84783 packages online
demo/aga/solectron.lha |
No screenshot available
-> Solectron / Ukonx 1998 <-
( 030 -> 060 version )
2nd place at Slach Party 98 :(
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPECIAL GREETING TO MIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go to the slach party site : http://www.multimania.com/myke666 !!!
u can contact me there:
deemphasis@wanadoo.fr (sorry)
or the zikos at:
unison@caramail.com (if it works :))
RDV at the volcanic party 5 with a PPC demo!!
http://www.multimania.com/ukonx99 for informations about the Ukonx Party 99
(9 to 11 April 99, Vesoul (70), France)
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1233 596 51.6% 30-Jan-99 07:23:16 ukx_solectron.info
307200 105312 65.7% 19-Feb-80 02:05:46 ukx_solectron/datas/007_640x480.chunky
556 424 23.7% 29-Jan-80 02:35:56 ukx_solectron/datas/BlackBorder
20480 17089 16.5% 29-Jan-80 02:35:54 ukx_solectron/datas/bump_peri.chunky
20480 16668 18.6% 31-Dec-99 23:59:06 ukx_solectron/datas/bump_slach.chunky
163840 23179 85.8% 31-Dec-99 23:59:02 ukx_solectron/datas/deform320x512_c.chunky
327680 151920 53.6% 19-Feb-80 02:05:50 ukx_solectron/datas/deform_table.dat
131072 12928 90.1% 19-Feb-80 02:05:52 ukx_solectron/datas/env_text.chunky
65536 32409 50.5% 31-Dec-99 23:59:04 ukx_solectron/datas/FDtunnel.chunky
307200 170744 44.4% 19-Feb-80 02:06:06 ukx_solectron/datas/finlogo.raw
32000 465 98.5% 19-Feb-80 02:06:06 ukx_solectron/datas/greeting160x200.chunky
81920 2857 96.5% 19-Feb-80 03:27:12 ukx_solectron/datas/greets.chunky
20480 14258 30.3% 19-Feb-80 02:36:34 ukx_solectron/datas/greets_fond.chunky
614400 287366 53.2% 19-Feb-80 02:06:18 ukx_solectron/datas/inf_tablex.dat
614400 247952 59.6% 19-Feb-80 02:06:52 ukx_solectron/datas/inf_tablex_2.dat
614400 90102 85.3% 19-Feb-80 02:06:22 ukx_solectron/datas/inf_tabley_480.dat
614400 78561 87.2% 19-Feb-80 02:06:56 ukx_solectron/datas/inf_tabley_480_2.dat
16849 1155 93.1% 07-Jul-80 19:15:02 ukx_solectron/datas/intro_texte203x83.chunky
852758 496718 41.7% 19-Feb-80 03:33:36 ukx_solectron/datas/mod.slach1_deem
1002690 669683 33.2% 19-Feb-80 03:04:40 ukx_solectron/datas/mod.slach_part2
199734 134019 32.9% 05-Jan-80 23:34:58 ukx_solectron/datas/mod.slachfin
6816 3682 45.9% 26-Feb-92 08:26:08 ukx_solectron/datas/ptreplay.library
307200 116647 62.0% 19-Feb-80 02:08:38 ukx_solectron/datas/REGARD.chunky
262144 28174 89.2% 11-Jan-80 22:29:48 ukx_solectron/datas/scene3d_tex.chunky
307200 115991 62.2% 19-Feb-80 04:06:00 ukx_solectron/datas/solectron.raw
1048576 676362 35.4% 29-Jan-80 02:35:52 ukx_solectron/datas/tableatan.dat
280000 1649 99.4% 19-Feb-80 02:06:04 ukx_solectron/datas/tablesqrt.dat
12800 42 99.6% 19-Feb-80 02:06:44 ukx_solectron/datas/TZbob256x50.chunky
15632 5158 67.0% 19-Feb-80 02:06:22 ukx_solectron/datas/ukonxlum_1954p.dat
629 300 52.3% 19-Feb-80 03:35:36 ukx_solectron/read_me_now!.ascii
149748 65830 56.0% 19-Feb-80 03:39:56 ukx_solectron/solectron.exe
3182 1237 61.1% 30-Jan-99 07:34:00 solectron.readme
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
8403235 3569477 57.5% 30-Jan-99 07:35:20 32 files
Contents of demo/aga/solectron.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 596 1233 48.3% -lh5- 43b9 Jan 30 1999 ukx_solectron.info
[generic] 105312 307200 34.3% -lh5- e242 Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/007_640x480.chunky
[generic] 424 556 76.3% -lh5- 806e Jan 29 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/BlackBorder
[generic] 17089 20480 83.4% -lh5- af47 Jan 29 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/bump_peri.chunky
[generic] 16668 20480 81.4% -lh5- 526b Dec 31 1999 ukx_solectron/datas/bump_slach.chunky
[generic] 23179 163840 14.1% -lh5- 0c33 Dec 31 1999 ukx_solectron/datas/deform320x512_c.chunky
[generic] 151920 327680 46.4% -lh5- c97d Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/deform_table.dat
[generic] 12928 131072 9.9% -lh5- 346a Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/env_text.chunky
[generic] 32409 65536 49.5% -lh5- c8cb Dec 31 1999 ukx_solectron/datas/FDtunnel.chunky
[generic] 170744 307200 55.6% -lh5- 2d3f Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/finlogo.raw
[generic] 465 32000 1.5% -lh5- 129c Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/greeting160x200.chunky
[generic] 2857 81920 3.5% -lh5- f57b Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/greets.chunky
[generic] 14258 20480 69.6% -lh5- b9f6 Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/greets_fond.chunky
[generic] 287366 614400 46.8% -lh5- 6d7c Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/inf_tablex.dat
[generic] 247952 614400 40.4% -lh5- 70c7 Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/inf_tablex_2.dat
[generic] 90102 614400 14.7% -lh5- 1c91 Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/inf_tabley_480.dat
[generic] 78561 614400 12.8% -lh5- e51a Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/inf_tabley_480_2.dat
[generic] 1155 16849 6.9% -lh5- 3a84 Jul 7 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/intro_texte203x83.chunky
[generic] 496718 852758 58.2% -lh5- 66bb Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/mod.slach1_deem
[generic] 669683 1002690 66.8% -lh5- f623 Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/mod.slach_part2
[generic] 134019 199734 67.1% -lh5- 941a Jan 5 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/mod.slachfin
[generic] 3682 6816 54.0% -lh5- 4ba4 Feb 26 1992 ukx_solectron/datas/ptreplay.library
[generic] 116647 307200 38.0% -lh5- c686 Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/REGARD.chunky
[generic] 28174 262144 10.7% -lh5- 6aac Jan 11 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/scene3d_tex.chunky
[generic] 115991 307200 37.8% -lh5- caf7 Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/solectron.raw
[generic] 676362 1048576 64.5% -lh5- f59e Jan 29 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/tableatan.dat
[generic] 1649 280000 0.6% -lh5- 2248 Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/tablesqrt.dat
[generic] 42 12800 0.3% -lh5- 1241 Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/TZbob256x50.chunky
[generic] 5158 15632 33.0% -lh5- f865 Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/datas/ukonxlum_1954p.dat
[generic] 300 629 47.7% -lh5- ea15 Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/read_me_now!.ascii
[generic] 65830 149748 44.0% -lh5- 48fd Feb 19 1980 ukx_solectron/solectron.exe
[generic] 1237 3182 38.9% -lh5- 2f66 Jan 30 1999 solectron.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 32 files 3569477 8403235 42.5% Jan 31 1999
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