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Release Date: 26-May-2019
Code & Music: Antiriad (Jonathan Bennett <jon@autoitscript.com)
Amiga 500 OCS chipset with 512KB RAM or better.
A small lametro written after a bout of of nostalgia. Called Parcade after
visiting my friend Chris Parsons home retro-arcade meetup which sparked
the idea to try and code again after 25+ years :)
Check out Chris's Vectrex games at: http://www.vectorrepublic.co.uk/
Starfield and text.
Simple enough. Dual bitplanes.
Huge sine scroller.
Uses a 8x8 bitmap font to create a 64x144 high scroller. Could easily be
full screen but it gets unreadable :)
Was always in awe of Dan's sine scroller in Digital Innovation and wanted
to do one someday. Dan and Ross on EAB give me a lot of tips for this one -
I had no idea back in the day that a blitter vertical fill existed!
I always loved Glenz Vectors but in 1992 I couldn't work out how they were
done. In 2019 I opened up the copper list of Paradroid's Deja Vu in WinUAE
and looked at the colours and it was an "ahhhhh" moment :)
To make it more interesting I've mixed a complex / morphing vector routine in
there. The complex vectors are running in 2 frames and eventually morph into
a glenz vector running in 1 frame. The hard part was making the transition from
2 to 1 frames look seamless. The routine actually changes objects 4 times using
different palettes to mask the object changes. Also the routine has to rotate
and morph at the same perceived speed whether running in 1 or 2 frames to make
it look right.
Thanks and Greetings
Photon/Scoopex. Thank you for publishing your YouTube tutorial. All of my old
assembler sources were badly or not at all commented (my stupid 15 year old self).
Watching your videos was a wonderful refresher - so many "ahhh I remember now"
moments. :)
Greetz to anyone on English Amiga Board (http://eab.abime.net/) who replied to
any of my posts during coding. Sorry if I missed your name!
Ross, Dan, meynaf, NorthWay, Photon, phx, mcgeezer, hooverphonique, Bruce Abbott,
Don_Adan, StringRay, zero, Rmt, meeku.
Contents of demo/intro/Parcade.zip
Archive: /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//demo/intro/Parcade.zip
Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ----
0 Stored 0 0% 2019-05-26 16:26 00000000 Parcade/
9763192 Defl:N 9718075 1% 2019-01-16 16:33 ba2765ee Parcade/Antiriad 10 (2.2).m4a
18484 Defl:N 2098 89% 2019-05-25 14:01 84316195 Parcade/mod.Antiriad 10 (1991)
76676 Defl:N 10885 86% 2019-05-25 14:00 4abd127b Parcade/mod.Antiriad 10 (2.0)
901120 Defl:N 88654 90% 2019-05-25 15:03 91e10eb5 Parcade/Parcade.adf
2155 Defl:N 1220 43% 2019-05-25 15:02 5e0a709c Parcade/ReadMe.txt
0 Stored 0 0% 2019-05-26 16:20 00000000 Parcade/Source/
37862 Defl:N 10157 73% 2019-05-25 14:46 8f36af24 Parcade/Source/BigSineScroller_1.4.s
0 Stored 0 0% 2019-05-26 16:20 00000000 Parcade/Source/bin/
6762 Defl:N 637 91% 2019-05-04 17:38 92e66d25 Parcade/Source/bin/sine_0-103_1024_words.i
6762 Defl:N 761 89% 2019-05-05 08:55 2c3e92f5 Parcade/Source/bin/sine_0-151_1024_words.i
6762 Defl:N 502 93% 2019-05-03 11:01 4c4a7877 Parcade/Source/bin/sine_0-59_1024_words.i
1692 Defl:N 102 94% 2019-04-27 13:14 87455402 Parcade/Source/bin/Sine_0_6_256_words.i
20890 Defl:N 5703 73% 2019-05-25 14:48 d3e63cd0 Parcade/Source/BOBSnake_1.6.s
9724 Defl:N 3536 64% 2019-05-24 13:53 0b55f976 Parcade/Source/CustomMacros.i
0 Stored 0 0% 2019-05-26 16:20 00000000 Parcade/Source/gfx/
18936 Defl:N 1269 93% 2019-05-03 15:52 62009cd8 Parcade/Source/gfx/Antiriad2_8px_320x224.iff
74687 Defl:N 16889 77% 2019-05-03 15:51 fb106022 Parcade/Source/gfx/Antiriad2_8px_320x224.psd
8960 Defl:N 392 96% 2019-05-03 15:58 96a2ab31 Parcade/Source/gfx/Antiriad2_8px_320x224.raw
33982 Defl:N 27459 19% 2019-04-17 22:57 eb837384 Parcade/Source/gfx/Antiriad_Production_320x229x5.iff
45864 Defl:N 25909 44% 2019-04-17 22:58 cc7ba45c Parcade/Source/gfx/Antiriad_Production_320x229x5.raw
284 Defl:N 209 26% 2019-04-17 16:16 fad3f3d3 Parcade/Source/gfx/ball4_32x16x3.iff
1076 Defl:N 746 31% 2019-04-17 15:41 64d59438 Parcade/Source/gfx/ball4_32x16x3.png
208 Defl:N 163 22% 2019-04-17 16:54 7c892f02 Parcade/Source/gfx/ball4_32x16x3_inter.raw
392 Defl:N 167 57% 2019-04-17 17:17 79257793 Parcade/Source/gfx/ball4_32x16x3_mask.iff
192 Defl:N 32 83% 2019-04-17 17:29 eea23879 Parcade/Source/gfx/ball4_32x16x3_mask_inter.raw
4384 Defl:N 575 87% 2016-03-19 14:04 81024ff2 Parcade/Source/gfx/IceFont_320x112.IFF
4520 Defl:N 428 91% 2016-03-19 14:04 b0d3146c Parcade/Source/gfx/IceFont_320x112.RAW
9932 Defl:N 5946 40% 2016-03-27 10:11 8f029d4b Parcade/Source/gfx/parcade_logo2_320x70.iff
6509 Defl:N 6127 6% 2016-03-26 16:57 1f4087cd Parcade/Source/gfx/parcade_logo2_320x70.png
134468 Defl:N 85234 37% 2016-03-26 16:21 68a43d02 Parcade/Source/gfx/parcade_logo2_320x70.psd
11232 Defl:N 5480 51% 2016-03-27 10:18 56c6ee66 Parcade/Source/gfx/parcade_logo2_320x70x4.raw
104081 Defl:N 24448 77% 2019-05-25 14:50 dd93fdf9 Parcade/Source/GlenzSimple_1.23.s
1155 Defl:N 402 65% 2019-05-26 15:56 780d1645 Parcade/Source/GlenzVectorNotes.txt
16065 Defl:N 5050 69% 2019-05-25 14:47 22a91e8a Parcade/Source/IntroFramework.i
4729 Defl:N 1132 76% 2019-05-25 14:47 49c98ef3 Parcade/Source/IntroSharedData.i
3302 Defl:N 1316 60% 2019-05-25 14:49 f4213281 Parcade/Source/IntroStandalone.i
6703 Defl:N 2205 67% 2019-05-25 14:47 f5840ea0 Parcade/Source/IntroWrapper_1.2.s
9779 Defl:N 2999 69% 2019-05-25 14:48 e4227132 Parcade/Source/Logo_1.0.s
0 Stored 0 0% 2019-05-26 16:20 00000000 Parcade/Source/music/
27998 Defl:N 9697 65% 2019-05-25 14:03 faad0f7f Parcade/Source/music/P61.Antiriad_10_2.0.9456
97501 Defl:N 24819 75% 2016-03-25 11:25 08595d36 Parcade/Source/music/P6112-Play.i
5124 Defl:N 1140 78% 2019-05-08 08:34 ca00c631 Parcade/Source/Obj_Cube24.i
3757 Defl:N 984 74% 2019-05-08 08:32 6a5a82ee Parcade/Source/Obj_C_Cube12.i
5889 Defl:N 1234 79% 2019-05-08 08:29 e29538e9 Parcade/Source/Obj_C_Cube24.i
5225 Defl:N 1222 77% 2019-04-29 23:38 81f62cd6 Parcade/Source/Obj_C_VectorRepublic_Simple.i
9283 Defl:N 2007 78% 2019-05-08 08:31 f4121798 Parcade/Source/Obj_Glenz24.i
1835 Defl:N 602 67% 2019-05-19 14:28 319ad76b Parcade/Source/RGB12_Interpolate.i
44211 Defl:N 9514 79% 2019-05-25 14:46 20a6fca3 Parcade/Source/TextWall_1.6.s
10013 Defl:N 2024 80% 2019-05-26 15:52 ec98ecd8 Parcade/Source/VEC_ControllerScript.i
1088 Defl:N 626 43% 2019-05-25 14:20 473a6308 Parcade/Source/_License.txt
614 Defl:N 399 35% 2019-05-25 14:52 9eef6d22 Parcade/Source/_ReadMe_Assembling.txt
-------- ------- --- -------
11566059 10111175 13% 52 files
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