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Short:Creates ISO 9660 Images (Amiga & Mac Support)
Author:"ALeX Kazik" alx at
Uploader:ALeX Kazik <alx gmx de>
Requires:OS 3.x, MUI 3.?, 020+, MCC_Listtree 0.17
Download:disk/cdrom/ISOBuilder.lha - View contents

This program will create ISO 9660 Level 1/2 Images, with Amiga and
Macintosh support.

This is an really early version so be careful!

ATTENTION when reading/writing Image(s):
- Actually my program MUST have enough memory, NEVER run out of it!
- The Images (CD/Disk) which should be used by the program
  MUST NOT be damaged -> they MUST be correct.
- Write errors to the Image will be ignored.

This version will create an ISO Image, which should be correct, please
test that. The files-section of the image will be filled up with any
data, so the files contains no correct data, the references should work.

All sections of the program should work fine (except reading/writing)
that means they know what to do, if any error occurs (e.g. out of mem).
Be careful when reading/writing Image(s) (see above).

Now for all: You should say me, what's wrong, what should I do better
and so on... EMail:

Features (implemented):
 + Reading images:
  - Support reading (ISO Part of) Hybrid CD-ROMS
 + Reading & writing iages:
  - Supports long names
  - Supports Amiga Protection Bits
  - Supports Amiga Comment
  - Supports Macintosh Type/Creator/Flags
 + Writing images:
  - Supports file sorting
  - Sopports references to each file of an existing track
 + Program
  - Comfortable GUI to arrange Files
  - swap Data/Resource Fork (Mac)
  - split Data & Resource Fork (Mac)

Features (near future):
 + Writing:
  - Support of ISO 9660 Level 2
  - Support of ISO 9660 Level 1 (if requested)
  - Support of Unix Protecion Bits (if someone helps me)
  - Support of MultiUser Protection Bits (if someone helps me)
 + Program
  - Load/Save Project
  - Localization
  - Drop Workbench Icons to add files/dirs
  - More comfort
  - Possibility to abort some Requesters
  - join Data & Resource Fork (Mac)
  - Convert CrossMAC/Shapeshifter comments to Mac Type/Creator (Flags?)
  - Possibility to work with Imagefiles (copy the data to the final image)

Features (far future):


  - Amiga equipped with an 68020+
  - AmigaOS 3.x (
  - MUI 3.? (AmiNet or
  - MCC_Listtree 0.17 (AmiNet or

  - CD-ROM and / or CD-R - for reaing CDs
  - HardDisk - for creating images



Main Window:
  The Main Window has four Pages:
  1.Page: Pressing "New" will create an new Project (->New Project Window)
  2.Page -> Files Page
  3.Page -> Tracks Page
  4.Page -> Options Page

New Project Win:
  Here You can select between the Project type:
  - Single Session: Create the first session of an CD or an session, which
    don't reference to older sessions
  - Multi Session: Create the next session of an CD, you have to specify the
    device/unit of the CD-R(OM), this type allows references to older sessions.
  - Image: This is only for testing, it takes an imagefile, the startblock of
    the imagefile must be 0. The imagefile will be used like the first and only
    session of an CD.

Files Page:
  Here You can build the new session. It's possible to Drag and drop sort the
  files/dirs. There are some buttons:
  - AddFile(s): Add one or more Files
  - AddDir: Add an diretory (recursive)
  - Delete: Delete the selected entry (recursive)
  - MakeDir: Create a new directory
  - MakeDir On/Off: Switch the AutoDir Function On/Off. AutoDir will create
    a surrounding Dir if you add a dir or more than one file.
  - For Mac sopport: Split, Swap and Join Fork's
  In the three fields You'll see the numbers of Dirs, Files, References
  (inverse) and the FileSize, which will be the size on CD, the files
  using, no directory/other ISO-Structre.
  In the box at the right You can edit the actual entry.

Tracks Page:
  Here will be all old Sessions listed. At the right You'll see more
  informaion about the selected entry. With the two buttons You can add the
  selected entry (recursive) to the root or actual dir at the files page.

Options Page:
  Select the options for creating the image, and start.
  Special Notes:
  - Startblock: YOU MUST enter the correct startblock
  - Layout: All files matched by a pattern will be stored in a slice
    of the image, and then the next pattern. This is useful for .info files,
    cause than there all in on region on the CD and big seeking for displaying
    infos is not nessacary.
  - Mac Support: All files will become an Type, Creator and Flags (or not)
    depending on your selection. For each file all entries will be checked,
    in order, to find the correct pattern. If you select "On" all files,
    which have no own Type/..., will become the one, which follows. "Force On"
    forces ALL files to become the the selected. "Off" only will say, that
    these files wonn't become an Type/.... "Force Off" will force ALL files
    to NOT become an Type/....
   +If you want to switch off the Mac-Suport in general, delete all Entries
    (except #?) an set that to "Force Off"

I think thats all.

Please mail.



V0.3a / 31.05.98 / AmiNet-release and at my WEB-Page
    - Lost the source - must be rebuild by using HardDisk-Dump!!

V0.3 / 01.05.98 / Release on my WEB-Page
    - Solved the stack problem for you - I'm allocating enough
      Now jou can get out of memory - correct handling & warning
    - Error handling in most parts of the program

V0.2a / 13.04.98 / Release on my WEB-Page
    - Added (2x) the "SPARWED"-Prot.Bits Switches on the OptsPage
    - Added the bad filename warning (:, /, \)

V0.2 / 11.04.98 / Release for friends only


                        ALeX  Kazik
                    Stapenhorststr.  81
                      33615 Bielefeld


                                                ###### ##      ####  ##   ##
                                               ##   ## ##     ##  ##  ## ##
                                               #### ## ##     ######   ###
                                               ## #### ##     ##      ## ##
                                               ##   ## ######  ####  ##   ##

Contents of disk/cdrom/ISOBuilder.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                49117  132848  37.0% -lh5- 32aa May 31  1998 ISOBuilder
[generic]                  780    1161  67.2% -lh5- afe3 May 31  1998
[generic]                 2702    6673  40.5% -lh5- 3f15 May 31  1998 ISOBuilder.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         3 files   52599  140682  37.4%            Jun  3  1998
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