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This is the last archive for Killer-Comment, it contains both the
executable and the source code. The source code has never been
made available before.
Killer-Comment is a program made the Ami-Express BBS system. It
serves as a replacement for the built-in 'C' command. Instead of
just writing a comment to the sysop the user can now choose from
a list of people. Users can make their choice with their cursor
keys or their keyboard. It has limited intelligence in the sense
that it's able to recognize to whom a message must be written if
a part of the name is given as an argument.
For instance, if "C killr" is entered on the command line of Ami-
Express, Killer-Comment will be able to tell it's supposed to be
sent to Killraven/MYSTiC (given that that name is in the list of
people who can get a comment).
More features can be found in the guide that comes with this
This archive may freely be distributed as long as it's spread in
it's original form. Killer-Comment was made by Robert Kersbergen
(aka Killraven/MYSTiC).
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
5137 1837 64.2% 11-Oct-94 15:46:52 amiconsasc.c
2440 1292 47.0% 11-Oct-94 15:47:22 amiconsasc.o
2117 656 69.0% 08-Oct-94 16:23:18 amiconsasc_protos.h
4532 2035 55.0% 17-Dec-95 20:02:46 Comment.C
6517 2039 68.7% 21-Dec-95 14:10:16 Comment.H
11857 3955 66.6% 11-Apr-95 17:21:46 Comment_Disc.C
358 191 46.6% 26-Dec-94 00:56:34 Comment_Disc_protos.h
1018 496 51.2% 17-Dec-95 19:30:16 Comment_Header.C
87 78 10.3% 17-Dec-95 19:05:24 Comment_Header_protos.h
1184 644 45.6% 17-Dec-95 20:02:38 Comment_Init.C
116 98 15.5% 17-Dec-95 15:57:44 Comment_Init_protos.h
687 326 52.5% 13-Oct-94 19:54:06 Comment_protos.h
2165 631 70.8% 17-Dec-95 15:55:40 Comment_Routines.C
152 110 27.6% 17-Dec-95 15:59:20 Comment_Routines_protos.h
9485 2795 70.5% 17-Dec-95 22:31:48 Comment_Select.C
89 83 6.7% 17-Dec-95 16:00:16 Comment_Select_protos.h
7117 2233 68.6% 25-Dec-95 22:09:54 Comment_Stats.C
87 75 13.7% 17-Dec-95 16:01:04 Comment_Stats_protos.h
26012 14553 44.0% 14-Feb-95 22:57:52 Config/KC-Config
2217 1018 54.0% 13-Feb-96 22:27:40 Config/KC-Config.info
16535 5034 69.5% 14-Feb-95 22:56:56 Config/KiLLER_CG_Standard.C
498 277 44.3% 19-Oct-94 18:41:26 Config/KiLLER_CG_Standard_protos.h
6214 1343 78.3% 20-Oct-94 19:48:54 Config/KiLLER_Comment.GUI
7441 2212 70.2% 29-Jun-95 14:14:48 Config/KiLLER_Comment.H
9366 2330 75.1% 20-Oct-94 19:49:26 Config/KiLLER_Comment_GUI.c
3952 850 78.4% 20-Oct-94 19:49:44 Config/KiLLER_Comment_GUI.h
15808 4255 73.0% 14-Feb-95 22:56:32 Config/KiLLER_Comment_Prefs.C
938 377 59.8% 19-Oct-94 18:43:24 Config/KiLLER_Comment_Prefs_protos.h
1230 562 54.3% 15-Oct-94 17:02:42 Config/smakefile
1516 553 63.5% 19-Dec-95 20:39:22 Icons/C.info
28052 15816 43.6% 25-Dec-95 22:13:24 KiLLER-Comment
2242 1240 44.6% 24-Nov-96 20:30:58 KiLLER-Comment.Comments
33773 11791 65.0% 25-Dec-95 22:10:34 KiLLER-Comment.Guide
5206 808 84.4% 08-Mar-96 14:08:24 KiLLER-Comment.Guide.info
584 178 69.5% 17-Dec-95 16:18:44 KiLLER-Comment.Header
1233 669 45.7% 24-Nov-96 20:41:44 ReadMeFirst.ASCII
9 9 0.0% 11-Apr-95 17:21:26 SCOPTIONS
728 415 42.9% 19-Dec-95 20:36:26 smakefile
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
218699 83864 61.6% 24-Nov-96 20:42:40 38 files
Contents of comm/amiex/KLR-KComSRC.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1837 5137 35.8% -lh5- 4e0b Oct 11 1994 amiconsasc.c
[generic] 1292 2440 53.0% -lh5- 75a7 Oct 11 1994 amiconsasc.o
[generic] 656 2117 31.0% -lh5- c453 Oct 8 1994 amiconsasc_protos.h
[generic] 2035 4532 44.9% -lh5- 2154 Dec 17 1995 Comment.C
[generic] 2039 6517 31.3% -lh5- bb19 Dec 21 1995 Comment.H
[generic] 3955 11857 33.4% -lh5- 5051 Apr 11 1995 Comment_Disc.C
[generic] 191 358 53.4% -lh5- 7b13 Dec 26 1994 Comment_Disc_protos.h
[generic] 496 1018 48.7% -lh5- 978b Dec 17 1995 Comment_Header.C
[generic] 78 87 89.7% -lh5- a891 Dec 17 1995 Comment_Header_protos.h
[generic] 644 1184 54.4% -lh5- c9d6 Dec 17 1995 Comment_Init.C
[generic] 98 116 84.5% -lh5- 1429 Dec 17 1995 Comment_Init_protos.h
[generic] 326 687 47.5% -lh5- ae9c Oct 13 1994 Comment_protos.h
[generic] 631 2165 29.1% -lh5- 9190 Dec 17 1995 Comment_Routines.C
[generic] 110 152 72.4% -lh5- 0344 Dec 17 1995 Comment_Routines_protos.h
[generic] 2795 9485 29.5% -lh5- 9080 Dec 17 1995 Comment_Select.C
[generic] 83 89 93.3% -lh5- 8362 Dec 17 1995 Comment_Select_protos.h
[generic] 2233 7117 31.4% -lh5- f7b9 Dec 25 1995 Comment_Stats.C
[generic] 75 87 86.2% -lh5- da56 Dec 17 1995 Comment_Stats_protos.h
[generic] 14553 26012 55.9% -lh5- 6ffd Feb 14 1995 Config/KC-Config
[generic] 1018 2217 45.9% -lh5- 155d Feb 13 1996 Config/KC-Config.info
[generic] 5034 16535 30.4% -lh5- 8ca2 Feb 14 1995 Config/KiLLER_CG_Standard.C
[generic] 277 498 55.6% -lh5- 36ba Oct 19 1994 Config/KiLLER_CG_Standard_protos.h
[generic] 1343 6214 21.6% -lh5- e003 Oct 20 1994 Config/KiLLER_Comment.GUI
[generic] 2212 7441 29.7% -lh5- 9400 Jun 29 1995 Config/KiLLER_Comment.H
[generic] 2330 9366 24.9% -lh5- 39bd Oct 20 1994 Config/KiLLER_Comment_GUI.c
[generic] 850 3952 21.5% -lh5- ade0 Oct 20 1994 Config/KiLLER_Comment_GUI.h
[generic] 4255 15808 26.9% -lh5- b5e6 Feb 14 1995 Config/KiLLER_Comment_Prefs.C
[generic] 377 938 40.2% -lh5- 86da Oct 19 1994 Config/KiLLER_Comment_Prefs_protos.h
[generic] 562 1230 45.7% -lh5- b3d2 Oct 15 1994 Config/smakefile
[generic] 553 1516 36.5% -lh5- 3026 Dec 19 1995 Icons/C.info
[generic] 15816 28052 56.4% -lh5- 4550 Dec 25 1995 KiLLER-Comment
[generic] 1240 2242 55.3% -lh5- d164 Nov 24 1996 KiLLER-Comment.Comments
[generic] 11791 33773 34.9% -lh5- c282 Dec 25 1995 KiLLER-Comment.Guide
[generic] 808 5206 15.5% -lh5- c9dd Mar 8 1996 KiLLER-Comment.Guide.info
[generic] 178 584 30.5% -lh5- 3225 Dec 17 1995 KiLLER-Comment.Header
[generic] 669 1233 54.3% -lh5- c09f Nov 24 1996 ReadMeFirst.ASCII
[generic] 9 9 100.0% -lh0- 45c6 Apr 11 1995 scoptions
[generic] 415 728 57.0% -lh5- b69a Dec 19 1995 smakefile
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 38 files 83864 218699 38.3% Nov 25 1996
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