (pre-alpha)

 * added preliminary joystick support (start game with option -j)
 * changed menu-select-key from RETURN to SPACE to simplify joystick

 * small bugfix in command-line-option handling
 * set SDL_FULLSCREEN and SDL_DOUBLEBUF mutual exclusive to get better
   results in DGA mode
 * new weapon for player: killray

 * small changes in intro (no fadeout anymore)
 * implemented time-out in menu
 * got rid of "defines.h"
 * start of implemtation of the hi-score list (display done)

 * added fullscreen/window toggle switch in option menu
 * small bugfix in font.h
 * finished hi-score display
 * start of hi-score entry code

 * finished hi-score entry code
 * implemented a cheap-alpha-blit-routine (dont know if i should use it)
 * added simple ketm logo fadein to game-intro
 * display actual hiscore in the game-status line
 * small bugfix in player.c (allow no keycontrol if player is dead)

 * released version 0.0.2

 * small bugfixes (SDL_FillRect), thanks to Charles Vidal for the bugreport
 * Makefile update, should compile with FreeBSD now. (Thanks to Tsuyoshi
   Iguchi for the patch)

 * bugfix in getpixel/putpixel, should work correct with 24bit screen now
 * quit hiscore-list with anykey (back to menu)
 * changed default-bitdepth to 16
 * changed behaviour of killray (dont disappears when hit an enemy)

 * added new method of frameskip/framewait to guarantee same gamespeed
   on all machines (Thank you Benjamin Niemann for your suggestion)
 * added fps-display (activate it in option menu)
 * another bugfix: added type to sprite_work to prevent moving enemys
   when game is paused
 * changed the menu effect a bit
 * removed option "-8" (force 8-bit screen), 'cause it doesn't make

 * new enemy (rwingx)

 * new enemy (boss)

 * extracted score display to new file score.c
 * corrected makefile
 * new, povray-rendered bonus-items
 * added bonus "s" (increase player speed)
 * new gameover-sequence
 * added a visual feedback when you get a bonusitem
 * removed bug in particle system which made particles only fly
   in north direction when (cross-)compiled with mingw32.

 * new enemy (cir)

 * new player sprite (thanks el fabio)

 * added pixelbased-particlesystem (e.g. for player nozzle)

 * released version 0.0.3

 * corrected cloud parallax scrolling (thanks Elton Fry for your mail)
 * got some new sprites by Fabien and:
 * new player weapon: fireball
 * implemented different weapon strength
 * new enemys: badguy and protectball

 * new enemy: plasmaball

 * bugfix in show hiscore table
 * player extra weapon: homing missiles

 * added a reticule on targeted enemys
 * implemented advanced sprite priority (256 levels)
 * added new bonus: extra (for now you get only the homing missiles)
 * added score and lives to player-data struct (hmmm... smells like
   multiplayer comming soon ;))

 * new extra: shield
 * some bugfixes, some code cleanup

 * mmalloc(): starts a GC if malloc() returns NULL
 * released version 0.0.4

 * some bugfixes

 * some changes on boss01
 * some changes in menu

 * added "sprite controller". now its possible to "group" sprites.
 * reworked bonus stuff a bit

 * new extra weapon: homing laser
 * small bugfix in errorhandler that caused a segfault on some systems
   (e.g. PPCLinux)

 * new bonus item: energy/health

 * bugfix in sprite/col.-detect
 * added boss02

 * some more work on boss02

 * fixed the fps display (display the avg. fps of 50 frames now)
 * some work on bg display, moved all the bg-related stuff to bg.[c|h]
 * started work on version 0.0.6 (0.0.5 was never released to
   the public)

 * font changes
 * new display format (portait, 320x480) to make the game more
   "shooter-like" and as a bonus it runs faster on slow machines
   due to the smaller bitmap size
 * optimized the behaviour of the hiscore-entry routine a bit

 * some bugfixes
 * new enemy

 * finetuning on some enemys
 * some changes int the framewait code
 * new enemy (curver)

 * some changes on boss01

 * implemented extern level-dat files

 * released version 0.0.6

Contents of game/shoot/KETM_os4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2027    4490  45.1% -lh5- 785e Sep 13  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/Changelog
[generic]                 1850    2060  89.8% -lh5- 5ef1 Nov 19 12:55 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/
[generic]                 7014   17992  39.0% -lh5- 4902 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/COPYING
[generic]                  537    1207  44.5% -lh5- 5bfc Sep 13  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/level03.dat
[generic]               240739  547468  44.0% -lh5- ad6e Nov 19 12:46 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4.exe
[generic]                 9870   11928  82.7% -lh5- c2c8 Nov 19 12:56 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/
[generic]                 2456    5146  47.7% -lh5- e8b0 Sep 13  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/README
[generic]                 1977    2422  81.6% -lh5- c335 Nov 19 12:55 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/
[generic]                  188     298  63.1% -lh5- e160 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/TODO
[generic]                 1848    2060  89.7% -lh5- 8427 Nov 19 12:55 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/
[generic]                21916   62262  35.2% -lh5- fcf2 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/back02.bmp
[generic]                18200  124902  14.6% -lh5- bb63 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/boss02_w.bmp
[generic]                 1325   39222   3.4% -lh5- 0725 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/font06.bmp
[generic]                  598   12150   4.9% -lh5- a768 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/font07.bmp
[generic]                  533    1201  44.4% -lh5- 2c58 Sep 13  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/level01.dat
[generic]                  541    1209  44.7% -lh5- 55c3 Sep 13  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/level02.dat
[generic]                 1858   18486  10.1% -lh5- d1aa Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/tr_blue.bmp
[generic]                 1612   18486   8.7% -lh5- c185 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/tr_green.bmp
[generic]                 1575   18486   8.5% -lh5- ee95 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/tr_red.bmp
[generic]                12290   27702  44.4% -lh5- 1e0d Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/bonus_h.bmp
[generic]               385608  995382  38.7% -lh5- c817 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/boss02_v2.bmp
[generic]               400650  995382  40.3% -lh5- 45da Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/boss02_v2x.bmp
[generic]                 4127   29430  14.0% -lh5- da39 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/bshoot.bmp
[generic]                 4285   29430  14.6% -lh5- 3415 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/cshoot.bmp
[generic]                 6989   20006  34.9% -lh5- b543 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/energy.bmp
[generic]                58414  280962  20.8% -lh5- 3185 Sep  7  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/ming.bmp
[generic]                  661    3126  21.1% -lh5- 1f3b Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/target.bmp
[generic]                  527    4662  11.3% -lh5- 944b Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/tshoot.bmp
[generic]                11788   43254  27.3% -lh5- bab7 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/badguy.bmp
[generic]                 8448   26454  31.9% -lh5- 0fc4 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/fireball1.bmp
[generic]                17864  245814   7.3% -lh5- 2c8c Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/homing.bmp
[generic]                29859   52854  56.5% -lh5- ea2e Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/plasmaball.bmp
[generic]                 6204   16566  37.5% -lh5- 686d Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/plus1000.bmp
[generic]                13595   52854  25.7% -lh5- 4b11 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/protectball.bmp
[generic]                39456  135222  29.2% -lh5- 500d Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/ship-med.bmp
[generic]                 5989   16910  35.4% -lh5- 7796 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/speed.bmp
[generic]                 7459   20006  37.3% -lh5- ee6f Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/weapon.bmp
[generic]                14346  147510   9.7% -lh5- 8549 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/bonus_f.bmp
[generic]                13739  147510   9.3% -lh5- f791 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/bonus_p.bmp
[generic]                15616  147510  10.6% -lh5- 2033 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/bonus_s.bmp
[generic]                12744  147510   8.6% -lh5- 95c2 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/bonus_x.bmp
[generic]                 4032   26614  15.1% -lh5- 086d Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/boss01-ro.bmp
[generic]                 1807   36214   5.0% -lh5- 7420 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/boss01-ru.bmp
[generic]                 5401   16910  31.9% -lh5- eced Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/extra.bmp
[generic]                 8368   26026  32.2% -lh5- 1b2d Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/firebomb.bmp
[generic]                 1638   46906   3.5% -lh5- af47 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/font05.bmp
[generic]                 3702   25950  14.3% -lh5- ecd0 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/boss01-lo.bmp
[generic]                 1261   35310   3.6% -lh5- 2601 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/boss01-lu.bmp
[generic]                 4954   29934  16.5% -lh5- 622e Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/boss01-mo.bmp
[generic]                 7067   40734  17.3% -lh5- 31e9 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/boss01-mu.bmp
[generic]                12539   61878  20.3% -lh5- e005 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/iris.bmp
[generic]                 6920   55350  12.5% -lh5- 4781 Sep  7  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/ketm.bmp
[generic]                 2709   46134   5.9% -lh5- a4c1 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/killray-b.bmp
[generic]                 2497   46134   5.4% -lh5- bf13 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/killray-r.bmp
[generic]                22696   62214  36.5% -lh5- c826 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/plate.bmp
[generic]                41807  273654  15.3% -lh5- 6e48 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/12side.bmp
[generic]                13601   46134  29.5% -lh5- 96a5 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/coin.bmp
[generic]                  209     246  85.0% -lh5- 9ec9 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/fireball.bmp
[generic]                   89     558  15.9% -lh5- ba64 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/plasma.bmp
[generic]                12049  245814   4.9% -lh5- 4919 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/rotating_rocket.bmp
[generic]                84623  699494  12.1% -lh5- 291c Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/rwingx.bmp
[generic]                56450  196662  28.7% -lh5- 6ce6 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/wolke01.bmp
[generic]                15675   49206  31.9% -lh5- f696 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/wolke02.bmp
[generic]                 4651   12342  37.7% -lh5- 46dd Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/wolke03.bmp
[generic]                37143  184374  20.1% -lh5- 1b4a Sep  5  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/crusher.bmp
[generic]                57683  196662  29.3% -lh5- ada2 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/cube.bmp
[generic]               482326 1425462  33.8% -lh5- 7404 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/ex.bmp
[generic]                37250  184374  20.2% -lh5- 5ea4 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/eyefo.bmp
[generic]                 1852   46906   3.9% -lh5- 6240 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/font01.bmp
[generic]                 1169   34614   3.4% -lh5- 12a5 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/font02.bmp
[generic]                 1236   34614   3.6% -lh5- b282 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/font03.bmp
[generic]                 3671  205922   1.8% -lh5- 9229 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/font04.bmp
[generic]                  311     374  83.2% -lh5- 38b6 Sep  5  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/kugel.bmp
[generic]               178443  460854  38.7% -lh5- af18 Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/moon.bmp
[generic]                10134   11947  84.8% -lh5- 39de Nov 19 12:55
[generic]                 7679   44874  17.1% -lh5- 89ac Sep  4  2001 KillEverythingThatMoves_OS4/data/badblocks.bmp
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        76 files 2520964 9388926  26.9%            Nov 19 20:57
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