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Short: | V. sexy SCSI CD player done in Blitz 2! |
Author: | BootBlock GeoCities.com (Joseph Cox) |
Uploader: | BootBlock GeoCities com (Joseph Cox) |
Type: | disk/cdrom |
Version: | 0.74 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1998-06-15 |
Requires: | SCSI/ATAPI CDROM, WB 2.04+ |
Download: | disk/cdrom/TP074.lha - View contents | Readme: | disk/cdrom/TP074.readme |
Downloads: | 466 |
MAGAZINES: Read the rules in the Distribution section in the guide file.
Trinity Player is an audio CD player for all SCSI/ATAPI CD drives. Two
of the main goals in coding this lump of sex was for it to look GOOD and
have quite a few features to play with. I've sure as hell got it
looking goOod, and I'm getting there to having lots of features. Wahey!
Ideally, Trinity Player (TP from now on) needs an Interlaced Workbench
screen and the MagicWB palette. If you don't run your Workbench like
this, then you can have TP open it's own screen. Which is nice.
TP isn't complete yet, hence why it's at v0.73, but it's being updated
all the time! So you can expect loads of regular updates and support.
Sorry, but Trinity Player is SHAREWARE (only £5)! (arggh!)
But it's perfectly usable in it's demo form, but only you can't
load/save CD ID files and you can't play tracks from the Song Editor.
But try it - it's dead good, honest! :D
Readme created with ARC 2.9 - Copyright (c)1996-98 by Jens Weyer.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2622 1451 44.6% 14-Jun-98 19:41:14 TrinityPlayer.info
1188 547 53.9% 11-Jun-98 18:04:00 +Discs.info
59 59 0.0% 11-Jun-98 02:46:18 +ID0304BC700510F2
35 35 0.0% 11-Jun-98 02:46:12 +ID0304C440050E37
85 81 4.7% 11-Jun-98 02:46:08 +ID0502A40A03546F
74 74 0.0% 11-Jun-98 02:46:02 +ID0503E26705123C
113 89 21.2% 11-Jun-98 02:45:58 +ID1202D6BF048970
198 151 23.7% 11-Jun-98 15:54:56 +ID140085430417F3
297 208 29.9% 11-Jun-98 02:45:52 +ID1500935D044A0C
209 164 21.5% 11-Jun-98 02:45:46 +ID1700976404A793
229 182 20.5% 11-Jun-98 02:45:38 +ID1800A90804EA3C
277 206 25.6% 11-Jun-98 02:45:32 +ID190090C604F785
327 235 28.1% 11-Jun-98 02:45:24 +ID22007521050A84
368 257 30.1% 11-Jun-98 02:45:18 +ID22007EF904DE81
264 31 88.2% 09-Feb-98 14:16:22 +Personal.font
4028 2409 40.1% 18-Feb-97 18:45:12 +8
2500 894 64.2% 14-Jun-98 22:44:32 +RegistrationForm.txt
1427 846 40.7% 11-Jun-98 18:04:00 +RegistrationForm.txt.info
50136 9464 81.1% 10-Jun-98 06:53:44 +TP_Gfx.iff
965 408 57.7% 11-Jun-98 18:04:00 +TP_Gfx.iff.info
23892 23733 0.6% 14-Jun-98 22:39:16 +TP_Installer
1258 827 34.2% 11-Jun-98 18:04:00 +TP_Installer.info
64900 64900 0.0% 14-Jun-98 22:38:38 +TrinityPlayer
68826 19849 71.1% 14-Jun-98 22:42:56 +TrinityPlayer.guide
3273 2450 25.1% 11-Jun-98 18:04:00 +TrinityPlayer.guide.info
3776 2723 27.8% 14-Jun-98 21:20:48 +TrinityPlayer.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
231326 132273 42.8% 14-Jun-98 22:45:18 26 files
Operation successful.
Contents of disk/cdrom/TP074.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1451 2622 55.3% -lh5- 2e27 Jun 14 1998 TrinityPlayer.info
[generic] 547 1188 46.0% -lh5- 483b Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs.info
[generic] 59 59 100.0% -lh0- dc4d Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs/ID0304BC700510F2
[generic] 35 35 100.0% -lh0- 6fe1 Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs/ID0304C440050E37
[generic] 81 85 95.3% -lh5- 8ca7 Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs/ID0502A40A03546F
[generic] 74 74 100.0% -lh0- 4e40 Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs/ID0503E26705123C
[generic] 89 113 78.8% -lh5- b09f Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs/ID1202D6BF048970
[generic] 151 198 76.3% -lh5- ba72 Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs/ID140085430417F3
[generic] 208 297 70.0% -lh5- f560 Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs/ID1500935D044A0C
[generic] 164 209 78.5% -lh5- 266b Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs/ID1700976404A793
[generic] 182 229 79.5% -lh5- c62e Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs/ID1800A90804EA3C
[generic] 206 277 74.4% -lh5- 8fbf Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs/ID190090C604F785
[generic] 235 327 71.9% -lh5- a577 Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs/ID22007521050A84
[generic] 257 368 69.8% -lh5- 7d18 Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/Discs/ID22007EF904DE81
[generic] 31 264 11.7% -lh5- 132c Feb 9 1998 TrinityPlayer/Fonts/Personal.font
[generic] 2409 4028 59.8% -lh5- c05c Feb 18 1997 TrinityPlayer/Fonts/Personal/8
[generic] 894 2500 35.8% -lh5- 974d Jun 14 1998 TrinityPlayer/RegistrationForm.txt
[generic] 846 1427 59.3% -lh5- fc24 Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/RegistrationForm.txt.info
[generic] 9464 50136 18.9% -lh5- eb8e Jun 10 1998 TrinityPlayer/TP_Gfx.iff
[generic] 408 965 42.3% -lh5- edec Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/TP_Gfx.iff.info
[generic] 23733 23892 99.3% -lh5- 13cc Jun 14 1998 TrinityPlayer/TP_Installer
[generic] 827 1258 65.7% -lh5- 5557 Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/TP_Installer.info
[generic] 64900 64900 100.0% -lh0- fae8 Jun 14 1998 TrinityPlayer/TrinityPlayer
[generic] 19849 68826 28.8% -lh5- 2791 Jun 14 1998 TrinityPlayer/TrinityPlayer.guide
[generic] 2450 3273 74.9% -lh5- c574 Jun 11 1998 TrinityPlayer/TrinityPlayer.guide.info
[generic] 2723 3776 72.1% -lh5- b980 Jun 14 1998 TrinityPlayer/TrinityPlayer.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 26 files 132273 231326 57.2% Jun 15 1998
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