Serendipity was a music production that was released by Perception back
in 1994, on disk.
It features six quality music modules which are selectable from a simple
menu system. Alternatively, you can load the modules in your favourite
This production is fully system friendly and multitasking and should run
on any Amiga system, as long as you have at least 1 megabyte of chip
The full assembler source code is provided, along with all the data files
that you need to compile the production for yourself. Serendipity was
created using Devpac 3.04.
The source code is very simple, but does demonstrate good error handling
using assembler, and creating this sort of production in a system-friendly
and multitasking way.
v1.0 - The original disk based release back in 1994.
v2.0 - This release. The music modules are now loaded from PROGDIR:,
so you no longer need to make an ASSIGN especially for Serendipity.
All the source codes also included in the distribution.