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Short: | Usenet access for YAM 2.0+ v. 0.84 |
Author: | kbryd femina.com.pl (Karol Bryd) |
Uploader: | kbryd femina com pl (Karol Bryd) |
Type: | comm/news |
Version: | 0.84 (99-Feb-12) |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-02-20 |
Requires: | KS 3.0+, YAM 2.0+ |
Replaces: | comm/news/2b_Yam2NN.lha |
Download: | comm/news/2b_Yam2NN.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/news/2b_Yam2NN.readme |
Downloads: | 8522 |
*** This is still a beta version ***
If you had sent me a postcard and you didn't get your key,
then please email me and send me your full name. Sorry for this...
Jeûeli wysîaîeô mi kartkë pocztowâ i nie dostaîeô klucza to
poinformuj mnie. Przepraszam za to...
Remove NNTPSend.rexx ARexx script and replace it's name
in YAM configuration (Config/Arexx scripts/'Scripts' menu entry X)
with "C:Yam2NN POST ALL" - it's an AmigaDOS command, of course).
And don't forget to copy new ARexx scripts to YAM:Rexx directory.
There are two versions of Yam2NN - one named Yam2NN.debug should
be used only when normal version crashes or works incorrectly.
This version creates a log that is saved to YAM: directory to
a file YAM2NN.debug - in case of any problems send me that file.
Wystarczy tylko zamiast wywoîania wkryptu NNTPSend.rexx
w (Config/Arexx scripts/'Scripts' menu entry X) wpisaê
"C:Yam2NN POST ALL". Poza tym musisz jeszcze przekopiowaê
nowe skrypty do katalogu YAM:Rexx. To powinno wystarczyê :-)
Od tej wersji w archiwum sa dwie wersje Yam2NN - jedna normalna
i druga 'debug' - ta wersje pownienies uzywac tylko w przypadku gdy
wersja normalna bedzie sie wieszac lub dzialac niewlasciwie.
Ta wersja tworzy log, ktory jest zapisywany do katalogu YAM:
do pliku YAM2NN.debug - w przypadku problemow przyslij mi ten
STATUS: ShareWare (see documentation)
NOTE: This program and ARexx scripts will let your YAM 2.0+
to access the Usenet in a very simple way.
* added killfile
* added window when posting, thus changed the idea
of posting messages - it is done by Yam2NN itself
and not NNTPSend.rexx
* decoding of MIME headers (Subject and From), both
Quoted-Printable and Base64 are implemented
* preselection window
* quite simple installation
* RFCs compliant
* configuration program
* simple usage
* makes use of YAM 2.0 - the best mailer for Amiga
* written in 97% C (those 3% are ARexx scripts :)
Here you can send postcards, gifts or...(bombs are sent back
immediately :)
If you want to register Yam2NN then don't forget about sending
me your FULL name.
Here is my snail mail address:
Karol Bryd
Piaski Brzustowskie 194a
27-520 Cmielow
Contents of comm/news/2b_Yam2NN.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 714 1352 52.8% -lh5- 8757 Nov 22 1998 2b_yam2nn/Example_config.info
[generic] 280 454 61.7% -lh5- c100 Feb 5 1999 2b_yam2nn/rexx/CreateMsgDataBase.rexx
[generic] 215 337 63.8% -lh5- 7880 Aug 15 1998 2b_yam2nn/rexx/FlushUnusedHeaders.rexx
[generic] 224 354 63.3% -lh5- d8fc Feb 13 1999 2b_yam2nn/rexx/GetName.rexx
[generic] 241 380 63.4% -lh5- 3785 Jan 24 1999 2b_yam2nn/rexx/GetYAMPath.rexx
[generic] 460 824 55.8% -lh5- 6329 Feb 11 1999 2b_yam2nn/rexx/Plonk.rexx
[generic] 959 1452 66.0% -lh5- 5b84 Sep 24 1998 2b_yam2nn/YAM2NN_English.guide.info
[generic] 1632 4726 34.5% -lh5- cf55 Sep 28 1998 2b_yam2nn/YAM2NN_guide.skeleton
[generic] 5141 12227 42.0% -lh5- 6982 Jan 31 1999 2b_yam2nn/YAM2NN_Italiano.guide
[generic] 959 1452 66.0% -lh5- e508 Sep 24 1998 2b_yam2nn/YAM2NN_Italiano.guide.info
[generic] 959 1452 66.0% -lh5- e4e6 Sep 24 1998 2b_yam2nn/YAM2NN_Polski.guide.info
[generic] 17799 34888 51.0% -lh5- 4654 Jan 5 1999 2b_yam2nn/YAM2NNConfig
[generic] 1214 3130 38.8% -lh5- 8f48 Nov 22 1998 2b_yam2nn/Yam2NNConfig.info
[generic] 1427 2670 53.4% -lh5- e881 Feb 12 1999 2b_yam2nn/2b_Yam2NN.readme
[generic] 3188 4952 64.4% -lh5- 9161 Dec 2 1998 2b_yam2nn/c/FlushHeaders
[generic] 28436 50728 56.1% -lh5- 837a Feb 13 1999 2b_yam2nn/c/Yam2NN
[generic] 30321 53920 56.2% -lh5- eabc Feb 13 1999 2b_yam2nn/c/Yam2NN.debug
[generic] 714 1352 52.8% -lh5- 8757 Sep 26 1998 2b_yam2nn/Catalogs.info
[generic] 960 1822 52.7% -lh5- 0706 Jan 25 1999 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/polski/yam2nn.catalog
[generic] 1122 2268 49.5% -lh5- 01b1 Jan 24 1999 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/polski/yam2nn_polski.ct
[generic] 276 648 42.6% -lh5- d816 Dec 16 1998 2b_yam2nn/example_config/yam2nn.config
[generic] 43 55 78.2% -lh5- 54ab Dec 16 1998 2b_yam2nn/example_config/yam2nn.hosts
[generic] 1427 2670 53.4% -lh5- e881 Feb 12 1999 2b_yam2nn/IMPORTANT.txt
[generic] 98 115 85.2% -lh5- b882 Dec 12 1998 2b_yam2nn/Translation_info.txt
[generic] 6898 16930 40.7% -lh5- a27a Feb 13 1999 2b_yam2nn/YAM2NN_English.guide
[generic] 8997 21081 42.7% -lh5- 0c7b Feb 12 1999 2b_yam2nn/YAM2NN_Polski.guide
[generic] 935 1828 51.1% -lh5- 587f Jan 9 1999 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/deutsch/Yam2NN.catalog
[generic] 1076 2283 47.1% -lh5- 181f Jan 9 1999 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/deutsch/YAM2NN.ct
[generic] 862 1716 50.2% -lh5- 27f5 Jan 9 1999 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/deutsch/Yam2NNConfig.catalog
[generic] 1124 2453 45.8% -lh5- 1f42 Jan 9 1999 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/deutsch/YAM2NNConfig.ct
[generic] 990 1924 51.5% -lh5- 603f Jan 7 1999 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/francais/Yam2NN.catalog
[generic] 944 1870 50.5% -lh5- 0e82 Jan 7 1999 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/francais/Yam2NNConfig.catalog
[generic] 1422 3438 41.4% -lh5- 1afc Jan 7 1999 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/francais/Yam2NNConfig.ct
[generic] 941 1716 54.8% -lh5- ec19 Aug 22 1998 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/polski/Yam2NNConfig.catalog
[generic] 947 1798 52.7% -lh5- d1c9 Aug 22 1998 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/polski/YAM2NNConfig_Polski.ct
[generic] 713 1352 52.7% -lh5- 6f96 Jul 22 1998 2b_Yam2NN.info
[generic] 1532 3620 42.3% -lh5- 192d Jan 7 1999 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/francais/YAM2NN.ct
[generic] 964 2398 40.2% -lh5- 6375 Jan 25 1999 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/YAM2NN.cd
[generic] 990 2520 39.3% -lh5- 016e Aug 22 1998 2b_yam2nn/catalogs/YAM2NNConfig.cd
[generic] 6498 23316 27.9% -lh5- f626 Jul 26 1998 2b_yam2nn/newsgroups.list
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 40 files 134642 274471 49.1% Feb 20 1999
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