84781 packages online
game/2play/BattleDuel_Norsk.lha |
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This file contains a Norwegian locale for BattleDuel 1.7+ and two
flag.iff files (ECS and AGA/GFXboard versions) with a (surprise,
surprise) Norwegian flag anim.
To install, just type "lha x BattleDuel_Norsk.lha <your battleduel dir>"
The appropriate files will then be installed in their right place,
but you have to delete either the gfx/aga or the gfx/ecs directory
afterwards, if you want to save on disk space (a measly 180 kb).
Version 1.0a has some string lengths fixed to fin in the buttons
as well as an actually working ECS flag.
For å installere norsk tekst og norsk flagganimasjon, skriv:
"lha x bdnorsk.lha <din BattleDuel skuff>"
Etterpå kan du slette enten gfx/ecs eller gfx/aga skuffen,
siden bare en av dem vil bli brukt.
Denne versjonen inneholder en flagganimasjon for ECS som
skulle virke. (i motsetning til v1.0) I tillegg burde teksten
på et par knapper være kort nok til å passe.
Contents of game/2play/BattleDuel_Norsk.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 5609 13010 43.1% -lh5- a874 May 9 1998 catalogs/norsk/battleduel.catalog
[generic] 6229 14580 42.7% -lh5- b7be May 6 1998 gfx/aga/flag.iff
[generic] 3913 12666 30.9% -lh5- 03e0 May 9 1998 gfx/ecs/Flag.iff
[generic] 422 646 65.3% -lh5- 6a88 May 13 1998 BattleDuel_Norsk.lesmeg
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 16173 40902 39.5% May 15 1998
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