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Short:Allows access to AMIGA CD-ROMs on IBM-PC machines includes source.
Author: neil at
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Download:disk/cdrom/cdr_1_1.lha - View contents

                    An AMIGA CD-ROM reader for IBM-PC systems
                                   Version 1.1
                             (c) 1995 Neil Balharrie

Fred Fish is given permission to include this software within his software
library (both disk and CD-ROM). Especially as it allows access to his CD-ROMs.

0.	Disclaimer & Warranty

This software comes with absolutely no warranty, and is covered by the GNU FSF
license. If you modify this program you MUST make available the source. I also
ask that you take the time to send me your modified source so that I may
include all the updates, and then periodically release a new all-encompassing
version. If you do not modify the code but make use of it, you are asked to
send me a message at the following address:

There is a version of this software available for UN*X, which can be obtained by
sending a message to requesting the UN*X version of CDR.

1.	Introduction

If you use this software you are requested to send a message to the address
given in the of the previous section. CDR was written after the initial shock
of not being able to access the GOLD FISH CD-ROM on the UN*X system at work,
(I can't yet afford a CD-ROM drive for the AMIGA). The software has
succesfully been used with the following AMIGA CD-ROMs:

  GOLD FISH (Apr 1994),
  Fresh Fish No.4,
  AMINET III (Jul 94),
  AMIGA User International Cover CD-ROM.

CDR allows the user to access the CD-ROM through a mini command line (similar
in operation to ftp), providing commands to extract a file from the CD-ROM,
navigate through the directory structure, examine files directly from the
CD-ROM (without copying them off), and display the CD-ROM descriptor.

- Navigate through the CD-ROM directories using cd, ls and ll,
- Copy files from the CD-ROM to a previously defined directory,
- Execute CDR script files, allowing the automation of file extraction,
- Wildcards are supported when accessing files. The wildcards are standard
  UN*X * and ?,
- Auto-execute an initialisation script if it exists,

A more complete set of instructions will be written for the next release.

2. What's needed

A PC running MS-DOS v3.2 or greater.
A CD-ROM drive, and driver software, with MSCDEX v2 running.

3.	Commands available

The following commands are available within CDR:
quit	        quits the program
voldesc	        prints the CD-ROM volume descriptor
ls	        provides a directory listing similar to ls on UN*X
ll	        provides an full directory listing like DIR, ls -l on UN*X
ex              provides an extremely detailed directory listing
cd directory	changes directory to directory
pod	        displays the current directory files are being copied to
cod directory	changes the directory files are being copied into
more file	displays the contents of the file file on the terminal
m file	        as for more
iget file       Interactively get the specified file and place it in the cod
get file	copies the specified file from the CD-ROM into the output
exec file	executes the specified script file
help	        displays text giving details of the commands available.

3.      Contributing

If you feel you have enhanced the software in a useful way then you are
requested to send your new version, or diffs to the snail-mail address above.
I will then compile the changes into a new enhanced version which will be
released officially.

4.	Compiling CDR

The source and makefile for Visual C++ v1.51 is included. You are allowed to use
and modify the source as much as you wish however, I would be grateful if you
would let me know how you have used the code and a copy of the program would be

Contents of disk/cdrom/cdr_1_1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 6660   29619  22.5% -lh5- 42dc May 26  1995 cdr.cpp
[generic]                25464   48396  52.6% -lh5- 8ec4 May 26  1995 cdr.exe
[generic]                  694    1607  43.2% -lh5- 1d73 May 26  1995 cdr.mak
[generic]                 1740    3931  44.3% -lh5- 410e May 26  1995 cdr_1_1.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         4 files   34558   83553  41.4%            Dec 24  1997
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