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game/2play/3DSpaceBattle.lha |
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3DSpaceBattle v1.1 by Giuseppe Perniola, written in Blitz Basic v2.1
This game is freeware; it requires an Amiga AGA.
The aim of the game is simple: destroy your opponent's ship.
There are two ships:
Cobra - Little and fast;
Anaconda - Big and slow.
There are three weapons that you can use:
Missiles - they pursue your enemy and they are of medium range;
Rockets - they don't pursue the enemy, but they are fast
and short range;
Decoys - like mines, but they destroy missiles and rockets, too.
The controls for player 1 are:
Cursor left - Rotate left
Cursor right - Rotate right
Cursor up - Accelerate
Cursor down - Decelerate
Space - Fire selected weapon
Return - Select weapon
Inst del - Select mode internal/external camera
Del - Zoom in external camera
Help - Zoom out external camera
Tab - Rotate left external camera
Ctrl - Rotate right external camera
The controls for player 2 are:
4 - Rotate left
6 - Rotate right
8 - Accelerate
5 - Decelerate
9 - Fire selected weapon
7 - Select weapon
Enter - Select mode internal/external camera
- - Zoom in external camera
+ - Zoom out external camera
/ - Rotate left external camera
* - Rotate right external camera
Left - Rotate left
Right - Rotate right
Up - Accelerate
Down - Decelerate
First button - Fire selected weapon
Second button - Select weapon
Other control is:
ESC - Exit
If you like it then please e-mail me!
Contents of game/2play/3DSpaceBattle.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 729 1882 38.7% -lh5- 97a7 Mar 7 1998 3DSB.readme
[generic] 74447 154680 48.1% -lh5- 192f Mar 10 1998 3DSpaceBattle
[generic] 574 5240 11.0% -lh5- def1 Feb 24 1998 3DSpaceBattle.info
[generic] 22 264 8.3% -lh5- f240 Feb 24 1998 Fonts/2001.font
[generic] 772 1832 42.1% -lh5- eec3 Feb 24 1998 Fonts/2001/8
[generic] 68 86 79.1% -lh5- a5e3 Feb 24 1998 InstallFont
[generic] 881 3590 24.5% -lh5- 9130 Feb 24 1998 InstallFont.info
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Total 7 files 77493 167574 46.2% Mar 14 1998
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