requires: Tested on A1220+4 Mega of Fast.
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Present a new Production
>> A M I G A R U L E S 2 <<
Release For The Spoletium 98 Amiga Party & also for Fun,
Friendship and for all Amiga, Manga & Techno Fans in the World!!!;)
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -
Code: Alabama(90.60.90)
Gfx,Anims,Design,Story Board & Ideas: Black Dragon(More Work Please!!!)
Stereo Music: Apply Within & Black Dragon(Composed
by Apply Within & mix+Convertion by
Black Dragon)
Moral Support: HP & Clo!(Zzzz...ZZzzzzzz...ZzzZz..)
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -
Important Note: This Production is only 1 Minute Long but you need to
-------------- see it more than Once coz I have put lot's of Detailled
Animations like for The little Visitors who are Coming!
Pre-Calculated effects are: - Motion Blur
- Morphing
- 3D Mapped Rotating
- Smooth
- Scrollers
- Psychedelics Colors
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -
Advertissement: To Find The CD Of this Prod Music, Just Go to a Techno
-------------- CD Shop and ask for: "Space Grass" by Apply Within
Sperm Records Label
released in 13/12/93
"The Sperm Bank" Compilation
Sperm Records Label
released in 13/11/95
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -
I have Tested The Demo on an AMIGA 1200+BLIZZARD 1220 CARD+4 MEGA OF FAST!!!
Sorry.... No time for Other Tests!!!!(No real Timing on Other Configuration)
The Demo Works without Fast Memory but it's looks UGLY(and you loose lots of
To install this Demo on your HD:
- You have a File called Ho-Amiga2.lha, Use a LHA Utility Like This:
LHA -x -M x HD:Ho-AMIGA2.lha ram:
- You Found now 5 Files!!!!:
- AmigaRules2.exe (executable File)
- AmigaRules2 (HD Install!!??)
- (Icon)
- AmigaRules2.Read_Me (this Text)
- File_id.diz (Short info)
- Just execute the file called "AmigaRules2.exe"
or use the Icon Info!!!!(for HD user!!)
And Enjoy the Show!!!
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -
Official HONOO MembersList
(Organiser, Musician, Graphician, Swapper, Ascii Art.,Article Wr., Packmaker)
(Organiser, Graphician, Musician)
(Musician, Ascii Artist, Swapper)
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -
For Joining HONOO write to:
Black Dragon HP
Paul Pacheco Henrique Pacheco
2 Avenue Paul Brard 2 Avenue Paul Brard
78700 Conflans St Honorine 78700 Conflans St Honorine
France France
< < HONOO -The Dragon Breath- > >