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comm/news/FlushHeaders.lha |
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Short: | FlushHeaders for Yam2NN_087 V39.20 |
Author: | "Karol Bryd" kbryd femina.com.pl "& H. vd Ree" hivdree uwnet.nl |
Uploader: | H van der Ree <hivdree uwnet nl> |
Type: | comm/news |
Version: | 39.20 (1-May-2003) |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2003-05-02 |
Requires: | OS3.x, 68020, Yam2NN_0.87, YAM2.x and REXX. |
Replaces: | comm/news/FlushHeaders.lha |
Download: | comm/news/FlushHeaders.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/news/FlushHeaders.readme |
Downloads: | 5687 |
New version of FlushHeaders for Yam2NN v0.87.
Changes from version 1.00 (1-Jun-2001)
Version now reflects the minimum needed OS.
Removed Enforcer hits!!
If the .folders file is newer than the YAM2NN.folders file the last
one is rewriten.
Added check for YAM 2.4's different .folders file.
FlushHeaders' task is to delete all files found in the Delete folder of
YAM and if it is a newsposting to look for a matching headerfile in
NNTP-Headers and delete that too.
This new version of FlushHeaders now knows the format of the file
Yam2NN.folders as written by Yam2NN v0.87. Even better, it produces a
version of the file Yam2NN.folders that contains only the four standard
YAM folders, your newsfolders AND takes care of separatorbars if YAM is
version 2.3 or lower!
To get this 'new' version rename or delete your existing Yam2NN.folders
file. Then run FlushHeaders from a shell while YAM is running. Or simply
start YAM if you are using the rexx script 'FlushUnusedHeaders.rexx',
** AFTER ** replacing the old FlushHeaders with this new one.
The version of 'FlushUnusedHeaders.rexx' in this archive is stipped down
to only the command FlushHeaders. You do not need more, unless you want
to select another folder than 'Incoming' which is selected by
Because Yam2NN v0.87 checks for changes in YAM:.folders and if found
writes out a new Yam2NN.folders file, you may have to repeat the above.
But it only makes sense if you have separatorbars in your YAM folderslist
and use an older version of YAM.
Other changes are:
* It frees all used memory!
* It quits if an error occurs, but without any output. Use SnoopDos to
find out why.
* It will look for the headerfile in all subdirectories of NNTP-Headers
if it cannot find it because the posting was a cross-posting.
It is a drop-in replacement for the old FlushHeaders as found in the
archive 2b_Yam2NN.lha, so copy it to your C: directory.
This version was done by H. van der Ree and compiles with DICE 3.16.
It requires OS3.x and a 68020 or better. It works with YAM 2.2, YAM 2.3,
YAM 2.4, OS 3.1 and OS 3.9.
** FlushHeaders is part of YAM2NN - Usenet access for YAM p7 and
** newer, copyright (C) 1999 Karol Bryd <kbryd@femina.com.pl>
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
** of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
Contents of comm/news/FlushHeaders.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 279 637 43.8% -lh5- b959 May 1 2003 FlushHeaders.info
[generic] 1779 2688 66.2% -lh5- aca4 May 1 2003 FlushHeaders/C/DeleteOldNews
[generic] 3960 7204 55.0% -lh5- a7ba May 1 2003 FlushHeaders/C/FlushHeaders
[generic] 2444 4192 58.3% -lh5- fa63 May 1 2003 FlushHeaders/C/GetFolderPath
[generic] 7097 19064 37.2% -lh5- 02ea May 1 2003 FlushHeaders/COPYING
[generic] 900 1577 57.1% -lh5- 3bbb May 1 2003 FlushHeaders/DeleteOldNews.doc
[generic] 280 530 52.8% -lh5- d4b8 May 1 2003 FlushHeaders/DeleteOldNews.doc.info
[generic] 1488 3058 48.7% -lh5- e18d May 1 2003 FlushHeaders/FlushHeaders.readme
[generic] 280 530 52.8% -lh5- 3f51 May 1 2003 FlushHeaders/FlushHeaders.readme.info
[generic] 7202 22520 32.0% -lh5- 1570 May 1 2003 FlushHeaders/New-Source/NewSource.lha
[generic] 9411 31657 29.7% -lh5- a941 May 1 2003 FlushHeaders/Old-Source/OldSource.lha
[generic] 229 361 63.4% -lh5- 46f4 May 1 2003 FlushHeaders/Rexx/FlushUnusedHeaders.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 12 files 35349 94018 37.6% May 2 2003
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