addition to the readme:
upps, yet another NEC scsi tools set. yes, actually i'm
surprised : yesterday evening a NECDtool wasn't there
and this morning it appeared magically ;-) that's life.
this is not a concurrent product, it has nearly the
same functionality and the source is included. try both
tools and find your favorite yourself...
begin of "old" readme:
you just have bought a cheap NEC CDR-210 CDROM drive for
your SCSI adaptor and were happy with it (quite fast,
stable and it has a turbo-door ;-)
but unfortunately it is a SCSI-1 drive; so nearly NONE
of the other CDROM tools work, if you want to
- eject the current CD
- play and stop the audio playback.
this gives you a (simple) access to that features.