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To emphasize the point of using a good c2p I decided to make a benchmark
in the style of Jyrki Saarinen's c2p benchmark which was posted to
comp.sys.amiga.programmer a while ago. There is one important difference though.
The screen size is 320*64 which is due to the reason that the timing routine has
100 ms as maximum. Some of these c2ps don't quite make it so if you want to compare
these times with the original benchmark, multiply the times by two.
Featured c2ps so far:
WritePixelArray8() - the OS function (performance may vary depending of OS version
and installed patches etc
tkg_c2p - ever wondered why it was so slow? (multiply time by four to get the time
to c2p a whole 1x1 screen
addx_c2p - maybe the classic case of bad approach. Very simple to make and very slow.
Absolutely no effort has been done to optimize this one - not that there's
much room for improvement.
tabled_c2p - yeah, reorder the bits with tables. What an interesting idea, here you can
see why not and besides it needs 2 MB contiguos fast memory.
Copy_MOVEMOVE - just as comparison a simple copy loop to get idea what you should expect
from a good c2p. For example kalms_CPU3_BLIT1 reaches quite close to this speed.
more to come ...
Results (or the lack of them) on A1200/040/040:
Name Count Mid. time (ms)
WritePixelArray8: 66 55.79
TKG_c2p: 66 17.83
addx_c2p: 66 22.14
tabled_c2p: 66 11.09
Copy_MOVEMOVE: 66 3.79
Aki Laukkanen - putting things together
Teemu Suikki - speed.i macro
Jyrki Saarinen - inspiration
Andy Clitheroe - TKG c2p (without his permission, sorry)
Ville Helin - RRR-yc2p (tabled one) from aminet
Contents of game/gag/crap_c2p.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1768 3028 58.4% -lh5- 72cf Oct 18 1996 crap_c2p
[generic] 1059 2064 51.3% -lh5- 5c8a Oct 18 1996 crap_c2p.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 2827 5092 55.5% Oct 19 1996
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