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Short:UP ROUGH \"Oh No! More Hits For Kids LP - Side B\" feat. Various
Author:Up Rough
Requires:AGA or CGX
Download:demo/sound/up-lp03b.lha - View contents

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            /     /__ /          _/ //_\._/  __`--) /_//  . · .
         _ /     /         ____/// _/_  ).    `---_ ) .) ·©Mt  ·
         ))__________/_____    .( __  !_____·_   `---'  ·  lp!·
                _________         _`--'___       /           · . ·
         _____ /        /_ ______/        /     /______  ________ _
        /      _______/                     /      /__       \
             _      __________/________/___/      //___________
         ____                 _________    ______

        [ r e l e a s e   n o t e s           n e w s   u p d a t e ]

        release named 'Oh No! More Hits For Kids LP - Side B' (up-lp03b.lha)

        the new up rough homepage is back online!!!
        visit us at;

        divine stylers and up rough are no longer co-operating.

        l a t e s t   a c t i v e   u p   r o u g h   h e r o e s

        elusive       stereofonik development
        teis          stereofonik development
        wentakura     stereofonik development
        goto80        stereofonik development
        qwan          poetry, stereofonik dev.
        skope         ink, stereofonik development
        spot          ink, stereofonik development
        mortimer      ink, stereofonik development
        plus8         ink, networking engineer
        brandt        ink, networking enginer
        dino          ink                    
        idol          ink                    
        blade         scientist, stereofonik dev.
        yoki          scientist, stereofonik dev.      n/a
        booger        scientist              
        biogenesis    scientist                        n/a
        zaner         phiber optikz operator 
        hamlet        phiber optikz operator 
        case          phiber optikz hustla   


        u p   r o u g h   k i d z

        partyman      stereofonik development
        kid teis      stereofonik development
        wentakuja jr  stereofonik development
        goto10        stereofonik development
        qwannabrat    poetry, stereofonik dev.
        kid skope     ink, stereofonik development
        spot junior   ink, stereofonik development
        kid mortimer  ink, stereofonik development
        plus4         ink, networking engineer
        li'l brandt   ink, networking enginer
        dino da brat  ink                    
        idol junior   ink                    
        bjade         scientist, stereofonik dev.
        li'l yoki     scientist, stereofonik dev.      n/a
        baby booger   scientist              
        biogenesis jr scientist                        n/a
        zaner little  phiber optikz operator 
        hamlet junior phiber optikz operator 
        kid case      phiber optikz hustla    


        r e l e a s e d   s o   f a r

        release o51 up-lp03b.lha
        title       oh no! more hits for kids lp - side b
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew + various

        release o50 up-lp03a.lha
        title       oh no! more hits for kids lp - side a
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew + various

        release o49 up-ilove.lha
        title       to be in love
        category    compomusic from compusphere 2002 (multi)
        creator(s)  spot

        release o48 up-warez.lha
        title       hong kong warez
        category    compomusic from compusphere 2002 (chip)
        creator(s)  skope

        release o47 up-style.mp3
        title       up rough karate style
        category    compomusic from compusphere 2002 (mp3)
        creator(s)  goto80, qwan & skope.

        release o46 up-tybbs.lha
        title       the yard bbs intro
        category    bbs intro
        creator(s)  booger, spot & goto80. 

        release o45 up-ep011.lha
        title       super sharp shuriken ep
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew + samuel'n'nasley 

        release o44 up-lp002.lha
        title       more hits for kids lp
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew  

        release o43 up-legop.lha
        title       lego editor preview
        category    toy
        creator(s)  booger, spot, skope, mike, mortimer twang  

        release o42
        title       1977
        category    C64 Intro
        creator(s)  dino, goto80, iopop 

        release o41 up-lp001.lha
        title       hits for kids lp
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew

        release o40 up-tumbl.lha
        title       tumblebeats
        category    music @ underscore 2002
        creator(s)  qwan

        release o39 up-ep010.lha
        title       saturday at joe's ep
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew + samuel'n'nasley

        release o38 epa-md.lha
        title       møkkademo 2001
        category    demo
        creator(s)  kalms, spot, & qwan

        release o37 tblvsup.lha
        title       gbg
        category    demo
        creator(s)  kalms, louie, spot, idol, qwan & goto80

        release o36 up-ep009.lha
        title       jr. francisco inna echochamber ep
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew

        release o35 up-ep008.lha
        title       twangin' ep
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew

        release 034 sige dame maz
        title       sige_dame_maz.mp3
        category    mp3
        creator(s)  wentakura

        release o33 up-rockg.lha
        title       rockers galore
        category    compomusic from underscore (4ch)
        creator(s)  skope

        release o32 up-preye.lha
        title       private eye
        category    compomusic from underscore (mp3)
        creator(s)  qwan

        release o31 up-wildj.lha
        title       the wildjazz style!
        category    compomusic from underscore (multi)
        creator(s)  qwan

        release o3o up-score.lha
        title       under the score
        category    compomusic from underscore (chip)
        creator(s)  qwan

        release o29 up-analo.lha
        title       analogi'que
        category    compomusic from underscore (4ch)
        creator(s)  qwan

        release o28 up-7-001.lha
        title       automatic gear single 
        category    single
        creator(s)  up rough crew + substance

        release o27 up-april.lha
        title       april in paris 
        category    demo
        creator(s)  booger model spot plus8 skope

        release o26 up-ep007.lha
        title       another day ep 
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew

        release o25 up-rulez.lha
        title       ink 
        category    intro
        creator(s)  booger model mortimer twang skope & spot 

        release o24 up-crstl.lha
        title       thx.crystal_cracktro 
        category    module
        creator(s)  skope & spot

        release o23 up-ep006.lha
        title       technical knockout ep
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew

        release o22 up-ep005.lha
        title       lowtech ep
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew

        release o21 up-ep004.lha
        title       mixagrip ep
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew

        release o20 up-ep003.lha
        title       aggression session ep
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew

        release o19 up-ep002.lha
        title       elektrocity ep
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew

        release o18 up-ep001.lha
        title       tropic fish ep
        category    musicdisk
        creator(s)  up rough crew

        release o17 up-herth.lha
        title       the hermano theory
        category    drum+bass/ascii combo
        creator(s)  skope

        release o16 up-spect.lha
        title       spectrum
        category    sound creator
        creator(s)  model

        release o15 up-intro.lha
        title       introducin
        category    64k intro @ icing 99
        creator(s)  skope, spot, blueberry/efreet

        release o14 up-warp.lha
        title       in warp
        category    drum+bass @ icing 99
        creator(s)  qwan

        release o13 up-rough.lha
        title       rough cutz
        category    instr. hiphop @ icing 99
        creator(s)  spot

        release o12 up-april.lha
        title       april in paris
        category    instr. hiphop @ icing 99
        creator(s)  skope

        release o11 up-dundr.lha
        title       dundersylt
        category    drum+bass @ icing 99
        creator(s)  elusive

        release o1o up-tiny.txt
        title       tiny beats
        category    drum+bass/ascii combo
        creator(s)  skope

        release oo9 up-myres.lha
        title       my respekt
        category    instr. hiphop/ascii combo
        creator(s)  spot, mortimer twang

        release oo8 up-amluv.lha
        title       all my luv
        category    ascii
        creator(s)  spot

        release oo7 up-lowin.lha
        title       lower intentions
        category    drum+bass/ascii combo
        creator(s)  skope, spot

        release oo6 up-kevin.lha
        title       kevin
        category    raytrace @ compusphere x
        creator(s)  plus8

        release oo5 up-proag.lha
        title       professor aggressor
        category    drum+bass @ compusphere x
        creator(s)  skope

        release oo4 up-disko.lha
        title       disko divas
        category    house @ compusphere x
        creator(s)  spot

        release oo3 up-anthm.lha
        title       uprough anthem
        category    drum+bass @ icing 98
        creator(s)  skope

        release oo2 up-ndrnt.lha
        title       underneath our home
        category    experimental mod @ icing 98
        creator(s)  spot

        release oo1 up-ad001.lha
        title       analogue drum kits vol 1
        category    samplepack
        creator(s)  skope

        c a t c h ` e m   a l l   a t

Contents of demo/sound/up-lp03b.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  249     660  37.7% -lh5- 5c4c Oct 19  2000 ep-install/!BONUS!.info
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[generic]                  343     545  62.9% -lh5- 62d8 Mar  2  2003 ep-install/!BONUS!/OhNo!Results.txt
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[generic]                  848    2011  42.2% -lh5- b1cc May 12  2002 ep-install/PrefsMUI
[generic]                  237     630  37.6% -lh5- 2813 Jul 13  2001 ep-install/
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[generic]                 3649    6475  56.4% -lh5- 50a2 Mar  2  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/modules/module10.up
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[generic]                  748     769  97.3% -lh5- 6648 Mar  2  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/buttons/button07d.up
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[generic]                  756     769  98.3% -lh5- e1f9 Mar  2  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/buttons/button04d.up
[generic]                  769     769 100.0% -lh0- 527f Mar  2  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/buttons/button04u.up
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[generic]                 3319    9505  34.9% -lh5- df27 Mar  2  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part12.up
[generic]                  661     721  91.7% -lh5- 1460 Mar  2  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb11.up
[generic]                  615     721  85.3% -lh5- 43fc Mar  2  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb12.up
[generic]                 6840   14401  47.5% -lh5- bde9 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part13.up
[generic]                 4217    9217  45.8% -lh5- 1560 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part14.up
[generic]                 3251    8641  37.6% -lh5- 1507 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part15.up
[generic]                 3262    9409  34.7% -lh5- d295 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part16.up
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[generic]                  648     721  89.9% -lh5- 1dde Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb15.up
[generic]                 5989   11857  50.5% -lh5- 152f Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part17.up
[generic]                 3542    8641  41.0% -lh5- 2fe9 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part18.up
[generic]                 2206    8065  27.4% -lh5- f9d8 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part19.up
[generic]                  582     673  86.5% -lh5- 67a5 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb16.up
[generic]                  841     841 100.0% -lh0- 0389 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb17.up
[generic]                  539     601  89.7% -lh5- 592d Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb18.up
[generic]                  438     577  75.9% -lh5- ad63 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb19.up
[generic]                 7001   16129  43.4% -lh5- b1c4 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part01.up
[generic]                 4086   11521  35.5% -lh5- f2e5 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part02.up
[generic]                 3861   10033  38.5% -lh5- 05df Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part03.up
[generic]                 2779   11233  24.7% -lh5- 3274 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part20.up
[generic]                 2095    9505  22.0% -lh5- e5f8 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part21.up
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[generic]                  487     721  67.5% -lh5- c7e9 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb21.up
[generic]                 8241   15361  53.6% -lh5- 0450 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part04.up
[generic]                 6148   10369  59.3% -lh5- d1a9 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part05.up
[generic]                  785     961  81.7% -lh5- 85fa Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb01.up
[generic]                  721     721 100.0% -lh0- d9d4 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb02.up
[generic]                  656     721  91.0% -lh5- a915 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb03.up
[generic]                  869     961  90.4% -lh5- eca9 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb04.up
[generic]                  663     721  92.0% -lh5- 8de0 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb05.up
[generic]                 3208    8641  37.1% -lh5- 1bc1 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part06.up
[generic]                 4752    8737  54.4% -lh5- f195 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part07.up
[generic]                 6147   10369  59.3% -lh5- a3be Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part08.up
[generic]                 3504    9505  36.9% -lh5- 1cfd Mar  2  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part09.up
[generic]                  552     601  91.8% -lh5- 2594 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb06.up
[generic]                  616     673  91.5% -lh5- 7843 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb07.up
[generic]                  662     721  91.8% -lh5- 64b3 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb08.up
[generic]                 5000    8737  57.2% -lh5- f3a4 Mar  2  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/part10.up
[generic]                  651     721  90.3% -lh5- 1117 Mar  2  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb09.up
[generic]                  608     673  90.3% -lh5- 5276 Mar  2  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/parts/symb10.up
[generic]                 3986    4560  87.4% -lh5- ac02 Mar  3  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/modtxt06.up
[generic]                 4029    4621  87.2% -lh5- 04cd Mar  3  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/modtxt08.up
[generic]                 3958    4519  87.6% -lh5- c9df Mar  3  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/modtxt09.up
[generic]                 4058    4641  87.4% -lh5- 7a03 Mar  3  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/modtxt10.up
[generic]                 3474    3955  87.8% -lh5- 2c22 Mar  3  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/modtxt00.up
[generic]                 3974    4556  87.2% -lh5- b6fb Mar  3  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/modtxt01.up
[generic]                 4085    4685  87.2% -lh5- e69e Mar  3  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/modtxt02.up
[generic]                 3896    4455  87.5% -lh5- 0503 Mar  3  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/modtxt03.up
[generic]                 3973    4545  87.4% -lh5- 0cfe Mar  3  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/modtxt04.up
[generic]                 3908    4473  87.4% -lh5- ea8c Mar  3  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/modtxt05.up
[generic]                   46      46 100.0% -lh0- c5e9 Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt10.up
[generic]                   42      42 100.0% -lh0- 2775 Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt04.up
[generic]                   41      41 100.0% -lh0- d73e Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt05.up
[generic]                   41      41 100.0% -lh0- 2034 Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt06.up
[generic]                   45      45 100.0% -lh0- e070 Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt07.up
[generic]                   44      44 100.0% -lh0- 657b Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt08.up
[generic]                   44      44 100.0% -lh0- 155c Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt09.up
[generic]                   40      40 100.0% -lh0- 5be3 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt01.up
[generic]                   39      39 100.0% -lh0- 1919 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt02.up
[generic]                   39      39 100.0% -lh0- f5c0 Dec 23  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt03.up
[generic]                   45      45 100.0% -lh0- d847 Dec 17  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt19.up
[generic]                   46      46 100.0% -lh0- 0259 Dec 17  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt20.up
[generic]                   45      45 100.0% -lh0- b65d Dec 17  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt21.up
[generic]                   44      44 100.0% -lh0- 26f9 Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt13.up
[generic]                   43      43 100.0% -lh0- 691e Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt14.up
[generic]                   43      43 100.0% -lh0- a398 Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt15.up
[generic]                   43      43 100.0% -lh0- c3cb Dec 17  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt16.up
[generic]                   43      43 100.0% -lh0- 9844 Dec 17  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt17.up
[generic]                   42      42 100.0% -lh0- 0f78 Dec 17  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt18.up
[generic]                 8484    8889  95.4% -lh5- dd9b Jun 19  1980 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/effect.up
[generic]                14100   14757  95.5% -lh5- c0d3 Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/effectwireobj.up
[generic]                11378   11901  95.6% -lh5- 23b0 Jan 19  1980 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/Intro.up
[generic]                 3240    3441  94.2% -lh5- 12b3 Jan 17  1980 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/intropic1.up
[generic]                 3888    4446  87.4% -lh5- 0338 Mar  3  2003 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/modtxt07.up
[generic]                   45      45 100.0% -lh0- e895 Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt11.up
[generic]                   45      45 100.0% -lh0- e9db Dec 16  2002 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/texts/parttxt12.up
[generic]                 6814   12289  55.4% -lh5- 0dfe Mar  2  2003 ep-install/data/Logo.up
[generic]                  257     257 100.0% -lh0- efaf Mar  2  2003 ep-install/data/LogoPal.up
[generic]                 6097   14037  43.4% -lh5- f963 Jan 31  2001 ep-install/docs/
[generic]                 1117    2098  53.2% -lh5- 02f1 Jun 19  2000 ep-install/docs/
[generic]                  667    1320  50.5% -lh5- 1b45 Sep 27  2000 ep-install/docs/dbplayer.readme
[generic]                 2728   12068  22.6% -lh5- ef49 Feb  1  2001 ep-install/EP-Installer
[generic]                  253     692  36.6% -lh5- 08ce Jul 13  2001 ep-install/
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- ed37 Jan 16  1980 ep-install/eps/ohno!morehitsforkidslp-b/intropic1pal.up
[generic]                   33     264  12.5% -lh5- 9214 Jan 19  1980 ep-install/fonts/upepfont.font
[generic]                 1411    2888  48.9% -lh5- 6a8d Jun 19  1980 ep-install/fonts/upepfont/8
[generic]                 1514    2888  52.4% -lh5- d3dc Jan 19  1980 ep-install/fonts/upepfont/8f
[generic]                  789    1907  41.4% -lh5- 40d7 May 12  2002 ep-install/Start
[generic]                  224     662  33.8% -lh5- 6a1a Jul 13  2001 ep-install/
[generic]                 2461    5872  41.9% -lh5- 39ea Sep  6  2001 ep-install/c/blazewcp
[generic]                  253     692  36.6% -lh5- e28d Sep 27  2000 ep-install/icons/3.5/
[generic]                  238     630  37.8% -lh5- 8dd6 Sep 27  2000 ep-install/icons/3.5/
[generic]                  238     630  37.8% -lh5- 281e Sep 27  2000 ep-install/icons/3.5/
[generic]                  225     662  34.0% -lh5- 0b7c Sep 27  2000 ep-install/icons/3.5/
[generic]                  254     612  41.5% -lh5- 7c59 Sep 27  2000 ep-install/icons/old/
[generic]                  253     692  36.6% -lh5- e28d Sep 27  2000 ep-install/icons/old/
[generic]                  240     630  38.1% -lh5- 1326 Sep 27  2000 ep-install/icons/old/
[generic]                  240     630  38.1% -lh5- 00fa Sep 27  2000 ep-install/icons/old/
[generic]                  225     662  34.0% -lh5- 0b7c Sep 27  2000 ep-install/icons/old/
[generic]                 9270   16960  54.7% -lh5- 78de Sep 27  2000 ep-install/libs/dbplayer.library
[generic]                 4610    8048  57.3% -lh5- 535b Sep 27  2000 ep-install/libs/ptreplay.library
[generic]                  527     881  59.8% -lh5- b279 Mar 18  2001 ep-aga-hints.readme
[generic]                  254     612  41.5% -lh5- 091a Jul 13  2001
[generic]                  249     660  37.7% -lh5- 42e4 Jul 13  2001
[generic]                 1882    3101  60.7% -lh5- ea20 Jul 13  2001 ep-install/
[generic]                  253     612  41.3% -lh5- efce Nov  5  2000 ep-install/
[generic]                  253     612  41.3% -lh5- f3e1 Sep 27  2000 ep-install/icons/3.5/
[generic]                  211     440  48.0% -lh5- c4e8 Mar  2  2003 file_id.diz
[generic]                  414     684  60.5% -lh5- 28a2 Mar 18  2001 NewWPA8.readme
[generic]                  255     612  41.7% -lh5- 7352 Jul 13  2001
[generic]                  255     612  41.7% -lh5- f423 Jul 13  2001
[generic]                 2524   11576  21.8% -lh5- c80c Mar  3  2003 up-lp03b.nfo
[generic]                 2621   11756  22.3% -lh5- f888 Mar  3  2003 up-lp03b.readme
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 Total       167 files  557932 1072874  52.0%            Aug 22 14:50
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