Uploader: so98@delta0.lica.unimo.it or Fidonet 2:332/516.7
Author: Francesco Ronchi - contact in Fidonet at 2:334/21.45
Translated by Federico Chiesa at so98@delta0.lica.unimo.it
Type: well, this is a document that explains how to modify some monitor
drivers, I don't know where to put it... I don't think the 'text'
directory is quite appropriate though, I think it would just get
lost there... maybe in the hardware/hacks or something
New version that includes the monitor drivers...
Distribution : Freeware
Allows any 15khz monitor (NOT TVs !) to display non flickering interlaced
modes. Follow carefully the instructions ...
Now includes the monitor drivers so you don't need to do any extra work !