A 64kb intro. Meant to be released at Saturne Party 5, but the
competitions were cancelled. Third attempt to make an intro during
the last five months... Needs SetPatch & loves all caches.
Code, design - Thain
Code - Kalsu
Code - Neure
Music - Muffler/Haujobb^DCS
End logo - Dvize/Limited Edition
- Thanks to Scout/C-Lous^Artwork^Appendix for the C2P-routines and
to Harry Sintonen for the SpeedyChip patch (activated on 040+).
- Special thanks to Jamie/Mystic..anyway!
- Greetings to all friends at #AmyCoders...
Requires A1200 (68030 + Fastmem recommended)
Tested on A1200 and A4000, 020-060, with and without Fast..