84783 packages online
demo/aga/MKD_Rebus.lha |
No screenshot available
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(2002) #\
This Demonstration Work is from the Mankind Artistical & Scientific
Demo Group. (http://www.m4nkind.com) copyrighted november 2002.
It would have been released at the excellent "crau party" in france.
No further need to say that this work is in most forms a revolution
that couldn't be discussed in any way.
This version needs an Amiga with a warpos mesaGL installed, plus
the dbplayer.library in "libs:" for the music. cybergraphics compatible
library is also needed. a bug-free JPEG datatype is also needed.
You can find all of these free stuffs on aminet.
the way this demo will react is strictly conditioned by your GL / GLUT
drivers configurations.
a 68040/60 MesaGL version may be compiled quickly in the future.
Note this OpenGL1.1 demo is also freely available on linux, mac and
windows platforms on different packages.
some greetings !
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Contents of demo/aga/MKD_Rebus.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
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---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 59 files 780433 1408715 55.4% Nov 17 2002
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