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Short:Chat-O-Meter Exec & Source by KLR
Author: klr at (Robert Kersbergen)
Uploader:klr quadrant xs4all nl (Robert Kersbergen)
Download:comm/amiex/KLR-ChatSRC.lha - View contents

This  is  the last archive for Chat-O-Meter, it contains both the
executable  and  the source code.  The source code has never been
made available before.

Chat-O-Meter  is  a program made for Ami-Express BBS systems.  It
keeps track of all the chats that a sysop has and is able to make
multiple   statistical  reports  about  those  chats.   For  more
information about the function of the program read the guide that
comes with it.

This  archive may freely be distributed as long as it's spread in
it's  original  form.  Both Chat-O-Meter and Chat-O-Top were made
by Robert Kersbergen (aka Killraven/MYSTiC).

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    4727    1732 63.3% 07-Feb-95 01:58:42  amicon/amiconsasc.c
    2028    1139 43.8% 14-Apr-95 13:55:58  amicon/amiconsasc.o
     562     240 57.2% 06-Feb-95 02:32:48  amicon/amiconsasc_protos.h
      30      30  0.0% 14-Apr-95 13:55:08  amicon/SCOPTIONS
   26044   13908 46.5% 29-Jun-95 17:33:26  Chat-O-Meter
   19583    5616 71.3% 29-Jun-95 17:32:08  Chat-O-Meter.C
     338     183 45.8% 26-Oct-93 20:54:02  Chat-O-Meter.Description
   34822   11923 65.7% 26-Jun-95 21:52:18  Chat-O-Meter.GUIDE
    2721     945 65.2% 29-Jun-95 17:21:22  Chat-O-Meter.H
    1127     570 49.4% 29-Jun-95 17:23:56  Chat-O-Meter_Log.C
      94      89  5.3% 29-Jun-95 17:24:14  Chat-O-Meter_Log_protos.h
     623     289 53.6% 07-Feb-95 01:12:42  Chat-O-Meter_protos.h
    5260    1740 66.9% 29-Jun-95 19:24:32  Chat-O-Meter_Top.C
     106      95 10.3% 07-Feb-95 01:15:12  Chat-O-Meter_Top_protos.h
    4676    2553 45.4% 23-Jun-95 14:14:10  Chat-O-Top/Chat-O-Top
   19896    5637 71.6% 14-Sep-96 17:23:42  Chat-O-Top/Chat-O-Top.C
   28146    8315 70.4% 28-Jun-95 19:54:10  Chat-O-Top/Chat-O-Top.Guide
    1822     430 76.3% 16-Jun-95 16:40:14  Chat-O-Top/Chat-O-Top.Header
     902     298 66.9% 16-Jun-95 16:40:30  Chat-O-Top/Chat-O-Top.Header_Asc
   33529   12149 63.7% 16-Jun-95 21:18:26  Chat-O-Top/Example.Output
     199     119 40.2% 20-Jun-95 16:59:18  Chat-O-Top/SCOPTIONS
    1263     586 53.6% 06-Feb-95 02:36:28  Icons/
    1080     476 55.9% 25-Dec-94 14:22:56  Icons/
     821     474 42.2% 24-Nov-96 20:14:42  ReadMeFirst.ASCII
     146      85 41.7% 22-Jun-95 20:45:22  SCOPTIONS
   20648    7125 65.4% 26-Jun-95 19:43:40  ScreenShots/Chat-O-Meter.Pic
   16188    5407 66.5% 22-Jun-95 23:37:44  ScreenShots/Chat-O-Top.Pic_01
   18704    6838 63.4% 22-Jun-95 23:40:08  ScreenShots/Chat-O-Top.Pic_02
   15072    5080 66.2% 22-Jun-95 23:40:56  ScreenShots/Chat-O-Top.Pic_03
   19216    6052 68.5% 22-Jun-95 23:41:40  ScreenShots/Chat-O-Top.Pic_04
   19382    6063 68.7% 22-Jun-95 23:42:14  ScreenShots/Chat-O-Top.Pic_05
   17546    5493 68.6% 22-Jun-95 23:42:52  ScreenShots/Chat-O-Top.Pic_06
     634     380 40.0% 29-Jun-95 17:21:02  smakefile
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  317935  112059 64.7% 24-Nov-96 20:16:56   33 files

Contents of comm/amiex/KLR-ChatSRC.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1732    4727  36.6% -lh5- 2b21 Feb  7  1995 amicon/amiconsasc.c
[generic]                 1139    2028  56.2% -lh5- 5152 Apr 14  1995 amicon/amiconsasc.o
[generic]                  240     562  42.7% -lh5- 7826 Feb  6  1995 amicon/amiconsasc_protos.h
[generic]                   30      30 100.0% -lh0- 04e7 Apr 14  1995 amicon/SCOPTIONS
[generic]                13908   26044  53.4% -lh5- a294 Jun 29  1995 Chat-O-Meter
[generic]                 5616   19583  28.7% -lh5- fbc5 Jun 29  1995 Chat-O-Meter.C
[generic]                  183     338  54.1% -lh5- 6bb6 Oct 26  1993 Chat-O-Meter.Description
[generic]                11923   34822  34.2% -lh5- 7f58 Jun 26  1995 Chat-O-Meter.GUIDE
[generic]                  945    2721  34.7% -lh5- 61dc Jun 29  1995 Chat-O-Meter.H
[generic]                  570    1127  50.6% -lh5- 52d3 Jun 29  1995 Chat-O-Meter_Log.C
[generic]                   89      94  94.7% -lh5- b620 Jun 29  1995 Chat-O-Meter_Log_protos.h
[generic]                  289     623  46.4% -lh5- 1fe3 Feb  7  1995 Chat-O-Meter_protos.h
[generic]                 1740    5260  33.1% -lh5- f69a Jun 29  1995 Chat-O-Meter_Top.C
[generic]                   95     106  89.6% -lh5- 8837 Feb  7  1995 Chat-O-Meter_Top_protos.h
[generic]                 2553    4676  54.6% -lh5- e698 Jun 23  1995 Chat-O-Top/Chat-O-Top
[generic]                 5637   19896  28.3% -lh5- e479 Sep 14  1996 Chat-O-Top/Chat-O-Top.C
[generic]                 8315   28146  29.5% -lh5- 9f48 Jun 28  1995 Chat-O-Top/Chat-O-Top.Guide
[generic]                  430    1822  23.6% -lh5- a0c0 Jun 16  1995 Chat-O-Top/Chat-O-Top.Header
[generic]                  298     902  33.0% -lh5- 2040 Jun 16  1995 Chat-O-Top/Chat-O-Top.Header_Asc
[generic]                12149   33529  36.2% -lh5- c0ca Jun 16  1995 Chat-O-Top/Example.Output
[generic]                  119     199  59.8% -lh5- 92db Jun 20  1995 Chat-O-Top/SCOPTIONS
[generic]                  586    1263  46.4% -lh5- 2fdf Feb  6  1995 Icons/
[generic]                  476    1080  44.1% -lh5- 0165 Dec 25  1994 Icons/
[generic]                  474     821  57.7% -lh5- b9cb Nov 24  1996 ReadMeFirst.ASCII
[generic]                   85     146  58.2% -lh5- e4ef Jun 22  1995 scoptions
[generic]                 7125   20648  34.5% -lh5- bad8 Jun 26  1995 ScreenShots/Chat-O-Meter.Pic
[generic]                 5407   16188  33.4% -lh5- e4de Jun 22  1995 ScreenShots/Chat-O-Top.Pic_01
[generic]                 6838   18704  36.6% -lh5- c281 Jun 22  1995 ScreenShots/Chat-O-Top.Pic_02
[generic]                 5080   15072  33.7% -lh5- df12 Jun 22  1995 ScreenShots/Chat-O-Top.Pic_03
[generic]                 6052   19216  31.5% -lh5- 4dcf Jun 22  1995 ScreenShots/Chat-O-Top.Pic_04
[generic]                 6063   19382  31.3% -lh5- 52c1 Jun 22  1995 ScreenShots/Chat-O-Top.Pic_05
[generic]                 5493   17546  31.3% -lh5- fbfc Jun 22  1995 ScreenShots/Chat-O-Top.Pic_06
[generic]                  380     634  59.9% -lh5- ef60 Jun 29  1995 smakefile
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        33 files  112059  317935  35.2%            Nov 25  1996
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