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This is the first great game from Russia and from us.
There are ingame keys:
- F1 - Load previously saved game
- F2 - Save the game position
- F3 - Exit to main menu
This game is fully system-friendly and uses no direct hardware programming.
This is the last our work in freeware mode :). All other our projects will be
commercial. By the way, this game is giftware, so you can support author by
sending him anything if you like this piece of work.
My address is:
153006, 14th Proezd Street 2-56, Ivanovo, Russia, Vladimir Berezenko
Also you can send me bugreports or anything else by e-mail or FidoNet netmail:
The game was tested on:
- Pure Amiga 1200 with no Fast RAM (It was made on it. Heh)
- Amiga 1200 + Blizzard 68030/50 + Mediator PCI + S3 videocard
- Amiga 1200 + Blizzard PPC + BlizzardVisionPPC
- Any Amiga with 020+ CPU
- Amiga OS v3.0+
- 1Mb of RAM
- Optionally Fast Ram
- Optionally Video Card
(screen of the game need to be promoted to 320x256 with 32 colors)
- Your will to PLAY THE GAME :)
Author of P61 player
Creators of Amiga and AmigaOS
Author of Autodoc Reader (buggy enough...)
And also to all who helped me to write this:
Nicolaus Mezencef - Main GFX maker
Grunge/SMASH - Additional GFX
Vladimir Filonenko - Music in Main Menu
Dmitry Kiselev - Music in Game
Vladislav Scherbakov - Main Testing
Nicolaus Mezencef - Additional Testing
Notorious - Additional Testing
Contents of game/role/AChInRu.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 601 1233 48.7% -lh5- d8b7 May 8 2001 ACIR.info
[generic] 87 791 11.0% -lh5- a8a1 Jan 29 2001 ACIR/Data/ASprites.eng
[generic] 96 791 12.1% -lh5- ba5d Jan 29 2001 ACIR/Data/ASprites.rus
[generic] 15123 51200 29.5% -lh5- 9df2 May 3 2001 ACIR/Data/GameOver.bmap
[generic] 43908 53882 81.5% -lh5- ae75 Apr 5 2001 ACIR/Data/Homer in Nirvana!.p61
[generic] 9280 25088 37.0% -lh5- 98bf Apr 7 2001 ACIR/Data/Homer.map
[generic] 622 1152 54.0% -lh5- 877b Aug 22 2000 ACIR/Data/Homer.mask
[generic] 127490 171248 74.4% -lh5- 947b Apr 5 2001 ACIR/Data/Homer.P61
[generic] 2858 5760 49.6% -lh5- fac8 Aug 22 2000 ACIR/Data/Homer.sprites
[generic] 12196 25920 47.1% -lh5- 4787 Aug 22 2000 ACIR/Data/Homerland.asprites
[generic] 42552 68400 62.2% -lh5- 4b1a Aug 22 2000 ACIR/Data/Homerland.sprites
[generic] 14818 51200 28.9% -lh5- 4d66 Mar 18 2001 ACIR/Data/Ingame.bmap
[generic] 15408 51200 30.1% -lh5- 450d May 8 2001 ACIR/Data/Menu.bmap
[generic] 5223 11507 45.4% -lh5- 8de8 May 3 2001 ACIR/Data/Program.eng
[generic] 5058 9989 50.6% -lh5- 24a7 May 3 2001 ACIR/Data/Program.rus
[generic] 1818 8191 22.2% -lh5- f6b9 Jan 29 2001 ACIR/Data/Rooms.eng
[generic] 1806 8191 22.0% -lh5- 6f0d Jan 29 2001 ACIR/Data/Rooms.rus
[generic] 225907 316410 71.4% -lh5- 8b96 Nov 18 2000 ACIR/Data/Sounds.lib
[generic] 529 2067 25.6% -lh5- 6cae Jan 29 2001 ACIR/Data/Sprites.eng
[generic] 558 2067 27.0% -lh5- 4c3d Jan 29 2001 ACIR/Data/Sprites.rus
[generic] 14938 51200 29.2% -lh5- d4a9 May 3 2001 ACIR/Data/YouWin.bmap
[generic] 1757 3057 57.5% -lh5- ac9a May 8 2001 ACIR/ReadMe.first
[generic] 1186 2218 53.5% -lh5- 4804 May 8 2001 ACIR/ReadMe.first.info
[generic] 30 264 11.4% -lh5- 14a5 Jan 29 2001 ACIR/Simpson.font
[generic] 1880 3272 57.5% -lh5- 784f Jan 29 2001 ACIR/Simpson/8f
[generic] 34 264 12.9% -lh5- c699 Jan 29 2001 ACIR/SimpsonXen.font
[generic] 14007 33964 41.2% -lh5- 4257 May 16 2001 ACIR/USA_Chainik_In_Russia
[generic] 838 3971 21.1% -lh5- f298 May 16 2001 ACIR/USA_Chainik_In_Russia.info
[generic] 1749 2760 63.4% -lh5- a04a Jan 29 2001 ACIR/SimpsonXen/8f
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 29 files 562357 967257 58.1% May 19 2001
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